Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Soc-Econ-Problems_MPU -- Year 2018, Vol 2(130)

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Economics and National Economy Management

UDC 336:332.1.001.11; JEL G18
Pshyk, B., & Voznyuk, M. (2018). Teoretyko-metodychni zasady rozroblennya kontseptsiyi upravlinnya finansovymy resursamy ekonomiky derzhavy [Theoretical and methodological bases of development of the concept of management of financial resources of the economy of the state]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 130 (2) (pp. 3-7). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 3

The article deals with theoretical and methodical principles of management of financial resources of the state economy: its essence, tasks and principles are defined. Under the management of the financial resources of the state economy, a system of principles and methods for the development, adoption and implementation of management decisions aimed at creating financial resources and increasing the efficiency of their use by all economic actors – the state, regions, individual enterprises and institutions, and households – are considered. The attention is paid to the emergence of a certain inconsistency in Ukraine – the financial system that is currently formed and provides financial support for the activities of economic entities, even at the weakest manifestations of various types of risks and threats is destabilizing, which in turn leads to a liquidity crisis, and therefore – before the outflow of funds from the country’s economic system, inflation and so on. The absence of an integrated approach to the formation and use of financial resources in the program documents of the state is conditioned, first of all, by the lack or limited volume of the financial component. In addition, there is a lack of recalculation of certain sectoral and regional peculiarities, since the main emphasis is being made on the formation and use of budgetary resources, which makes the developed programs and strategies of economic development, for the most part, to be financially unsecured. Therefore, the necessity of developing a holistic concept aimed at the formation, increase and use of financial resources, as well as the development of effective mechanisms for their management to ensure the development of the national economy, is now over. The sequence of forming the concept of management of financial resources, which determines the economic, organizational and legal principles of their formation, increase and use in order to ensure sustainable development of the country and solve social problems, is substantiated. The main directions of development and implementation of the concept are defined: estimation of volume of financial resources; monitoring their use, developing the appropriate motivational mechanism; which will stimulate the growth of financial resources; identifying and assessing the risks and threats that arise in the process of their formation and use, as well as developing tools aimed at minimizing these risks and threats in the country. 
competitiveness, market economy, sustainable development, management, financial relations, financial resources 

UDC 336.051; JEL G02, G21, G28
Dudynets, L., & Vernei, O. (2018). Finansova inklyuzyvnist' ta yiyi determinanty [Financial inclusion and its determinants]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 130 (2) (pp. 8-13). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 15

As a key enabler for development, financial inclusion is firmly placed on the agenda of most governments as a key priority. According to the World Bank, more than 2.5 billion people in the world do not have access to quality financial services. For borrowing and insurance of their assets, they use informal methods. The objective of this paper is to examine the determinants of financial inclusion. The article explains the notion of financial inclusivity as an indicator of access to financial services. The authors of this study identified four components of financial inclusion, namely, 1) access, 2) quality, 3) usage and 4) welfare. We also analysed the factors that matter for financial inclusion. These factors are place of living, limited knowledge of financial services, level of incom, absence of legal identity, public confidence in financial institutions. This study also considers the existing approaches to assessment of financial inclusion. The most used is the World Bank methodology Global Financial Inclusion (Global Findex). The indicators are drawn from survey data collected by Gallup, covering about 150,000 adults in more than 140 economies and representing about 97 percent of the world’s population. A comparative research on access to financial services to population in Ukraine and other countries has been carried out. The results show that according to the Global Findex in Ukraine, there is a rather low level of financial inclusion of the population in the organized money market. In particular, almost all indicators of financial inclusion in Ukraine are lower than in the developed countries of the OECD, and in some places – from the average world values. The authors suggest priority measures to improve the accessibility of financial services and protection of consumers’ rights. This study examine the impact of digital finance for financial inclusion and financial system stability. Digital finance through Fintech providers has positive effects for financial inclusion in emerging and advanced economies, and the convenience that digital finance provides to individuals with low and variable income is often more valuable to them than the higher cost they will pay to obtain such services from conventional regulated banks. 
financial sector, financial services market; financial inclusiveness, financial inclusion, financial service, availability of financial services, financial technologies, digital financial inclusion 

UDC 004.75; JEL O33
Kavetsky, V. (2018). Zastosuvannya blokcheyn-systemy u finansoviy sferi [Application of the blockсhain system in the financial sphere]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 130 (2) (pp. 14-18). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

