Senior Researcher of the Department of regional economic policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine; Associate Professor, Deputy Director for Scientific and Pedagogical Work of the Department of economics and marketing of the Educational and scientific institute of entrepreneurship and advanced technologies of the Lviv Polytechnic National University
The article explains different approaches to the definition of the concept «tourist attraction». On the base of the analysis of different approaches, it is determined that tourist attraction is the property of a certain territory (city, district, region, zone, country, the group of countries) which meets the demand and needs of tourists. It was made clear that the level of tourist attractiveness is influenced by a number of factors, among which tourist resources and tourist infrastructure are important. According to the factors of influence, the components of tourist attractiveness are presented. It is determined that a number of methods and criteria are used to assess the attractiveness of territories and objects, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages. It is noted that the shortcomings of certain assessment methods can be minimized as the result of the introduction of certain reservations. It was made clear that in international practice tourist attractiveness is determined by the greatest demand among tourists in regions with rich natural, cultural and historical resources, geographical location, the level of infrastructure development which depends on investment, recreational and tourist resources, and environmental state of a region. It is proved that in Ukraine the territories and tourist zones which have the most valuable elements of the ecological framework (forests, clear rivers, sea coasts, lakes, ponds, etc.) and outstanding historical monuments and places are called tourist-attractive. It is generalized that the expediency and necessity of the quantitative assessment of tourist attractiveness at the level of a country, sphere or a certain region is explained by the identification of those areas whose development stimulation will lead to the possibility of obtaining a positive economic effect in the near future.
The relevance of the human development study in the context of mobile processes is substantiated. The difference between human development and the level and quality of life, well-being, human resources development, and sustainable development is determined. Problematic aspects of human development in Ukraine are analyzed. Negative economic determinations of human development in Ukraine intensify mobile processes, which is confirmed by the migration situation. The country's economy is becoming dependent on migration, which creates numerous risks of socio-economic and political nature. It is necessary to develop the conceptual foundations of human development policy in a highly mobile society for their leveling. Such a policy is proposed to be considered as a set of measures aimed at forming a favorable internal environment of human life with respect for the rights and freedoms of choice and movement, preserving the possibility of return and protection of citizens regardless of location. An appropriate concept for the formation of human development policy in a highly mobile society in Ukraine should be developed. The concept should combine three blocks of goals: general provisions of security, principles of regulation of movements, which apply to all categories of mobile persons, the purpose of which is to preserve social unity in conditions of a highly mobile society by increasing its spiritual and informational mobility; internal mobility with the aim of ensuring the redistribution of human potential according to the peculiarities of regional development, the high-quality infrastructure of internal movements for the formation of flexible relational human space, as well as direct and indirect impact on mobility through improving the human development environment (output vector). The latest paradigm of human development of a highly mobile society should be formed on the basis of the concept implementation in the ideological plan at the national level.
human development, level and quality of life, welfare, population mobility, human development policy, highly mobile society
Under the current processes of consolidation of territorial communities, the policy of their social, economic and ecological stability based on efficient nature management is related to the condition and nature of the use of natural resources by people in their activity to maintain their existence. Conducting economic activity, people use various natural resources. Therefore, objective and distinct assessment of natural resources is of particular importance. The development of a territory and entities located there depend on this assessment. Natural resources capacity is considered in modern science as the most important factors of economic development of both the regions and the country in general. The paper aims to research the problems of the use of natural resources capacity of a territorial community and to define the ways of their efficient use. Scientific approaches to classification of natural resources capacity of a territorial community are systematized and its nature is outlined. The structure of natural resources capacity of territorial communities is formed. Main problems of the use of natural resources capacity of territorial communities are defined. Conceptual and structural model of natural resources capacity of a territorial community is characterized. Major aspects of forming of modern financial-economic mechanism of capitalization of a community’s natural resources are examined. The paper reveals that natural resources capacity of territorial communities provides an opportunity to improve the level of financial capacity of a community by filling local budgets through the development of relevant territories. The approaches to the improvement of the efficiency of the use of natural resources by territorial communities in conditions of authorities’ decentralization in Ukraine are suggested.
