UDC 339.9 Ksenzhuk, O. (2017). Global precious stones market and modern tendencies of diamonds market development. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 127 (5) (pp. 97-103). Retrieved from http://ird.gov.ua/sep/doi/sep2017.05.103.php. Sources: 19
Ksenzhuk Oleksandr StepanovychApplicant of the Ternopil National Economic University
ResumeThe influence of globalization on the development of global precious stones market is explained. Negative consequences of precious stones shadow market functioning are outlined. Diamonds market condition and major development tendencies are analyzed. The role of Kimberley process certification scheme in regulation of diamonds turnover is revealed. Ukraine’s role in these processes is shown. The lacking impact of diamonds production and sales development in the countries participating in diamonds global market on their social and economic development is proved.
Keywords:diamonds, globalization, Kimberley process, global precious stones market, shadow turnover, financial instability