Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Koval Lyudmyla Pylypivna

Koval Lyudmyla Pylypivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Senior Researcher of the Department of problems of the real sector of regions' economy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




Ishchuk Svitlana Oleksiyivna


UDC 338.45; JEL O14, O33
Koval, L. (2021). Promyslova konkurentospromozhnist' Ukrayiny v umovakh implementatsiyi Industry 4.0 [Industrial competitiveness of Ukraine in the conditions of Industry 4.0 implementation]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 148 (2) (pp. 3-8). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

The article covers the factors shaping the industrial competitiveness of Ukraine in the context of global changes and the introduction of Industry 4.0. The threats and challenges brought about by innovative changes in the economic environment are considered. Along with the threats that pose a danger to all countries (unemployment due to mass robotization of production, threats to cyber security), for countries with low levels of economic and technological development, there is a risk of money laundering and conversion into raw materials and human resources supplier for the rich countries. For Ukraine, as for most countries of Eastern and Central Europe, this problem is especially relevant. In order to maximize the benefits and minimize possible losses, it is necessary to explore a range of factors that impact modern production, in particular: taxation, investment conditions, culture of innovation, development and cooperation. A comparative analysis of the index of the industrial competitiveness of Ukraine with similar indicators of Central and Eastern Europe is conducted. The EU experience of implementing the Industry 4.0 concept is studied. The priority of mechanical engineering in Ukraine is substantiated, and the analysis of industrial competitiveness is deepened by assessing the development of individual sectors of mechanical engineering as an important segment of the introduction of innovative technologies on the Industry 4.0 platform. The key limitations of the competitiveness of Ukrainian industry are identified (use of outdated production methods and equipment; high cost of electricity and unreliability of its sources; high tariffs for important intermediate products; significant costs of compliance with customs requirements for import of components and export of finished products; too long customs clearance procedures, risks of currency regulation, lack of adequate infrastructure of certification laboratories) as well as vectors and main tasks for Ukraine's adaptation to global changes in the implementation of Industry 4.0 are defined. 
industrial competitiveness, Industry 4.0, machinery engineering, industrialization, strategy of machinery engineering development 

UDC 338.24.01+339.9; JEL F15
Koval, L. (2020). Pros and cons of import substitution strategies. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 145 (5) (pp. 9-12). DOI:

Sources: 3

The article analyzes the experience of countries that have used different import substitution strategies, identifies the positive and negative consequences. Particular attention is paid to the study of theoretical aspects of the problem of import substitution in the economic development strategy implementation. On the basis of the conducted researches the directions of import substitution strategies introduction in modern conditions are outlined. Based on the study, the following prerequisites for the successful import substitution policy implementation are identified: justification of the product groups set, import substitution of which is appropriate and cost-effective for the state and society in the long perspective; the instruments of import substitution policy, in particular the prevalence of restrictive instruments (tariffs, quotas, taxation, etc.) in order to protect the national producer and stimulate investment measures to stimulate innovative economic development. 
import substitution, domestic market capacity, national economy growth 

UDC 338.45:674(477.8); JEL L73
Ishchuk, S., & Koval, L. (2020). Potentsial rozvytku derevoobrobnykh vyrobnytstv u Zakhidnomu rehioni Ukrayiny ta napryamy yoho realizatsiyi [Potential for development of woodworking productions in the Western regions of Ukraine and the directions for its realization]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 141 (1) (pp. 45-51). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

Today, the woodworking industry is a strategically promising export-oriented segment of the national economy of Ukraine, as well as an important link for its integration into the global value chains. The presence of a significant raw material base and the prospects for expanding of product markets are the objective basis for the further dynamic development of domestic woodworking industry. The purpose of the article is to determine the production and export potential for the development of woodworking industry in the Western regions of Ukraine and to substantiate the organizational and economic forms of its practical realization. According to the results of the assessments, it is established that the vast majority of Western regions of Ukraine, especially Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Volyn and Rivne, have significant potential for further dynamic development of the woodworking industry. The processing (wooden furniture, windows, doors, floor) and production of paper and paper products are defined as the most promising industries in the region from the point of view of import substitution (i.e. orientation towards meeting demands on the domestic market). At the same time, from the point of view of increasing the presence of wood products of Ukrainian producers on the foreign markets, the production of alternative finishing materials for furniture, the production of energy-saving products, as well as the production of plywood and wood pellets are promising. Vertical integration will facilitate the full realization of the potential of domestic woodworking enterprises. The creation of integrated business structures in the woodworking sector, in particular in the Western regions, will enable meeting the needs of the woodworking productions for raw materials by establishing mutually beneficial links with the forestry sector; supporting and stimulating investment activity at the meso-level, which will ultimately contribute to the formation of a high level of competitiveness of domestic wood products, and consequently, to acceleration of their entry into foreign markets and to increasing the efficiency of the Ukrainian woodworking industry as a whole. 
industry, woodworking production, products, export potential, development 

UDC 332.1:66; JEL М11
Koval, L. P. (2018). Klasteryzatsiya rehioniv Ukrayiny za potentsialom rozvytku khimichnoyi promyslovosti [Clustering of Ukrainian regions by the capacity of chemical industry development]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 133 (5) (pp. 37-43). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 8

