UDC 332:330.322 Bandura, T. (2017). Investytsiynyy potentsial rehionu: sutnist' ta osnovni pidkhody do yoho vyznachennya [Investment capacity of a region: nature and major approaches to its definition]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 127 (5) (pp. 60-63). Retrieved from http://ird.gov.ua/sep/doi/sep2017.05.063.php. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 15
Bandura Tetyana IvanivnaPostgraduate of the Sector of transborder cooperation of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
Contacts: tanyaband@ukr.net
ResumeThe article provides the analysis of notions in the region’s investment capacity category. 4 approaches to definition of region’s investment capacity category used by domestic scientists are outlined and author’s definition is suggested. The sources of forming of region’s investment capacity and their classification are examined; the list of factors that influence region’s investment capacity is formed. Region’s investment resources are studied. Interrelation between investment capacity, its components, investment climate and investment environment is schematically shown.
Keywords:region’s investment capacity, investment risk, investment attractiveness, investment environment, investment climate, investment resources