authorities’ decentralization, natural resources capacity, territorial communities, financial-economic mechanism of capitalization, local budgets
The paper dwells on the issues of institutional assistance to investment-innovative development in Ukraine. The paper emphasizes that low level of investment-innovative activity in Ukrainian regions is the major obstacle to economic development. It is caused, on one hand, by the low efficiency of separately functioning innovation sphere, innovative infrastructure and innovative entrepreneurship, and on the other hand – insufficient and inefficient institutional maintenance of innovative activity. The paper aims to research the features and problems of institutional maintenance of investment-innovative development in a region and to find the ways of its improvement. The authors mention that institutional maintenance of investment and innovative activity is the set of state and non-governmental institutions, which provide the availability of legal, organizational and economic conditions necessary to conduct and develop investment and innovative activity. The major tasks of institutional maintenance of innovative development in Ukraine are analyzed, including the creation of favourable entrepreneurship climate in the regions to absorb innovations and form consumers’ demand for innovative products, conditions of development of knowledge production basis, efficient system of financial provision of innovative process and efficient innovative capacity, etc. Main legal and regulative acts that provide the foundations of economic development in Ukraine are analyzed. The paper emphasizes that despite many legal and regulative acts directed at support of innovative development, the forming of legal basis of innovative activity in Ukraine is not complete. It is fragmentary, controversial and not fully corresponding to the foundations of innovative and smart economy. Therefore, it requires the review in terms of its improvement. European experience of approaches, principles, forms and methods applied in institutional system is examined. EU innovative strategies provide for efficient functioning of innovative economy model, granting tax and credit preferences, target funding of certain innovations, public procurement, restructuring and modernization of public enterprises, use of venture capital, creation and development of new innovative structures.
Nowadays tourism sphere as the component of national economy gains increasing importance in Ukraine and is quickly integrating into the global tourism industry. Its development influences such economy sectors as transport, agriculture, communication, construction and trade and is one of the most perspective directions of structural economy reorientation in several Ukrainian regions. However, in order to create efficient tourism product and to provide qualitative tourism services, many tourism companies have to attract additional resources, which can be combined in tourism clusters. Therefore, forming of tourism clusters in Ukrainian regions is of utmost importance nowadays. The paper aims to define the role of trade in goods and services in forming of tourism cluster. The paper outlines the nature of cluster approach to forming of tourism cluster in a region. The structure of tourism clusters in a region is defined. Inter-branch links between companies of various economic activity types that are necessary for forming of tourism cluster in a region are found. Directions of interaction of wholesale-retail trade in goods and services and their role in forming of forest industry cluster are examined. The role of tourism clusters in improvement of regions’ competitive ability is emphasized. Tourism clusters are proven to have all the preconditions to be introduced at Ukrainian territory, where their major aim is to provide qualitative services to consumers. Forming and development of tourism cluster contributes to more efficient use of available resources of regions, improvement of quality and competitiveness of goods and services in tourism sphere and meeting the needs of domestic market, promoting the state policy in the sphere of tourism and resorts. Trade in goods and services takes an important place in forming of regional tourism clusters, as far as the tourism inner economic nature stipulates that a tourist necessarily spends money at the territory of vacation by buying relevant goods and services. Forming of cluster as a specialized organization of tourism sphere development not only boosts the development of tourism companies and those operating within a cluster, but also impacts the economic, social and ecological development of the territory where the cluster is formed, i.e. there is an impact effect from tourism cluster establishment.
Nowadays the defining of regions’ role in social and economic processes of a state, related to authorities’ decentralization and maintenance of their balanced functioning, remains to be an important issue. To accomplish this task it is necessary to adhere to the strategies of regions’ development. The efficiency of their accomplishment to a large extent depends on creation and implementation of the monitoring system. The complex of mechanisms of strategy practical realization defines monitoring organization. Furthermore, application of relevant management methods and instruments depends on the trustworthy and timely assessment of established indicators, which are responsible for achievement of strategic goals, in particular: creation of optimal conditions for regions to disclose their capacity and efficiently use the competitive advantages of regional economy; preventing the deepening of regional disproportions in residents’ access primarily to basic social, public, administrative, transport, informational and other services; creation of conditions for regions’ and communities’ cooperation; creation of basis for implementation of efficient state regional policy – the mechanism and instrument of state regulation of regional development that contributes to solution of regions’ problems. It requires in the first place the decentralization of state powers through their transfer to local level along with transition of relevant financial resources, improvement of the processes of strategic planning and accomplishment of the defined tasks at all levels, introduction of an efficient mechanism to coordinate the operation of central and local executive authorities and local governments in the course of realization of branch priorities and tasks at various territorial levels. The paper aims to define the problem of regional and local strategies’ monitoring implementation and explain the suggestions on improvement of monitoring process. The nature and tasks of regional and local strategies’ monitoring implementation are outlined and its major instruments are selected. The differences between the monitoring and standard statistical technology are determined. Available models and algorithm of monitoring of strategic plans accomplishment are researched. The fact that the major goal of monitoring is to collect, study and prepare information for making and analyzing economic decisions at various management levels is explained. Suggestions on improvement of the process of regional and local strategies’ monitoring are made. Therefore, permanent monitoring of strategies, reporting to the relevant authorities and raising community awareness about its results shows the openness of the very mechanism of planning for community. Thus, in order to efficiently realize the monitoring of regional and local strategies’ accomplishment it is necessary: to determine the main structure that will introduce the whole complex of activities on monitoring and will bear responsibility for accomplishment of strategies; to automate the process of monitoring, as far as introducing amendments to the existing strategies can lead to the broken links and therefore cause the inefficiency of management decisions.
