Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Karpyak (Husyeva) Mariya Oleksandrivna

Karpyak (Husyeva) Mariya Oleksandrivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Senior Researcher of the Department of regional economic policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




Pasternak (Deyneka) Olena Ivanivna


UDC 316; 339.9; JEL O18
Karpyak, M. (2020). Sotsial'na eksklyuziya v epokhu ekonomichnykh transformatsiy: hlobal'ni tendentsiyi ta osoblyvosti proyavu [Social exclusion in the age of economic transformations: global trends and features of manifestation]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 141 (1) (pp. 39-44). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

Modern processes of globalization have significantly influenced the way of life of both domestic and international socio-economic systems. Transformations of economic models in the world, opening of borders, consolidation and emergence of new markets – all this has objectively led to the deepening of social inequality and, as a consequence, the declining social mobility caused by economic factors. As a result, there was a gradual deformation of the social status of the individual, which in turn was accompanied by a decrease in the level of his social protection due to the lack of effective mechanisms to ensure the realization of basic constitutional rights and freedoms. Numerous transformations of economic systems at different levels lead to the fact that large sections of the population are alienated from the results of economic development, in fact «excluded» or «disconnected» from the processes of social relations, limited or deprived of access to basic social institutions. This is manifested in huge gaps in income, deficits in participation, in particular in consumption, in the labor market, in certain aspects of social interaction and support, which, in turn, leads to the spread of the phenomenon of social exclusion. Therefore, the aim of the article is to study the global trends that determine the spread of social exclusion, as well as to identify the features of the manifestation of this phenomenon in the modern world. In the context of the study, the reasons underlying the formation of the phenomenon of social exclusion, problems and risks that determine its spread in the global space are substantiated. A general assessment of the factors that determine the risks of social exclusion in society is presented. Features and forms of manifestation of social exclusion in the modern world under the influence of global challenges and world socio-economic changes are also revealed. Thus, the global challenges facing the world and national communities, stimulate society to seek new models of socio-economic development that can ensure greater participation of all citizens in society, require the development and application of specific mechanisms that will allow everyone to equally influence all spheres of public life. 
social exclusion, global challenges, socio-economic transformations, global space, social inequality, social ties, society 

UDC 336.143:338.24.021.8:339.92(477+4-672ЄС); JEL М40, E23, Q18, R58
Karpyak, M. O. (2018). Mekhanizm sektoral'noyi byudzhetnoyi pidtrymky YeS u sferi rehional'noyi polityky: dosvid realizatsiyi v Ukrayini [EU sectoral budgetary support mechanism in regional policy: experience of realization in Ukraine]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 133 (5) (pp. 64-69). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 3

The article analyzes the domestic experience of implementation of the EU sectoral budget support mechanism in the field of regional policy. In particular, the main directions of the implementation of this mechanism in accordance with the Government approved Regional Development Programs were determined, the legal and regulatory framework for the implementation of sectoral budget support programs in Ukraine was analyzed, the region’s activity in the preparation and submission of projects for the competition under the Sectoral Budget Support Programs in 2017 was analyzed. The main focus is on assessing the structure of projects in terms of quantity, volume of funding and areas of sectoral budget support in 2017 on the basis of Lviv region, since it is the leader in the number of projects submitted and won among all regions of Ukraine. The main problems of implementation of the mechanism, which need improvement, are revealed, with the purpose of greater adaptation and wider possibilities of application for Ukraine. In November 2014, an agreement was signed between the Government of Ukraine and the European Union represented by the European Commission to provide assistance to our country in the form of sectoral budget support for the implementation of the state regional policy, in particular, to support the implementation of the State Strategy for Regional Development. An agreement with the EU to provide Ukraine with financial assistance in the form of sectoral budget support was made possible due to the fact that in August 2014 the Government approved the State Strategy for Regional Development for the period till 2020. In order to ensure the implementation of the State Strategy for Regional Development 2020 in accordance with the project and programming approaches and methods and practices of the EU, the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services has formed seven Regional Development Programs approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (in accordance with the Action Plan for 2015-2017 on implementation DDR 2020). These Programs have an investment and development orientation. The activities identified in each Program correspond to the operational objectives and specific tasks or set of tasks of the State Strategy for Regional Development 2020, expected results and performance indicators of regional development projects that can be financed by the Program through EU sectoral budget support. 
sectoral budgetary support, mechanism, EU financial assistance, cooperation, state regional policy 

UDC 338.439.5(477); JEL
Karpyak, M. (2018). Rynok m’yasa ta m’yasoproduktiv v Ukrayini v umovakh yevrointehratsiyi: zovnishn'oekonomichni aspekty [Meat and meat products market in Ukraine in conditions of European integration: foreign economic aspects]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 131 (3) (pp. 18-21). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 5

