Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Yurynets Zoryna Volodymyrivna

Yurynets Zoryna Volodymyrivna

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor

Professor of the Department of management of the Faculty of Economics of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv




Hnylyans'ka Lesya Yosypivna

Kokhan Marianna Ostapivna

Kruhlyakova Vira Volodymyrivna

Kunanets' Nataliya Eduardivna

Myshchyshyn Ivanna Romanivna

Petrukh Oksana Andriyivna

Yurynets' Rostyslav Volodymyrovych


UDC 614.2:351.82.001.57; JEL C45, H51, I18, O30
Yurynets, Z., Petrukh, O., Myshchyshyn, I., Kokhan, M., & Hnylyanska, L. (2019). Otsinka efektyvnosti funktsionuvannya systemy okhorony zdorov’ya Ukrayiny v umovakh pryskorenoho rozvytku innovatsiynykh tekhnolohiy [Assessment of the effectiveness of Ukraine’s healthcare system in the context of accelerated development of innovative technologies]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 140 (6) (pp. 33-38). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

The article proposes scientific and methodological provisions regarding the evaluation of the effectiveness of the health care system of Ukraine in the conditions of accelerated development of medical innovative technologies. This model is based on the application of neural network modeling tools. The application of the developed model of the evaluation of the effectiveness of the health care system makes it possible to identify the state of public financing of health care and the research and development, to cover a large amount of data and to carry out a comparative analysis of national health policy in terms of the developed countries of the world. During the formation of the neural network model, the relationship between the different factors and the level of GDP is established. For the purposes of the present study, the results of the Ukraine’s social, economic, innovation policy for 2000-2017 have been used as the most predictable element of available data on impact on GDP growth. The proposed methodological provisions make it possible to predict the best option for the development of the health care system and the research and development work in Ukraine, facilitate the possibility of making informed decisions regarding the health policy, optimize the management decision-making regarding the future directions of the research and development work. Public healthcare financing and research and development financing have the biggest influence over the GDP growth. The increase of expenditures of the state budget on public healthcare and research and development is important for socio-economic and innovative growth of Ukraine. The main provisions can be adopted by an executive bodies of the government of Ukraine, local and regional authorities of the national economy. The analysis is the basis for formation of methodological approaches to evaluation of the effectiveness of health care system and other spheres of economic activity and creation of strategies and programs for development of health care system and innovative activity of Ukraine at different hierarchical levels. 
evaluation, effectiveness, neural model, healthcare, public spending, policy 

UDC 336.71; JEL G21, C50
Yurynets, Z., Yurynets, R., Kunanets, N., & Myshchyshyn, I. (2019). Rehresiyna model' otsinyuvannya platospromozhnosti kliyenta ta bankivs'kykh ryzykiv u protsesi kredytuvannya [Regression model of assessment of customer solvency and banking risks in the process of lending]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 138 (4) (pp. 69-73). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 7

In the current conditions of economic development, it is important to pay attention to the study of the main types of risks, effective methods of evaluation, monitoring, analysis of banking risks. One of the main approaches to quantitatively assessing the creditworthiness of borrowers is credit scoring. The objective of credit scoring is to optimize management decisions regarding the possibility of providing bank loans. In the article, the scientific and methodological provisions concerning the formation of a regression model for assessing bank risks in the process of granting loans to borrowers has been proposed. The proposed model is based on the use of logistic regression tools, discriminant analysis with the use of expert evaluation. During the formation of a regression model, the relationship between risk factors and probable magnitude of loan risk has been established. In the course of calculations, the coefficient of the individual's solvency has been calculated. Direct computer data preparation, including the calculation of the indicators selected in the process of discriminant analysis, has been carried out in the Excel package environment, followed by their import into the STATISTICA package for analysis in the “Logistic regression” sub-module of the “Nonlinear evaluation” module. The adequacy of the constructed model has been determined using the Macfaden's likelihood ratio index. The calculated value of the Macfaden's likelihood ratio index indicates the adequacy of the constructed model. The ability to issue loans to new clients has been evaluated using a regression model. The conducted calculations show the possibility of granting a loan exclusively to the second and third clients. The offered method allows to conduct assessment of client's solvency and risk prevention at different stages of lending, facilitates the possibility to independently make informed decisions on credit servicing of clients and management of a loan portfolio, optimization of management decisions in banks. In order for a loan-based model to continue to perform its functions, it must be periodically adjusted. 
credit risk, regression model, discriminant analysis, banks, credit, credit scoring, risk, expert assessment 