The phenomenon of technology blockchain is grounded as the basis for the functioning of the primary bitcoin cryptocurrency and various approaches to its understanding. The scientific publications of information security issues in the financial sector have been analyzed. The influence of blockchain technology on the financial sphere and the possibilities of interaction of cryptography with the economic system is investigated. The phenomenon of smart contracts is analyzed as one of the blockchain technology applications. It is determined that the smart contract is an agreement between the two parties, which is kept in blockchain. Such agreements may be concluded between two people, in other words, peer-to-peer, person and organization, or between man and machine. Examples of methods of blockchain technology and determination of the advantages of its introduction are considered. The advantages and potential of using blockchain technology in cashless internet calculations are analyzed. The advantages of introducing the blockchain technology into business and insurance are outlined. The following benefits for the insurance sector are highlighted: increasing customer loyalty and interest (a system that is not centralized and, where unilateral decisions are not made, causes much more trust from the client side); offers of new cost-effective products for emerging markets; development of insurance products related to the «Internet of Things» (smart sensors, telematics, etc.). Decentralization. opacity, theoretical unlimited, reliability, versatility are highlighted as advantages of blockchain technology for business. The potential consequences of the introduction of the latest technology for the financial sector of the economy both at the national level and globally are outlined. It is determined that in the future the mechanism of emission of cryptocurrency may have a significant impact on the global macroeconomic system and change it. It has been determined that in spite of revolution changes in the modern economy, in the short term, blockchain technology will be difficult to integrate into the existing infrastructure. However, it has been determined that blockchain technology can become a driving force in the financial system of the world, radically changing the way people settle between financial institutions, and become a universal method of calculation all over the world. 
cryptocurrency, bitcoin, blockchain, blockchain technology, smart contract 

UDC 330.3:336:519.86; JEL C02, G21
Kvasniy, M. (2018). Analiz ta osoblyvosti dynamiky byudzhetu Ukrayiny v umovakh transformatsiynykh zmin [Analysis and features of dynamics of the budget of Ukraine in conditions of transformation changes]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 130 (2) (pp. 19-24). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

The main economic indicators of the budget of Ukraine are considered and the analysis of dynamics as a set of three components is proposed: changes in behavior, structure and taking into account external influences. The analysis of the dynamics of the revenue and expenditure parts of the State Budget of Ukraine in 2017 based on the use of base and chain growth rates and in comparison with 2013 (the period prior to military actions and reforms), it was established that the dynamics of the budget is nonlinear with a nonsmooth character – then comes down. The peculiarity of the dynamics is the growth of the amplitude of fluctuations, the reduction of periods of stability and the significant imbalance of indicators in September and December. The analysis of the structure of the revenue part of the Consolidated Budget of Ukraine showed its instability, which indicates instability of the tax policy with variable use of both tax and non-tax leverage. The presence of chaotic structural changes in the revenue side of the budget affects the stability of financing the expenditure part of the budget, which creates imbalances in fiscal policy. The dynamics of the income expense ratio varies from 0.62 to 0.99 in 2013 and from 0.58 to 1.53 in 2017, indicating a low level of budgeting efficiency and a budget deficit in 2013 and an increase in the effectiveness of budgeting and instability in 2017. The dynamics of the budget of Ukraine are influenced both by internal structural changes and the external environment. In order to characterize the dynamics of the environment, they are selected as indicators: GDP, average wages, consumer price index, and their impact on the Consolidated Budget of Ukraine. It was diagnosed that the dynamics of GDP is closely related to the dynamics of the revenue side of the budget, while the dynamics of the chain growth rate of the average wage and the consumer price index have a similar trend towards the dynamics of the chain growth rate of expenditures. Since the Ukrainian economy is under the influence of globalization, integration and transformation processes, and its dynamics is nonlinear, variable in terms of behavior and structure, the dynamics of the budget of Ukraine is similar. 
budget of Ukraine, revenues, expenditures, coverage ratio, growth rate, structure, external influences, nonlinear dynamics 

UDC 336.71; JEL E44, G20, L10, N20
Prokhorenko, V. (2018). Metodolohiya otsinyuvannya ekonomichnoyi efektyvnosti stratehiyi rozvytku finansovoho sektoru [The methodology of economy efficiency assessment of the strategy of financial sector development]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 130 (2) (pp. 25-30). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 17

