Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Collection SEPSPU -- sep2022.06.003

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.28+338.12.017; JEL L63, O33
Bytkin, S., Krytska, T., & Mokiy, A. (2022). Vidbudova produktyvnospromozhnoyi napivprovidnykovoyi haluzi v konteksti podolannya nehatyvnykh tendentsiy rozvytku promyslovosti Ukrayiny [Reconstruction of a productively capable semiconductor industry in the context of overcoming negative development trends of Ukrainian industry]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 158 (6) (pp. 3-13). DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 40


Bytkin Serhiy Vitaliyovych

Ph.D. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Applicant of the Department of electronic and microelectronic information systems of the Engineering Academic Institute of the Zaporizhzhia National University



Krytska Tetyana Volodymyrivna

Doctor of Technology, Professor

Head of the Department of social security and personnel management of the Faculty of Economics of the Zaporizhzhia National University



Mokiy Anatoliy Ivanovych

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Leading Researcher of the Department of regional economic policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




The restoration of industry in post-war Ukraine is possible only if the direction of its development corresponds to the current trend of development of the world economy, namely the militarization of the world economy. Thus, the criterion for the success of the Ukrainian economy can be the level of post-war development of industry that produces military equipment and weapons, and these products must be high-tech, such that it has a closed production cycle within the country. So, the urgent task is to find ways to restore and develop the production of semiconductor materials, discrete devices and integrated circuits directly in Ukraine for the manufacture of high-tech military equipment, both for own needs and for export, including in the United States. The main negative trend of the modern and in the recent past historical and economic trend of Ukraine's development is the deindustrialization of its economy, namely the structural inconsistency with modern technological development. The crisis of neoliberal globalization has led not only to the development of deindustrialization trends in developing countries (to which Ukraine belongs), but also to the reduction of the industrial sector in highly developed countries. In Ukraine, the domestic electronic industry is in a deep structural and technological crisis. But in Ukraine, historically, the electronic industry has provided orders mainly for the defense-industrial complex for the development and manufacture of highly intelligent and high-tech electronic products for military or dual use. In the near future, this trend in the development of the industry will fully recover. The motivation for this is the need for the most effective defence technologies and products, and the driver is global defence spending. It is reasonable to plan the recovery and development of Ukraine's semiconductor industry in the context of changes in the world economy and the global microelectronics market, whose products are a strategic component of the military, economic and industrial base of superpowers and therefore are at the center of conflicting geostrategic interests and at the heart of the global technological race, which will be accompanied by partial deglobalization. Thus, Ukraine has no choice but to resume independent production of electron component base (ECB) for military equipment and weapons. The purpose of this work is a preliminary brief consideration of the fundamental possibility and feasibility of using SiGe as a semiconductor material for the manufacture of microelectronics and dual-use power devices. In Ukraine, an industrial technology for growing single-crystal SiGe has been developed, which allows us to talk about the possibility of its export. In fact, it is necessary to solve a scientific, technical and / or technological problem, which allows us to offer potential customers a product with unique (or at least not widespread) properties and reasonable prices. The possibility of entering the world markets of semiconductor technology, first of all, from a physical and technological point of view, is quite real and should be considered during further research.


the trend of the development of the world economy, the recovery and development of the semiconductor industry of Ukraine, the choice of semiconductor material, the manufacture of microelectronics and dual-use power devices


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