Head of the Department of technology and organization of restaurant management of the Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
The article explains different approaches to the definition of the concept «tourist attraction». On the base of the analysis of different approaches, it is determined that tourist attraction is the property of a certain territory (city, district, region, zone, country, the group of countries) which meets the demand and needs of tourists. It was made clear that the level of tourist attractiveness is influenced by a number of factors, among which tourist resources and tourist infrastructure are important. According to the factors of influence, the components of tourist attractiveness are presented. It is determined that a number of methods and criteria are used to assess the attractiveness of territories and objects, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages. It is noted that the shortcomings of certain assessment methods can be minimized as the result of the introduction of certain reservations. It was made clear that in international practice tourist attractiveness is determined by the greatest demand among tourists in regions with rich natural, cultural and historical resources, geographical location, the level of infrastructure development which depends on investment, recreational and tourist resources, and environmental state of a region. It is proved that in Ukraine the territories and tourist zones which have the most valuable elements of the ecological framework (forests, clear rivers, sea coasts, lakes, ponds, etc.) and outstanding historical monuments and places are called tourist-attractive. It is generalized that the expediency and necessity of the quantitative assessment of tourist attractiveness at the level of a country, sphere or a certain region is explained by the identification of those areas whose development stimulation will lead to the possibility of obtaining a positive economic effect in the near future.
Analysis of domestic tourism market shows that Ukraine has objective preconditions for intensive tourism industry development. However, current stage of market transformations requires that domestic tourism industry management searches for non-traditional approaches and new views reflecting international trend of this industry management, including improvement of the methods of tourism activity management, development of economic policy for various categories of tourism activity management, defining of their activity goals and development strategies for the closets and long-term perspective and assessment of perspectives of available resources capacity. The paper aims to explain the use of modern international experience in tourism industry management in organization and economic mechanism at state and regional levels of tourism management in Ukraine as well as to define their role in solution of socio-economic and cultural problems in conditions of economy transformation. The received information will help the central and local tourism management authorities to make optimal strategic decisions and define the best methods of tourism development in Ukraine. The article examines both positive and negative tendencies of development of international tourism, gives a number of advantages of foreign management experience, which can be borrowed by the domestic tourism industry to increase the level of tourism development in Ukraine. The specifics of the mechanisms of regulation and management of the tourism industry are analyzed. Modern tourism plays one of the leading roles in the global economy. World experience reveals the main trends of tourism development and the role of the state in the organizational aspect of the tourism industry. Tourism has become massive, democratic, designed for different interests, tastes, incomes, for the most different contingent. Today, tourism has become virtually independent interdisciplinary economy industry. It plays a very important role in the economy of many states.
domestic tourism market, tourism industry, international trends, management, regulation, management model