In the conditions of the reform of the national economy of Ukraine and the implementation of many measures aimed at European integration, an important task of the state administration is to ensure conditions in which, on the one hand, the national market is protected from negative external influences (migration, financial crises, capital leakage, etc.) on the other hand, is ready for challenges of an innovative nature in all sectors of the economy. Under such circumstances, it is important to ensure scientifically sound decision-making on the formation and evaluation of a strategy for the development of the financial sector of the national economy, since the consequences of the implementation of the financial strategy directly affect the nature and dynamics of the development of the real sector of the economy. In today’s conditions of strategic transformations of the financial sector of Ukraine, it is relevant to develop a sound system for evaluating the economic efficiency of the selected strategy of financial sector development in Ukraine. The development of the system, that is, the application of a systematic approach to the implementation of the evaluation processes of the financial sector development strategy in Ukraine, is optimal in terms of the components of the financial sector and their characteristics. After all, it is the system that provides detailed disclosure of methods, functions, and evaluation purposes in terms of their interdependence and interconnection. In view of this, a study was carried out on the methodology for assessing the economic efficiency of the financial sector development strategy. In particular: the article explores the context of substantive and substantive filling of economic category concepts «efficiency», «effectiveness» and «strategy effectiveness» is considered. The context of the interpretation of these concepts in thematic exposition, use in scientific research is given. The experience of using the systems of assessing the financial stability of the financial sector, which are actively introduced in many countries of the world, is generalized. The principles and technologies for assessing the economic efficiency of the financial sector development strategy are explored. A comparative analysis of technologies for assessing the state of the financial sector was carried out. 
efficiency, strategy effectiveness, financial sector, economic efficiency estimates, estimation technologies 

UDC 332.855; JEL L85
Sadovyak, M. (2018). Teoretychni zasady funktsionuvannya dokhidnykh budynkiv [Theoretical bases of operating houses functioning]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 130 (2) (pp. 31-35). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 5

The article presents the theoretical substantiation of profitable houses from the point of view of their functioning as investment projects, as well as a concrete mechanism for solving problems in the residential real estate rental market. The author states that an income house is an investment project, the management of which involves full or partial temporary use by the owner of residential and non-residential premises to individuals and legal entities with different income levels on the basis of commercial and social employment, in order to obtain income by the owner at the expense of rent and the reimbursement of the cost of additional services or the achievement of a social effect (with the right to further redemption at an affordable price). It has been determined that income houses should differ from housing rented out on social or commercial hiring grounds, professional level of management and provision of high-level housing and communal services to tenants. Another important difference is that the design, construction and operation of an income house provide revenue and liquidity throughout its lifetime. It is revealed that in Ukraine there is no integral model of the management of income houses, as well as concrete ways of solving problems in the residential real estate market. The main advantages of a profitable home are determined: an income house is an affordable dwelling that any person can easily rent out for a short time, based on the conditions of comfort and own financial capabilities; the tenant, paying the rent, is not worried about the condition of the premises, and the problems that arise in the process of managing the income house; this type of housing does not restrict freedom of movement of a person, and change the place of residence (for example, in search of work) is simple enough; a resident of a profitable home does not own real estate, therefore, it does not risk losing it; high level of comfort of living and quality of service asa result of competition of homeowners; functioning of profitable houses is a profitable business, which ensures replenishment of city budgets by paying the corresponding taxes; ensuring effective management of a house of wealth, lack of problems with non-payment; the tenant retains the right to participate in state and local housing programs; all relationships between the tenant and the homeowner are documented, and the lodger is provided with stable and unchanged conditions; a resident gets a ready-to-live room with all the necessary equipment and furniture, getting rid of the need to buy personal belongings for everyday life, as well as making large purchases that make it difficult to move if this is necessary. 
revenue house, investment project, real estate, lease, management 

UDC 339.7.01; JEL G10, O30, O16
Semehen, I., & Drebot, N. (2018). Mistse i rol' kryptovalyuty u svitoviy ekonomitsi [The place and role of cryptocurrency in the global economy]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 130 (2) (pp. 36-39). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 5