UDC 339.137; JEL O10, O31
Yurynets, Z. (2018). Naukovo-metodychnyy pidkhid shchodo vyboru innovatsiynoyi stratehiyi sub’yektiv hospodaryuvannya [Scientific-methodical approach concerning the choice of economic entities innovation strategy]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 132 (4) (pp. 108-113). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

The choice of the innovation strategy, the selection of ideas, which are the best means of implementing the strategic innovation goals of business entities, requires the allocation of varieties of innovations and their implementation in the case of selecting the best innovative strategies and the rejection of outdated innovation. The methodology to choose the innovative strategy of economic entities’ development is offered. This methodology is based on a system of indicators and calculation of integral indicators of the enterprises’ innovative activities: innovation intensity, risks of innovation, strategic innovation capacity. The formulas for calculating integral indicators of risk assessment of economic entities innovation activity, the intensity of innovation activity, strategic innovation potential has been presented. In the calculation method for the indicated integral indicators it is necessary to conduct an analysis in accordance with the proposed indicators of innovation activity and to evaluate the indicators of the base period of the activity of the investigated economic entity or degree of their deviation from the normative, or on the basis of expert assessments in case of absence of quantitative information on the organization’s activities. The system of indicators for choice of the business entities’ innovation strategy, characteristics of innovation strategies, indicators and scale of innovation strategy selection as well as interpretation of integrated indicators assessment have been proposed. The innovative strategies for the business entities development include the following types: active generator strategy; active innovator strategy; active simulator strategy; active and passive strategy of the innovator; active-passive strategy of the simulator; passive simulator strategy; active conservative strategy; active and passive conservative strategy; passive conservative strategy. Suggestions for choosing innovative strategies for the business entities’ development have been proposed. Proposed indicators of the selection of the innovation strategy indicate a certain level of quality control by each of the considered component. This approach provides the solution of practical problems of business entities in case of different innovation implementations and gives them the opportunity to become activators or full participants in the innovation process. 
economic entities, innovative strategy, innovative intensity, risk, strategic innovation capacity 

UDC 330.341.1(477); JEL О31, О32
Yurynets, Z., Kruhlyakova, V., & Myshchyshyn, I. (2018). Stratehichni pidkhody do rozvytku sub’yektiv hospodaryuvannya na osnovi aktyvizatsiyi vykorystannya yikh innovatsiynoho potentsialu [Strategic approaches to the development of business entities on the basis of increased use of their innovative potential]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 131 (3) (pp. 121-125). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 6

In the article, the scientific and methodological provisions for the formation of matrix of innovation potential and motivation regarding the reacting to a competitive situation that allows entities to implement their choice of development strategy have been proposed. An own interpretation of the concepts of “innovative potential” and “motivation of economic entities regarding the reacting to a competitive situation” has been highlighted. This matrix is formed on the basis of computing of the integral indicator of the innovative potential of economic entities and the integrated index of motivation regarding the reacting to a competitive situation. The matrix consists of four segments and represents such development strategies of economic entity during creation of innovations as active (adoption / development of innovations, active operation at the market), active-passive (active operation at the market or implementation of innovation, change in its scale), passive-active (focusing on the creation and implementation of innovation or ignoring innovation), and passive (low motivation to innovation, slow growth of innovation potential, long time of innovations introduction). In the article, the methodology for calculating the integral indicator of innovation potential for economic entities has been presented. It includes such components as economic, organizational-technical, financial-investment and management components. It also reflects the methodology for calculating the integral index of motivation regarding the reacting to a competitive situation. It includes such components as the growth rate of implemented innovative products, the threat that innovation activity represents to a traditional type of activity, the level of interconnection between the innovation and the existing type of activity and the coefficient of competitors’ reaction as a result of the introduction of innovation. Recommendations to economic entities regarding their behavior in case of choosing the appropriate development strategy have been presented. The use of the offered matrix will give an opportunity to improve quality of administrative decisions and efficiency of innovative potential management by the economic entities in the process of innovative management. 
matrix, strategy of development, integral index, innovative potential, competition situation, motivation, innovative activity 


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