The paper analyzes the tendencies of meat and meat products market development in Ukraine and the major tendencies of foreign economic activity at domestic export-oriented agrarian enterprises in order to define their opportunities to sale meat products at both internal and external markets and find out the organizational aspects of their readiness to integrate to European markets. Dynamics of meat products export by years and countries is analyzed on the basis of official statistical data. Specific attention is paid to the interests of European market and mechanisms of domestic poultry adaptation to the requirements of European economic space. The paper reveals that not all agricultural enterprises can be the perspective exporters at meat products market, only large agricultural enterprises, which have opportunities for accumulation of all production factors and forming of infrastructural environment to export meat products. In order to expand the sales markets and to enter new foreign markets the agrarian enterprises’ production has to have certain features, like high production profitability (as far as production entry into the foreign market requires significant expenditures), high quality of production, its correspondence to the standards of a country bound to be an importer of the production. Moreover, enterprises have to permanently work at examining of situation at external market in order to react fast to legislative changes and changes in market conditions. As far as foreign economic policy of our country is directed at European integration and promotion of Ukrainian producers’ goods at EU countries’ market the growth of the level of meat products export capacity can be achieved due to renovation and modernization of production processes and adjusting of quality standards to the requirements of the country-importer of a certain production type. Agrarian sector production is now the basis of the commodity structure of Ukrainian export. Strengthening of foreign economic relations will contribute to expansion of export capacity of domestic agrarian enterprises, modernization of processing sphere and export of qualitative production with high value. 
meat market, livestock, meat products, European integration 

UDC 338.439.5(477); JEL Q13
Karpyak, M. (2018). Osoblyvosti funktsionuvannya rynku m’yasa v Ukrayini ta yoho vplyv na rozvytok ekonomiky rehioniv [Features of meat market functioning in ukraine and their impact on the development of regions’ economy]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 129 (1) (pp. 77-80). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 5

Meat market occupies high position among goods markets as far as meat is an integral part of everyone’s ration and has no corresponding substitute products. Meat products are the major element of state strategic reserves, and meat and meat-processing branches have significant influence on the development of Ukrainian economy. Due to the fact that meat and meat products markets in Ukraine take substantial shares, the development and improvement of competitive ability of domestic enterprises in the branch should be the priorities of national food policy. The article analyzes peculiarities of meat market functioning in Ukraine and its influence on the development of the region’s economy. The tendencies of the livestock sector development in different forms of management are analyzed and attention is focused on the production of products by farms. Regional peculiarities of the development of the poultry meat market and export opportunities are outlined. The number of cattle in Ukraine annually decreases, and the livestock industry is unprofitable. The most problematic is the beef and pork market, which is characterized by a dynamic reduction in production. At the same time, the meat market in the country has great potential and development prospects. Today the production of poultry meat is increasing in large agrarian enterprises, which is actively exported to Asia and Europe. Meat and poultry also occupy the largest share in the structure of imports. Production of poultry decreases in households, which indicates to the monopolization of this market. Taking into account the positive tendencies of poultry development and the concentration of poultry market in several large business groups, a set of organizational, economic and regulatory measures is proposed to be carried out: promotion of the development of small and medium agrarian enterprises and their association in cooperative forms of management; direct state support for increasing production of pork, beef, lamb; adaptation of European quality systems for production, sales and processing of livestock products; promotion of development of an export chain of meat products. This article shows the state and trends of the meat market in Ukraine. The attention is focused on the poultry market that develops on its own. The rapid decrease of consumption of beef, veal, and pork during 2013-2018 was revealed. Priority directions of development of meat production in Ukraine, in particular, beef and pork, have been formed. It is emphasized that effective development of the meat market will promote the sustainable development of the agrarian sphere and the northern territories and increase the competitiveness of domestic products. 
meat market, animal husbandry, meat products, state assistance 

UDC 336.143:338.24.021.8:339.92(477+4-672ЄС)
Karpiak, M. (2017). Sektoral'na byudzhetna pidtrymka yak klyuchovyy mekhanizm spivpratsi Ukrayiny z Yevropeys'kym Soyuzom v umovakh suchasnykh reform [Sectoral budget support as a key mechanism for cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in the context of modern reforms]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 128 (6) (pp. 169-173). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 5

The article considers the mechanism of sectoral budget support of the EU, defines its essence, structural elements, competitive advantages, as well as the legislative basis for its functioning in Ukraine under the conditions of modern reforms. In addition, statistics on sectoral budget support in Ukraine and its financial components were investigated. The problem areas and possibilities of improving the functioning of the mechanism of sectoral budget support in Ukraine under the conditions of reforms are determined. 
sectoral budget support, mechanism, cooperation, state policy, EU financial assistance 

UDC 330.341:332.133.6:168.4:005.591.3(1-24)
Pasternak, O., & Karpyak, M. (2017). Kreatyvni ekosystemy u stratehichniy perspektyvi sotsial'no-ekonomichnoho rozvytku terytorial'nykh hromad [Creative ecosystems in strategic perspective of social and economic development of territorial communities]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 128 (6) (pp. 20-23). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 6

The article researches the nature of creative ecosystems, defines the factors of their forming in Ukraine and globally, analyzes their development on the basis of territorial communities of Ukraine and globally and defines the role of creative ecosystems in strategic perspective of social and economic development of territorial communities. The ways to stimulate the development of creative ecosystems and all creative industries in Ukraine and their importance for social and economic development of territorial communities are outlined. 
creative ecosystems, creative industries, creative spaces, regional development, creative entrepreneurship 


Husyeva, M. O., Shevchuk, O. I., & Popadynets, N. M. (2013). Otsinka rehional’nykh osoblyvostey tovaroobihu Ukrayiny z YeS u konteksti rozvytku yiyi promyslovoho sektoru [Assessment of regional peculiarities of Ukraine’s trade with the EU in the context of the development of its industrial sector]. Ekonomika promyslovosti – Economy of Industry, 4(64), 40-48. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2018.05.044.034}

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