In this article, the authors have made analyse and description of the new, modern form of money, the so-called virtual currency, or cryptocurrency. An accent is made on the fact that the concept of virtual currency and the digital currency should not be equated, since the latter is a digital representation of real money, in the process of circulation, exchange between financial market participants within the real economy, with official legal status. The connection between the legal (or real), virtual and black (or shadow) economies through the prism of the emergence and circulation of cryptography is considered. Discovered, that in the aspect of the analysis of production and circulation of the virtual currency, insignificant attention is paid to the connection of virtual capital with the real, namely, the possibilities of the formation and use of fictitious capital in order to launder «dirty» money. The analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the virtual currency turnover in the world economy has been carried out. The authors note that the requirements that will reflect the conditions under which virtual money should be rotated in the market should be the first key step of the state, law enforcement agencies and the private sector, to analyze the essence of this phenomenon. The authors argue that in formulating the state policy of controlling the circulation of cryptocurrency in the country, attention should be focused on four main areas. They are: protection of investors (owners of virtual currency), ensuring the integrity of the world market of virtual currency turnover (due to its decentralized nature), counteraction to the emergence of money laundering through the release and circulation of virtual currencies and counteraction to tax evasion by investing in cryptocurrency. In addition, taking into account world experience, in order to establish effective control, productive cooperation between regulators and trading platforms, monitoring of transactions and identification of beneficiaries should be established, in order to avoid anonymity and the facts of money laundering. It was concluded that despite a wide range of advantages and a large number of innovations, in Ukraine, the main problem is the lack of legislative regulation of the cryptocurrency turnover, and therefore needs to be corrected. 
world economy, development of economic science, money, currency, cryptocurrency, money laundering 

UDC 336.743:336.027:004.4; JEL G11, G15, G23
Sloboda, L., & Senkovych, Yu. (2018). Rozvytok ta implementatsiya tekhnolohiyi blokcheyn u provedenni rozrakhunkiv finansovykh ustanov [Development and implementation of blockchain technology in financial institutions’ payments]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 130 (2) (pp. 40-47). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

In the article modern approaches of the blockchain technology development are considered in relation to the determination of the essence and types of cryptocurrencies. The features of innovative blockchain technology are exposed and an analysis over of development these technologies in providing payment transactions of financial institutions to satisfy of the society necessities in the different spheres of socio and economic life. The authors describe the main followers’ stages in basic model of blockchain system redarding to the trusting approach and security functions. The schemes of financial transactions in correspondent banking relationships based on the blockchain technology model are created. In addition, the analysis of the banking operations in cryptocurrencies is conducted and the features of regulation this activity of financial institutions in Europe and globally are exposed. The classification of the stages of blockchain technology development is carried out by authors. The forecast of the blockchain technology development is presented in relation to the application in a digital economy on the basis of forming an alternative financial infrastructure. An assessment of the legal base of implementation blockchain technology in Ukrainian financial relationships is conducted. As a result of the research, the authors note that the legal base of the blockchain technology implementation in development status in Ukraine, therefore the concept of the financial payments based on the blockchain needs to be finalized and mandatory consolidated in Ukrainian regulations, especially in guidelines created by National Bank of Ukraine. 
digital economy, financial institutions, cryptocurrency, innovative technology, blockchain, bitcoin, regulation of the financial payments in cryptocurrencies 

Investment and Innovation Activity

UDC 330.322:336.71; JEL G20, G21, O22
Tyazhkorob, I., & Holub, R. (2018). Investytsiynyy konsaltynh u rozvytku investytsiynoho biznesu bankiv Ukrayiny [Investment consulting in the development of investment business of banks of Ukraine]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 130 (2) (pp. 48-62). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