decentralization, information basis, monitoring, evaluation, regional and local strategies
Strategic planning is an objective precondition of efficient functioning and competitive development of enterprises. Synergy between mission, goals and directions of enterprise’s activity through understanding of current situation in achievement of relevance between internal capabilities of an enterprise and market environment requirements provides the forming of the strategy of enterprise’s activity. Its implementation contributes to enterprise’s success and strengthening of competitive positions. Taking into account modern tendencies of food market development in a country, the issues of competitive ability and defining the peculiarities of its strategic planning are decisive for food enterprises. In order to accomplish the defined tasks, the following methods have been applied in the research: analysis and synthesis, systematization and generalization and dialectic approach. The paper aims to define major stages of strategic planning process at food enterprises in the context of maintenance of their efficient activity and to explain the importance of strategic planning as the precondition of their efficient functioning. The paper researches the peculiarities of food enterprises’ functioning and the issues of strategic planning introduction for their efficient activity. The stages of strategic planning process of food enterprises’ activity and development in the context of their competitive ability maintenance are outlined. The need for strategic planning at food enterprises is explained and major preconditions for relevant transition are defined as following: the need to react to changes in enterprises’ functioning; necessity of consolidation of various activity directions of an enterprise under conditions of decentralization and diversification processes development; presence of evident competitive advantages and need for their support and creation; strengthening of innovative processes, generating and quick assimilation of new ideas by enterprises; necessity to introduce high culture of management, oriented at prevention of resistance to changes and stimulation of enterprise’s development. The measures to maintain efficient activity of food enterprises are suggested.
Modern market capacity and economy growth paces create preconditions for transition to dynamic economy development in Ukrainian regions. It strategic priorities are high competition and efficiency of internal market, structural and innovative changes in real economy sector, systemic and regulative nature of social and economic development, creativity, innovativeness and accelerated development and strengthening of interaction between all types of economic activity related to satisfaction of human needs. Forestry is one of such economic activity types. Nowadays forestry is involved in the range of other economic activity types and has a huge untapped capacity. Its efficient and rational use can contribute to the development of economy of regions and a country at a whole. The paper aims to research the structure and links in the system of forestry production in a region and to define major organizations in the forestry development under market conditions. The structure of forestry in a region is determined by the following types of economic activity: logging, woodworking, pulp and paper industry, wood chemical industry and furniture production. The inter-branch links of forestry in a region and links maintaining the organization and economic relations of forestry in internal trade are defined. The fact that logging and woodworking as suppliers of their production and consumers of the production of other branches are related to almost all spheres of productive and economic activity, stipulating trade operations between them on the basis of inter-market links and forming the supply and demand for production at Ukrainian internal market, is proven. Directions of interrelation between internal trade and forestry are researched and the influence of exogenous and endogenous factors on the forestry development in a region is analyzed. Holding companies and clusters are defined as possible specialized organizations in the sphere of forestry development in a region. Forming of clusters is emphasized as the basic strategy of forestry development in a region and improvement of its production competitive ability. Clusters contribute to strengthening of efficient activity of forestry enterprises through attraction of investment, introduction of innovations, establishment of supply and sales and information exchange, etc.
internal market, forestry, cluster, competitive ability, holding company
The article outlines the tendencies of social and economic development of border regions in the conditions of liberalization of goods and services, labor, capital markets, etc. The main challenges faced by the border areas in conditions of unstable economic growth are revealed. The results of an expert survey of representatives of local self-government bodies on the causes and level of shadow economy of the border areas are presented. The influence of border trade on the shadowing of economic activity at the border is investigated. The directions of reducing the level of economy shadowing of the border regions are proposed.
Major problems of the processes of region’s development strategic planning are analyzed. The factors of strategic planning of region’s development are examined on the example of foreign experience. The principles of strategic planning in region’s economic development are defined. Major stages of strategic planning are outlined.
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