Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Kovalyshyn Volodymyr Romanovych

Kovalyshyn Volodymyr Romanovych

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of sports tourism of the Faculty of Tourism of the Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Bobersky; Doctoral Postgraduate of the Department of regional ecological policy and environmental management of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




Monastyrs'kyy Oleksandr Yaroslavovych


UDC 338.486; JEL Q01, Q26, Q57, R11
Kovalyshyn, V. R., & Monastyrskyy, O. Ya. (2023). Ekolohichni ta sotsial'no-ekonomichni obmezhennya rozvytku turyzmu v rehioni [Environmental and socio-economic constrains on tourism development in the region]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 164 (6) (pp. 16-20). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

Tourism belongs to economic sectors, which demonstrate the most dynamic development and transformation. In recent years, the popularity of domestic tourism in Ukraine has grown significantly, which is triggered particularly by the intensification of the population’s life activities and forced objective factors, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and Russian aggression against Ukraine. These have resulted in restrictions on foreign travel and relocation of citizens to relatively safe western regions. At the same time, the development of domestic tourism has not only positive, but also negative sides, the main of which include the increase of anthropogenic load on regional ecosystems, depletion of certain natural resources, and, in general, potential negative impact on the environment. First of all, such types of tourism as ecological and rural are affected, which are particularly sensitive to changes in environmental conditions and deterioration of the ecological and socio-economic situation. To ensure sustainable development, tourism activity should be regulated considering the availability and possibility of using the resources that are necessary for its provision. The paper examines environmental and economic constraints that arise in tourism. The necessity of introducing sustainable tourism for the balanced ecological and economic development of the regions is substantiated. The key challenges that have arisen on the way to the development of the tourism industry are identified. The priority of considering environmental constraints over socio-economic constraints is emphasized. The role of various stakeholders in the regulation of sustainable tourism is analyzed, emphasizing the key role of local communities, which are very interested in regional tourism development. The availability of relevant normative documents, which contain a list of environmental and social requirements, will allow to ensure the development of tourism with the minimization of negative impact on the environment. The research was mainly conducted on the example of the Carpathian region of Ukraine, which in the last few years has been marked by the active development of tourism, at the same time being one of the most vulnerable regions in ecological and social terms. 
regional development, environmental restrictions, carrying capacity of ecosystems, local communities, standardization of tourism, certification of tourism 

UDC 338.486:911.6(477.87); JEL P25, Q01, Q26, R11
Kovalyshyn, V. R. (2023). Kontseptual'ni pidkhody do staloho rozvytku turyzmu v Ukrayini: pryklad Zakarpats'koyi oblasti [Conceptual approaches to sustainable development of tourism in Ukraine: case of Transcarpathian region]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 162 (4) (pp. 18-24). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

The article discusses important issues related to ensuring sustainable tourism development in Transcarpathian region of Ukraine. The goals of sustainable development in Ukraine are defined at the legislative level, and their achievement is determined annually by state monitoring data. Transcarpathia is one of the most attractive tourist regions of Ukraine, and tourism is actively developing here. The latter has been gaining even more popularity as a key destination during the Covid-19 pandemic and the martial law in Ukraine, which relates to the restriction of opportunities for tourist travel abroad, as well as the temporary loss of access to other traditional tourist destinations in Ukraine, in particular the Black and the Azov Sea coasts. Both providers and users of tourism services show interest in sustainable development of the tourism industry. Sustainable tourism in the global dimension is a strategic concept for the development of the tourism industry in the coming years and decades. At the same time, in addition to substantial benefits, the growth of the tourist services market in Transcarpathia and the increase in the number of tourists cause certain negative impacts and pose a threat to the sustainable development of the region and the achievement of certain sustainable development goals. It is obvious that these potential negative impacts and threats should be considered in the regional strategy for tourism development in Transcarpathia, and the tourism industry itself should further develop based on the principles and approaches ensuring the sustainable development of the region. The article analyzes the negative impacts and challenges of tourism industry development at the current stage and suggests key elements of ensuring sustainable development of tourism and their gradual implementation. The most attractive tourist destinations are determined based on the amount of tourist tax paid to the budgets of individual territorial communities. Special attention is paid to the role of forestry in Transcarpathia in the development and support of the tourism industry and more active use of ecosystem services, particularly recreational ones provided by forests. The research on the implementation of sustainable tourism development in Transcarpathia aims to ensure general understanding and commitment to sustainable tourism approaches and demonstrate its significance in promoting economic and social growth of the region while minimizing negative social, cultural, and environmental impacts. 
tourism development strategy, economic benefits, negative consequences and threats of tourism, forest ecosystem services, principles of sustainable tourism 


Kovalyshyn, V. R., & Kholyavka, V. Z. (2023). Peredumovy zaprovadzhennya staloho turyzmu na prykladi Zakarpats’koyi oblasti [Prerequisites for the introduction of sustainable tourism on the example of Zakarpattia oblast]. In Ekonomiko-sotsial’ni vidnosyny v haluzi fizychnoyi kul’tury ta sfery obsluhovuvannya [Economic and social relations in the field of physical culture and the field of service]: Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference (April 27-28, 2023, Lviv). (pp. 277-279). Lviv: Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2023.04.025.001}

Kovalyshyn, V. R. (2023). Analiz reformy lisovoho hospodarstva Ukrayiny v konteksti zmitsnennya ekolohichno bezpechnoyi ekonomiky derzhavy [Analysis of forest management reform of Ukraine in the context of strengthening environmentally safe economics of the state]. Naukovi innovatsiyi ta peredovi tekhnolohiyi – Scientific innovations and advanced technologies, 4(18), 275-287. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {sep2023.04.025.006}

Kovalyshyn, V. R. (2023). Kontseptual’ni pidkhody do staloho rozvytku turyzmu v Ukrayini: pryklad Zakarpats’koyi oblasti [Conceptual approaches to sustainable development of tourism in Ukraine: case of Transcarpathian region]. In Sotsial’no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 162 (4) (pp. 18-24). DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {sep2023.06.016.007}

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