It is noted that in the developed countries of the world, consulting is an important tool of market infrastructure. The investment direction of banking business allows developing diversification processes at the level of the banking system, diversifying the assets of banks, and improving the structure of liabilities. Investment consulting activity allows flexible adaptation of banking business to changes in the market situation, making the banking business more stable. It is noted that in the Ukrainian banking market, the need to allocate investment consulting services is due to the extraordinary complexity of the investment area, the variety of investment instruments, the rapid change in the investment situation, the availability of investment risks, high profitability of investment business in comparison with classic banking. A monographic analysis of the concept of «investment consulting» was conducted. In modern scientific publications, the concept of «investment consulting» is considered as independent professional services, as a means of clarifying, assisting and supporting investment, as a tool for managing property, capital, resources or the search tool for investors and business partners, as a kind of intellectual or informational analytical activity in the sphere of investment and as a system of measures to stimulate investment. The procedure of preparation and conducting of investment consulting is determined. The procedure for preparing and conducting investment consulting involves the implementation of procedures for setting tasks, developing and agreeing specifications, conducting research with a consultant, preparing final products (analytical, methodological, consulting, training) and counseling. Based on the study of the theoretical foundations of Western management, it has been established that financial, legal, and investment monitoring is facilitated by the creation of appropriate analytical services and research centers in financial institutions. The emphasis is placed on the fact that the use of flexible organizational management systems will facilitate integration of the investment business-direction into the bank’s structure. Such management systems of the bank’s activities are modular, divisional and other modern forms of their combination. It is noted that the presence in the banking structures of a highly professional team of specialists, in particular, economists, mathematicians, lawyers, programmers, will enable the provision of qualitative and operational investment consulting services. 
investment consulting, consulting services, investment business, development, bank 


UDC 336.71:339.37; JEL G21, O31
Holub, H., & Sidelnyk, O. (2018). Ryteyl u bankivs'komu sektori Ukrayiny [Retail in the banking sector of Ukraine]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 130 (2) (pp. 53-56). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 6

The article investigates the concept of retail in banking sphere. The term «retail» is related to the processes and mechanisms for the sale of goods and services to end users. In this article, the peculiarities of retail development in Ukraine has been analyzed. It is determined that the segment of retail in Ukraine is currently forming and improving. Therefore, in this area the domestic banks can form their own competitive advantages and cover new segments of the market. For the development of retail in today’s conditions there are certain features: omnichannel trade, digital experience, personalization, new formats of remote inspection. Retail development, under such conditions, is based on the provision of electronic banking services. Namely, with using of such services as provided with the help of bank cards; remote bank customer service. Domestic banks are increasingly using Open Banking, which makes it possible: to develop new solutions using FinTech. The paper outlines perspective directions of retail development by Ukrainian banking institutions. In particular, a partnership between banks and retail companies is promising for banks, which promises additional benefits and opportunities. Perspective is the creation of an innovative division model. Innovative models of the future departments, take on different forms: outlets, automated offices and service centers, etc. The common thing for them, is that the office space is changing substantially. From the place of the transactions they turn into a place for communication and sale of banking products and services. Determinative for banking institutions is the development of multi-channel retail, which implies the simultaneous use of several sales channels, such as offline and online branches, mobile devices, TVs, in order to maximally optimize the process of providing banking services to potential customers. For multi-channel retail banking, the following components are required: sufficient and reliable information on banking services, real-time updates of information on the bank’s website, competitive and flexible tariffs, interest rates for services rendered, a system of risk minimization, and the social part, the feedback (user reviews, comments in social networks, etc.). The formation of a product line of banking retail is based on traditional and non-traditional banking services. The authors define the system of formation a retail banking product line, and defines its main components and benchmarks. 
banking, banking service, retail, banking retail, innovation 

UDC 336.71; JEL G01, G21, G28
Hrudzevych, U. (2018). Problemy i perspektyvy vprovadzhennya vymoh «Bazelyu III» pry vyznachenni likvidnosti bankiv Ukrayiny [Problems and prospects for the implementation of the Basel III requirement for determining liquidity of banks of Ukraine]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 130 (2) (pp. 57-62). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 15