The purpose of the article is to determine the chemical industry regional peculiarities, to identify the main trends and the prior promoting directions of chemical production development regional policy. A cluster analysis of the regions has been carried out basing on the chemical industry development potential. According to the cluster analysis results the regions have been divided into three clusters: a cluster with a high level of chemical industry development, a cluster with potential for the chemical industry development, a cluster with a low level of chemical industry development. The trends of chemical industry regional development in the temporal aspect are established. The changes in the chemical industry regional structure during 2012-2017 are researched. The chemical industry regional development in-depth analysis is performed by comparing the cluster analysis results with the chemical production centers location features. According to the results of the study three categories of regions are defined: areas with stable development, which use existing potential; areas that do not use potential enough; low-promising regions with a weak raw material base and low economic potential. Particular attention is paid to the regions of the second group; the regions’ strengths, which are formed predominantly due to the raw material base, as well as the main economic, environmental and political reasons for weakening the positions of «unstable» areas are determined. The grouping made it possible to identify prior directions of assistance to the chemical industry regional development in Ukraine. Using of existing competitive advantages (supply with own raw materials, dominant positions in the domestic market, availability of production capacities) is established as a prerequisite for the chemical industry development for the regions of the 1st and 2nd groups. At the same time, further successful development of these areas looks possible only via providing innovation and investment activity at both the local and national levels through the formation of a favorable legal and economic climate, creation of the scientific and technical infrastructure and provision of the tax, financial and other preferences. 
chemical industry, potential of chemical industry regional development, cluster analysis 

UDC 338.45; JEL E32
Koval, L. (2018). Tendentsiyi ta perspektyvy rozvytku khimichnoyi promyslovosti Ukrayiny [Trends and perspectives of Ukraine’s chemical industry development]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 131 (3) (pp. 22-26). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 6

The purpose of the paper is to study trends and factors in the development of the chemical industry in Ukraine, to determine the prospects for its functioning, taking into account industry’s strengths and weaknesses. The research shows that chemical industry develops and functions in Ukraine primarily due to the fact that it possesses a strong raw material base (stocks of almost all kinds of mineral chemical raw materials: coal, natural gas, oil, sulfur, carbonate raw materials, table and potash salts, titanium ores, etc.). At the same time, there is a negative tendency of reducing the domestic raw materials share in the industry’s raw material balance. In addition, due to the destructive effect of macroeconomic, market and political factors, the chemical industry production potential has decreased recently, affecting the indicators of the chemical products share in the industrialization volumes. Taking into account the importance of the chemical manufacture in Ukrainian industry, the dynamics of chemical industry share in the volume of sold industrial products, as well as its share in imports and exports, are analyzed. The comparative estimation of chemicals production indices with industry’s production indices in general is performed. The factors of the chemical industry development are determined. The main industry development tendencies are analyzed and the comparative analysis with industry general tendencies is conducted. The structural analysis of the Ukrainian chemical industry is carried out. The chemical industry features, as well as the industry development deterrent factors, are revealed. The strengths and weaknesses, which are inherent for the chemical industry in general and related to the features of the macro environment in Ukraine, are determined. Based on the results of the research, the opportunities and prospects for the chemical industry development are outlined. As a prior task the attraction of investments for the latest technologies financing in Ukrainian chemical industry is defined. It will contribute to maintaining the competitive positions in the domestic and foreign commodity markets. In addition, the necessity of developing the strategies of the certain commodity groups import substitution and the maximum diversification of high-tech Ukrainian chemicals (in particular fertilizers and inorganic chemistry) exports are substantiated. 
chemical industry, index of chemicals manufacture, index of industrial products manufacturers’ prices 


Sozanskyy, L. Y., & Koval, L. P. (2019). Tendentsiyi zovnishn’oyi torhivli produktsiyeyu derevoobrobnoyi promyslovosti v Ukrayini i krayinakh YeS [Trends for foreign trade in production of woodworking industry in Ukraine and EU countries]. Efektyvna ekonomika – Efficient economy, 12. DOI: 10.32702/2307-2105-2019.12.59 [in Ukrainian]. {sep2020.01.045.005}

Ishchuk S. O., & Koval, L. P. (2020). Potentsial rozvytku derevoobrobnykh vyrobnytstv u Zakhidnomu rehioni Ukrayiny ta napryamky yoho realizatsiyi [The potential for the development of woodworking industries in the Western region of Ukraine and the directions of its implementation]. In Sotsial’no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-economic problems of the modern period of Ukraine]: Vol. 141(1) (pp. 45-51). [in Ukrainian]. DOI: {sep2021.01.003.013}

Sozansky, L. Y., & Koval, L. P. (2021). Tendentsiyi ta osoblyvosti funktsionuvannya mashynobuduvannya Ukrayiny [Trends and features of the mechanical engineering of Ukraine]. Investytsiyi: praktyka ta dosvid – Investments: practice and experience, 22, 55-62. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {sep2021.05.003.001}

Sozanskyy, L., & Koval, L. (2021). Key trends in the development of mechanical engineering in Ukraine. In Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Poznaniu [The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal]: Vol. 94(3). Enterprises and the Market in the Face of New Challenges – a Diagnosis and Directions of Transformation (pp. 49-60). DOI: {sep2022.03.047.014}

Koval, L. (2021, Feb 12). Ministr sotsial’noyi polityky Maryna Lazebna: «Nashe zavdannya – zaklasty v osnovu polityky pryntsyp sotsial’noyi spravedlyvosti» [Minister of Social Policy Maryna Lazebna: «Our task is to establish the principle of social justice as the basis of policy»]. Uryadovyy kur’yer – Government courier, art 3. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2023.01.017.002}

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