Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Collection SEPSPU -- sep2018.06.042

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 352/354:351.83:332.021(477); JEL O18
Mokiy, A., Pavlikha, N., Datsko, O., Naumenko, N., & Humenyuk, A. (2018). Sotsial'na bezpeka terytorial'nykh hromad u konteksti rehional'noyi polityky Ukrayiny [Social security of territorial community in the Ukrainian regional policy]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 134 (6) (pp. 42-50). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 28


Mokiy Anatoliy Ivanovych

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Leading Researcher of the Department of regional economic policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine



Pavlikha Nataliya Volodymyrivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Vice Rector for Research and Innovation, Head of the Department of international economic relations and project management of the Faculty of International Relations of the Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



Datsko Olesya Ihorivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Ph.D. of Technical Sciences

Associate Professor of the Department of art management of the Lviv National Academy of Arts



Naumenko Natalya Serhiyivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of international economic relations and project management of the Faculty of International Relations of the Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



Humenyuk Anatoliy Markovych

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Head of the Department of project management and enterprise safety of the Faculty of Finance, Entrepreneurship and Accounting of the Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University




The analysis of the definition of the concept "social security of the territorial community" shows that there is no its normative definition in Ukraine. Authors outlined the social security of the territorial community as its state, which ensures the protection of vital interests of the territorial community and its effective functioning and sustainable development. The basic requirements for the provision of social security rights are set out in the International Covenant on Social, Economic and Cultural Rights, the European Social Charter (revised), the Constitution of Ukraine, the relevant internal social standards, the Statutes of the territorial communities. However, today's social security systems are largely aimed at guaranteeing a certain level of quality of life, but do not take into account the behavioral component of the territorial community as a social system, the priorities of sustainable development, and therefore require additional study and improvement. Social security is a component of national, economic security. An analysis of changes in the legislation and regulatory framework of Ukraine during the last years testifies that the social component of national security in legislation is somewhat offset. The Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine "On the Concept (Fundamentals of State Policy) of National Security of Ukraine", the Law of Ukraine "On Fundamentals of National Security of Ukraine" (which are invalid nowadays) positioned the social doctrine as an integral part of the state national security policy. The Law of Ukraine "On National Security of Ukraine" does not explicitly provide for the obligatory social component of the state national security and defense policy, nor does it necessitate the development of an appropriate strategy (doctrine) of social security. Understanding of social security of a territorial community exclusively as the protection of social rights and freedoms of its members is limited and requires a wider interpretation taking into account the subject-object status of a territorial community in the system of socio-economic relations.


social security of territorial communities, resources, regional policy, national security, criteria


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