The requirements of the Basel Committee on Regulation of liquidity of banking institutions using liquidity coverage ratio (LCR), net stable funding ratio (NSFR) and dynamics of their implementation abroad are investigated. Liquidity of the banking system of Ukraine and the largest banks according to the standards of instantaneous, current and short-term liquidity are analyzed. It was discovered that by February 2018 the majority of banking institutions did not point to the annual reporting of liquidity standards. At present, almost all banks adhere to the specified standards, but in a number of banks there are significant deviations in the side of excess, which as a consequence negatively affects the profitability and efficiency of the banks. The implementation of NBU requirements on information disclosure enables banking transparency and allows to implement liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) and net stable funding ratio (NSFR), in the practical activities of Ukrainian banks. The LCR domestic banks will start to determine since June 2018. According to the methods of the developed NBU, this indicator will be determined as the ratio of high-quality liquid assets to the net expected outflow of cash and will cover greater outflow of funds than the Basel III requires. The implementation of the LCR will result in the assessment of the banks‘ liquidity with short-term risks and lead to gradual cancellation of the standards of instantaneous and current liquidity. In the respeciality implementation of the NBU the indicator of net stable funding ratio, which will allow to create incentives for banks to increase the severity of deposits and minimize time imbalances of assets and liabilities of the bank with the terms of fulfillment up to 1 year; and implementation of new standards of risk assessment system that will include requirements for managing liquidity risk including. The influence of the liquidity coverage coefficient on the bank balance structure is determined, in particular, attention is focused on the necessity of growth of the long-term resources of Ukraine, practical opportunities of European bonds inclusion in Of liquid assets, problems of aggravation of competitive struggle of banks for deposits, which in turn will lead to changes in cost of resources and assets of banks. 
bank supervision, liquidity of the bank, liquidity risk, liquidity standards, liquidity coverage ratio, the indicator of net stable funding ratio 

UDC 336.71; JEL G18
Mamedov, S. (2018). Rol' zovnishnikh konsul'tantiv u protsesakh restrukturyzatsiyi bankiv [The role of external consultants in the processes of banking restructuring]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 130 (2) (pp. 63-66). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 2

The advantages of attracting external consultants to the restructuring of banks in order to maximize their value, reduce the cost of attracting external financing, advancement in the future in the market of new services is substantiated. The main directions of their activity in the volume of these processes are determined: analysis of the economic situation and the definition of optimal schemes of objects of restructuring; purchase of blocks of shares and their sale; attracting the necessary amount of financial resources for restructuring; consultation at the negotiation stage on the terms and conditions of the transaction implementation, the development and implementation of effective customer protection from the acquisition; assistance in preparing proper documents and financing the implementation of transactions; conduct an analysis of the expected effect of the transaction. The main risks of honest and unscrupulous consultants are presented. It is proposed to develop and implement in Ukraine a law «On maintenance of bank restructuring processes in Ukraine», which would determine the legal basis for licensing, the scope of such intermediaries, as well as their functions, responsibilities and level of responsibility for their implementation. Authors’ recommendations for licensing, advanced training and payment for services of external consultants involved in the processes of bank restructuring are developed. Іt is determined that the advantages of engaging external consultants by companies are as follows: presence of a methodological base in the consultant, providing a systematic approach to analytical work; the consultant has a methodology that allows the analysis to be comprehensive, highlighting the most important issues for the bank; the consultant is able to identify the key problems of the client, which helps to achieve success in a shorter time; external consultant provides impartiality analysis; The consultant has extensive experience in conducting analytical work on various objects, not only in one branch, but also in related industries; the responsibilities of an external consultant include not only the description of processes, but also the development of real practical recommendations; An external consultant has a large amount of background information for conducting analytical work in a particular field; It is especially important for the consultant to have information about the bank’s strategy, marketing research, etc., as well as developments in this area that can accelerate the implementation of the consultation project. 
acquisition, bank, consulting, external consultants, merger, restructuring 

UDC 336.71:73; JEL O52, О31, P43, P45
Rudenko, Z. (2018). Vplyv rozvytku FinTekh na bankivs'kyy rynok v Ukrayini [Effect of Fintech development on banking market in Ukraine]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 130 (2) (pp. 67-71). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

FinTech (financial technology) is experiencing a world of rapid development. During the last three years, FinTech is also developing in Ukraine, where 80 companies are currently active in the market. Among them there are both startups and more mature service providers. In connection with this typical banking operations to which accustomed customers bank lose its significance. The financial services market requires the provision of innovative products that require digital connectivity and synchronization with smartphones and mobile client applications in the digital era. Therefore, banking institutions can not always compete with FinTech companies, and the latter having client bases can not meet their own capacity. Therefore, the effect of interaction between banking institutions and FinTech is considered and analyzed in this article. Financial technology is a term that is far from new, but only in recent years, this activity began to emerge from the banking world and gain the characteristics of a separate industry. FinTech is a company that uses the latest developments in the area of mobile payments, online lending, digital instant messaging and other breakthrough technologies in building its own business model. The main factors of the emergence and development of FinTech are: the development of technology and innovation, increased labor migration and the search for alternative ways of financing small and medium businesses. FinTech today offers the following services: payment solutions and merchant services, internet banking and P2P lending, international money transfers, investment management and private banking, processing and organization of large volumes of information – Big data. Factors that are unique to Ukraine and in combination with developed infrastructure contribute to the development of FinTech: infrastructure, legal and regulatory environment, access to capital and investment, qualifications. Among the trends of the FinTech industry in Ukraine are: market demand, technology trust and proper legal regulation. Powerful infrastructure in the form of high penetration of mobile communication and smartphones in combination with well-educated and technologically competent people will help accelerate the development of FinTech, as well as an opportunity for banks to find innovative solutions for startups to increase investment and attract customers, and international venture funds – bargain deals. 
FinTech, Finteh companies, banking institutions, payments, lending, banking technologies 

