Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Kit Lesya Zenoviyivna

Kit Lesya Zenoviyivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Postgraduate of the Department of regional economic policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




Shul'ts Svitlana Leonidivna


UDC 332.135:339.137:334.722; JEL M21, O18, R58
Shults, S., & Kit, L. (2019). Konkurentni perevahy mizhrehional'noho ekonomichnoho spivrobitnytstva u rozvytku pidpryyemnyts'kykh merezh [Competitive advantages of interregional economic cooperation in the development of entrepreneurship networks]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 135 (1) (pp. 29-32). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 8

The paper emphasizes the relevance of the research of network entrepreneurship structures. The role of network business structures in the development of interregional economic cooperation is explained. As far as the facilities of network business structures are located in various Ukrainian regions, they contribute to not only the establishment of interregional economic links, but also the improvement of meeting the residents’ needs for goods and services. The condition and development dynamics of the largest pharmacies networks in Ukraine are analyzed. On this basis the features of interregional distribution of their trade outlets, organizational and spatial aspects of their functioning and network links in terms of evaluation of the level of centralization, structural homogeneity and openness of networks are defined. The analysis of major financial-economic activity indicators of the leading pharmacies networks in Ukraine showed that they develop in correspondence with their capacity and development trends at the market of pharmaceuticals in Ukraine. The analysis also showed that most of networks under research have high density of internal connections, maximized centralization level, homogenous structure, and high links mobility. We can observe the tendency towards the increase of trade outlets in the networks and insufficient activity of pharmacies networks in terms of participation in joint innovative projects. The express-estimation of the functioning efficiency of six pharmacies networks, which are the leaders of national market by the number of facilities and volumes of sales, established that the company Apteka-Mahnolia (“Apteka nyzkyh tsin”) has received the strongest synergy effect by the profitability and number of newly created trade outlets. The network of pharmacies “Podorozhnyk” has the strongest synergy effect by the proceeds in the pharmacy network. The abovementioned companies use the progressive management methods that promote the efficiency of their activity. The paper outlines the competitive advantages of entrepreneurship networks development, which shall contribute to activation of interregional economic links, and emphasizes the flaws of the network form of business organization. 
interregional cooperation, network business structures, pharmacy networks, synergy capacity 


Kit, L. Z., & Shults, S. L. (2013). Merezhevi biznes-struktury: kontseptualizatsiya ponyat’ ta zasad funktsionuvannya [Network business structures: conceptualization of concepts and principles of functioning]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional economy, 2, 15-24. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2019.01.029.001}

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