Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2017.02.132

UDC 330.341.1.001.12:061.1; JEL F29, O38
Lutskiv, O. M. (2017). Prohramno-stratehichne zabezpechennya realizatsiyi innovatsiynoyi polityky YeS [Program and strategic maintenance of EU innovative policy implementation]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 84(2), 132-141. [in Ukrainian].


Lutskiv Olena Mykolayivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Senior Researcher

Senior Researcher of the Department of regional economic policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

Contacts:, (032)270-7089



The article examines strategic and program tools of EU innovative policy forming and implementation. EU innovative development strategic priorities are defined. The reasons of EU lag in the intensity of innovative processes conducting from the countries (i.e. USA, Japan, North Korea and China) successful in innovative policy implementation are analyzed. Condition and tendencies of EU innovative development are outlined. In particular, the author emphasizes the fact that according to Innovation Union Scoreboard, which provides comparison of scientific and innovative activity of EU member states by compound indicator, the EU has become more innovative last years. In 28 EU member countries (EU-28) innovative index grew from 0,519 in 2007 to 0,555 in 2014. Peculiarities of innovative processes’ dynamics in EU member countries in 2007 – 2014 are analyzed. The reasons that stipulate certain positive changes in the sphere are defined. Increase of transparency and attractiveness of EU scientific research system, improvement of human capital quality and growth of intellectual assets are among them.
Strategies and Programs of EU innovative development maintenance are analyzed. Their major priorities and implementation directions are outlined. European experience of innovative activity management is generalized and systematized and major directions of EU innovative processes accomplishment are examined. The role and place of innovative cooperation in strengthening of enterprises’ innovative activity in the EU and its certain member countries are outlined.
The most efficient instruments of innovative activity stimulation in the EU are evaluated. Major advantages of 8th framework program compared to the previous ones are defined. Key principle, major objectives and strategic priorities of the program are examined. Main EU investment development maintenance directions indicated by Horizon 2020 are analyzed. The range of new positive points of the program compared to the previous 7 is emphasized. Financial maintenance of Horizon 2020 implementation is analyzed. Horizon 2020 funding budget allocations by EU economic activity priority directions is examined. The author emphasizes the constant activities monitoring in order to evaluate the level of innovative policy long-term goals achievement, define strong and weak points of its implementation and adjust innovative course on the basis of modern methods and parameters of innovative activity monitoring as the distinctive feature of EU innovative policy.
Peculiarities of innovative policy implementation in certain EU member countries are analyzed, in particular Polish innovative policy implementation features, German innovative policy key directions and implementation instruments, British key national priorities of science and technologies development. Directions of Ukrainian innovative policy improvement on the basis of European experience are defined.


innovative policy, strategies, program maintenance, program documents, innovative activity, innovative processes


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