UDC 336.71:004.415.2.031.43; JEL G21, G32, E47
Sementsov, R., & Samorodov, B. (2018). Opys biznes-protsesu diahnostyky finansovoho stanu banku [Analyzing business process a bank financial condition diagnostics]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 130 (2) (pp. 72-77). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 6

This article examines the bank financial condition diagnostics as a practice or methods for determining the bank financial condition, by identifying the nature (the risks are faced by the bank or problems that arise during the banking professional activity) by studying the symptoms of these negative factors. It is described the nature of the research process structure for identifying the symptoms of negative factors which influence the bank financial condition based on the analysis and description of the business process «diagnostics of the bank financial condition». The internal structure of the process «bank financial condition diagnostics» is considered by determining the category «analysis» and extrapolating it to the business process «analysis of the bank financial condition». In the course of the business process, «analysis of the composition of bank assets and liabilities», it is made a description of the system for diagnosing the bank financial condition. The authors note that the system of diagnosing the bank financial condition is still in development status in Ukraine, therefore the concept of the bank financial condition diagnostics, which is partly described in the domestic legislation, needs to be finalized and mandatory consolidated in domestic regulations. In addition, taking into account world experience, domestic regulations on risk management, it should be noted that this model to assess the bank financial condition should be based on the bank risk profile – in assessing the risks that the bank is exposed in the process of its activities. In the absence of an instruction on a comprehensive of the bank financial condition analysis, the main baseline factors on which this analysis should be based – the bank financial condition diagnosis is problematic. 
diagnostics, financial condition, bank, business-process, risk 

Accounting, Analysis and Audit

UDC 339.166.5; JEL M40, H25
Vahner, I., Demko, I., & Pryshlyak, H. (2018). Osoblyvosti obliku i opodatkuvannya royalti: aktual'ni aspekty [Accounting and taxation of royalty: actual aspects]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 130 (2) (pp. 78-81). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 4

Defined the concept of «royalty» – payments made to artists, musicians and other creators who own intellectual property by the distributor, publisher, or manufacturer that sells the creator’s property. These licensees pay royalties to the creator, the licensor, either upon the sale of an item or each time an item is used. Royalty payments are made according to carefully constructed contracts, so it’s important to employ an accurate accounting system to keep track of them. This ensures that payments are rendered in a timely manner and in the correct amount. Royalties are typically agreed upon as a percentage of gross or net revenues derived from the use of an asset or a fixed price per unit sold of an item of such, but there are also other modes and metrics of compensation. A royalty interest is the right to collect a stream of future royalty payments. Accounting processes vary based upon the nature of payments made and other contract stipulations, so it’s important to know the specific entries required for each type of transaction. Revealed the peculiarities of royalty accounting at domestic enterprises. Payment made by the lessee on account of a royalty is normal business expenditure and will be debited to the Royalty account. It is a nominal account and at the end of the accounting year, balance of Royalty account need to be transferred to the normal Trading and Profit & Loss account. Royalty, based on the production or output, will strictly go to the Manufacturing or Production account. In case, where the Royalty is payable on sale basis, it will be part of the selling expenses. Considered the main aspects of royalty taxation. According to sub-para. 196.1.6 of para. 196.1 of Art. 196 of the Tax Code of Ukraine royalty payment transactions in cash are not the subject to value added tax (Consequently, if payments under the contract are to be classified as royalties, then transactions for making such payments are not the subject to VAT. If payments can not be classified as royalties, such transactions are to be the subject to VAT on general terms at a rate. According of TCU, the subject to taxation of the income tax is determined by adjusting the financial result before tax (profit or loss), determined in the financial statements of the enterprise in accordance with National Accounting Standards or IFRS, on the differences that arise in accordance with the provisions of this section. Determining of the financial result in accordance with the Accounting Standards means the need to apply all necessary provisions, including those relating to costs. 
intellectual property, non-vestment assets, royalties, licensing agreement, accounting, taxation 

