Head of the Department of political science and public administration of the Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations of the Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
The article examines the influence of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the development of youth policy, particularly in territorial communities. Data from sociological surveys on the psycho-emotional state of youth during martial law is analyzed. The level of youth activity is analyzed and the importance of volunteering among young people during the war is emphasized. The initiatives to create a network of local youth centers are also highlighted. Some examples of the implementation of youth projects activated in territorial communities are given. The Russian federation's war against Ukraine, which has been ongoing since 2014, has had a tremendous impact on Ukrainian youth. A significant number of young people affected by the war and forced to leave their homes are not always able to adapt to the status of internally displaced persons. Also, young people lose the opportunity to study in educational institutions and do their favourite work safely, and they lose their familiar surroundings and friends. As a result, the level of stress among young people has increased, and other social problems are being reported. The situation in the youth environment during the Russian-Ukrainian war, and especially since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops, has undergone significant changes. Therefore, the youth policy in our country needs significant changes, filling with new content, and the search for new forms and methods of cooperation with young people. The article analyses the changes in the regulatory and legal framework for the formation of youth policy in Ukraine in 2014–2024. Program documents and the creation of new institutional innovations are reviewed. The existing cooperation with the youth sector of the Council of Europe, which is guided by its definition of the essence of youth policy, had a significant impact on the development of youth legislation in Ukraine. The year 2021 was decisive in the formation and implementation of youth policy. This year, the long-awaited Law of Ukraine "On the Basic Principles of Youth Policy" was adopted, which gave impetus to some positive changes in this area. Briefly summarizing its content, it deals with the following three main points: youth participation, youth infrastructure, and financing of the youth sector. Despite the challenges and threats of Russian full-scale invasion, the legislative act is being implemented. The authors propose some ways to solve the problems that have accumulated in the process of development and implementation of youth policy at the local, regional, and national levels.
humanitarian policy, youth policy, full-scale war in Ukraine, refugees, youth centers, local self-government
Kruhlashov, A. M., & Sabadash, N. V. (2019). Reformuvannya molodizhnoyi polityky Ukrayiny u konteksti yevropeys’koyi intehratsiyi [Reforming the youth policy of Ukraine in the context of European integration]. In Politolohichni ta sotsiolohichni studiyi [Political and sociological studies]: Vol. XVI (pp. 156-176). [in Ukrainian]. {sep2024.02.003.005}
Kruhlashov, A. M., & Sabadash, N. V. (2019). Publichne upravlinnya sferoyu molodizhnoyi polityky u protsesi utvorennya ob»yednanykh terytorial’nykh hromad [Public administration of the youth policy in the process of formation of united territorial communities]. In Vlada ta upravlinnya [Power and management]: Vol. 6 (pp. 70-83). [in Ukrainian]. {sep2024.02.003.006}