Economics and Business Management

UDC 334.716:664; JEL L10, L60
Popadynets, N. (2018). Vykorystannya stratehichnoho planuvannya dlya zabezpechennya efektyvnoyi diyal'nosti pidpryyemstv kharchovoyi promyslovosti [Application of strategic planning for maintenance of food enterprises’ efficient activity]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 130 (2) (pp. 82-85). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 4

Strategic planning is an objective precondition of efficient functioning and competitive development of enterprises. Synergy between mission, goals and directions of enterprise’s activity through understanding of current situation in achievement of relevance between internal capabilities of an enterprise and market environment requirements provides the forming of the strategy of enterprise’s activity. Its implementation contributes to enterprise’s success and strengthening of competitive positions. Taking into account modern tendencies of food market development in a country, the issues of competitive ability and defining the peculiarities of its strategic planning are decisive for food enterprises. In order to accomplish the defined tasks, the following methods have been applied in the research: analysis and synthesis, systematization and generalization and dialectic approach. The paper aims to define major stages of strategic planning process at food enterprises in the context of maintenance of their efficient activity and to explain the importance of strategic planning as the precondition of their efficient functioning. The paper researches the peculiarities of food enterprises’ functioning and the issues of strategic planning introduction for their efficient activity. The stages of strategic planning process of food enterprises’ activity and development in the context of their competitive ability maintenance are outlined. The need for strategic planning at food enterprises is explained and major preconditions for relevant transition are defined as following: the need to react to changes in enterprises’ functioning; necessity of consolidation of various activity directions of an enterprise under conditions of decentralization and diversification processes development; presence of evident competitive advantages and need for their support and creation; strengthening of innovative processes, generating and quick assimilation of new ideas by enterprises; necessity to introduce high culture of management, oriented at prevention of resistance to changes and stimulation of enterprise’s development. The measures to maintain efficient activity of food enterprises are suggested. 
efficient activity, competitive advantages, strategic planning, strategic capacity, food industry 

Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought

UDC 330.101:330.8; JEL В49
Horbachevska, O. (2018). Ekonomichnyy imperializm yak suchasna praktyka zbahachennya sotsial'nykh nauk [Economic imperialism as a modern practice of the social sciences enrichment]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 130 (2) (pp. 86-92). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 16

The beginning of the XXI century is characterized by global changes in the economy and society that led to the backwardness of the social sciences from real life. In that regard, the increasing demands on science, which must contain creative tools in the spirit of the time are growing. The toolkit of any one of the social sciences is not enough to describe the processes in all spheres of human life. This can only be achieved on the basis of interdisciplinary connections of all social sciences. There is a problem of finding a form in which such a combination of interdisciplinary relationships in the social sciences will be expressed. In this paper, the historical aspect of the search for attempts to find such a form is investigated. We consider the full form to display the categories and methods of different sciences methodology of economic imperialism. There are two reasons to think so. The first is the universality of economic methods to the movement of the chain social phenomenon – modeled problem – practice and conclusions enriching science. The second is the priority of the economic sphere in any society, which is a powerful engine of social transformations. The purpose of this research is to develop theoretical views about economic science and the beginning of XX century identify and systematize trends in its development, taking into account the influence of globalization factors, review of the main forms of interdisciplinary transitions in general and «economic imperialism» in particular as a perspective direction in the development of a united social science. Research of this problem requires the use of certain methodological tools. On the basis of unity of historical and logical approaches, the evolution of economic imperialism in the context of the development of social sciences is considered. Using functional approach, the logical-functional relationships between economy and law are investigated. Examples are given not only to the invasion of economic imperialism in other sciences, but also to examples of mutual coexistence. The ultimate goal of «economic imperialism» is the unification of all the sciences about a society based on neoclassic. 
globalization, economic theory, methodology of economic science, interdisciplinary relations, social sciences, economic imperialism 

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