Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Soc-Econ-Problems_MPU -- Year 2021, Vol 3(149)

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Economics and National Economy Management

UDC 338.48; JEL L83, O20
Bezuhlyy, I. (2021). Perspektyvni modeli orhanizatsiyi turystychnoho biznesu [Prospective models of tourist business organization]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 149 (3) (pp. 3-8). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

The paper examines the advanced models of the tourism business organization as a conceptual description of the creation of economic or social value for the consumer of services in real economic situations, the development of means of communication, and methods of conducting monetary transactions. It determines the directions of activation of economic activity types without which further formation of tourist business is slowed down, in particular travel journalism, cloudsourcing, business on joint use of property, couchsurfing, customization, partnership. The author suggests using travel journalism to promote tourist brands, form the image of resorts, promote destinations, increase demand for tourist services. Examples of perspective use of crowdsourcing tools in tourism are given. The directions of use of customization in tourism are substantiated, in particular expansion of sales channels, attraction of new segments of consumers, personalization of elements of service, specialization of tour operators in individual services. The essence of partner business in tourism is revealed, examples of partner programs of tour operators are given. The paper offers the classification of the basic models of tour operator activity, which is characterized by interaction with potential consumers and mechanisms of services monetization. The implementation of the strategy of improving existing tourism products does not ensure the achievement of established competitive advantages. Much greater opportunities to increase the competitiveness of the tourism business lie in the optimization of the business model. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the directions of expanding business models in the tourism business. The author uses scientific methods of comparison of archetypes of business models of tour operator activity, analysis of professional literature for the definition of tendencies in tourism, synthesis for substantiation of directions to use crowdsourcing in tourism. 
business model in tourism, travel journalism, crowdsourcing in tourism, customization of a tourist product, partnership in the organization of tourist business 

UDC 330.567:316.4:351.863; JEL D10, E21, F52
Bil, M. (2021). Spozhyvcha povedinka naselennya Ukrayiny: refleksiyi na pandemiyu COVID-19 [Consumer behavior of the population of Ukraine: reflections on the COVID-19 pandemic]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 149 (3) (pp. 9-15). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 27

The theoretical and applied bases of research of consumer behavior of the population following the reflexive approach are formulated. Consumer behavior is suggested to be considered a type of economic behavior that, in combination with savings and investment activity, shows the consumer reflections of the population and directly determines the processes of economic growth. The consumer reflection is defined as the result of an entity’s understanding of one’s financial capacity, expressed in terms of costs, which consistently determine the model of economic behavior. The schematic generalization of factors of formation (environment) and consequences of realization (economic growth) of consumer behavior of the population is carried out. Since the stability conditions are among the environmental factors, the impact of the pandemic on consumer behavior as a major destabilizer is studied. Adaptation of the consumer market to the requirements of the pandemic has led to a number of conceptual changes related to the conditions of sustainable socio-economic development, the activities of economic entities, and the purchasing power of the population. The level of income and expenditure structure of the population of Ukraine according to household surveys with a comparison of pre- and pandemic indicators are analyzed. Maintaining the purchasing power of the population in the conditions of positive wages dynamics and the gradual improvement of the macroeconomic situation after the events of 2014 prevented the «quarantine» shutdown of the economy. At the same time, the analysis of the cost structure of the population revealed a significant reduction in spending on leisure and restaurant business and a significant increase in utility costs, which is an additional destructive factor of the population welfare in post-pandemic uncertainty. Given the uncertainty of the situation, the need to support socially responsible business in Ukraine is indicated, and the priorities of its development in terms of production and sales activities are proposed. 
consumer behavior, consumer reflections, environmental stability, household income and expenditure, socially responsible business, COVID-19 pandemic 

UDC 338.487/.488:659.113; JEL L53, L83, M30
Sydoruk, A., Makovetska, N., & Bortnykov, Y. (2021). Brend- i RR-menedzhment pidpryyemstv turystychnoho ta hotel'no-restorannoho biznesu: teoretychni aspekty [Brand- and PR-management of tourism and hotel and restaurant business enterprises: theoretical aspects]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 149 (3) (pp. 16-19). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 11

The article addresses the study of such a modern tool for increasing the market competitiveness of an enterprise as brand management in the context of strategic development of modern enterprises of the tourism industry and hotel and restaurant business. The historical background of the process of brand management development in the world is examined. Theoretical bases for the formation of the scientific idea of this type of marketing activity are defined, and also views of domestic and foreign scientists concerning the realization of this tool in the activity of the enterprises are considered. The essence of the terms «tourism» and «brand management», their components, the conceptual approach to the introduction of brand management in the management of tourism and hotel and restaurant business, and the advantages of the company with the brand are analyzed. The internal mechanisms of using brand management at enterprises and the conditions under which it is expedient to use it are characterized. The article emphasizes that brand management involves the formation, strengthening and development of relationships between the brand and potential consumers through the development of its communicative, social, individual and functional properties, as well as provides brand identification through management of its components (name, logo, slogan, graphics, colors, sound, etc.). The author notes that the promotion of the brand in the market of tourist and hotel and restaurant services is impossible without the use of marketing communications. The definitions of «advertising» and «Public Relations», as well as their main forms in the process of promoting the brand in the market of tourist and hotel and restaurant services are outlined. The paper argues that brand and PR management have become the basis of the enterprise, which allows managing its image through brand management, as well as contributes to the formation of competitive advantages, strengthening competitiveness and achieving stability in the market of tourism and hotel and restaurant services. 
brand, brand management, Public Relations, PR-management, enterprise, tourism industry, hotel and restaurant business 

UDC 336.645.3; JEL I23, I25, F01, F60
Petrova, Ya. (2021). Pidvyshchennya efektyvnosti finansuvannya vyshchoyi osvity: stratehichni oriyentyry Ukrayiny v umovakh hlobal'nykh vyklykiv [Improving the funding efficiency of higher education: Ukraine’s strategic guidelines in a global challenges]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 149 (3) (pp. 20-25). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 17

The article highlights the strategic guidelines for increasing the efficiency of higher education funding as a driver of social development in the context of globalization challenges. The author's approach to the definition of the concept of "higher education funding efficiency" is proposed. The most significant manifestations of globalization and modern global trends impacting the processes of funding the higher education are summarized. The patterns of higher education public funding in European countries are determined. To substantiate the choice of the strategy for funding the higher education in Ukraine, a system of strategic guidelines based on the trajectory of its development is suggested to be used. Clustering of European countries by the level of budgetary funding and population coverage with higher education is carried out. Based on this results the possible options for the development trajectories of higher education in Ukraine are identified. The results of implementation of possible strategies for the development of higher education in Ukraine are calculated and the most effective of them are determined. The article concludes that the educational and financial policies of the state and institutions of higher education must adapt to global challenges, to the state of the external globalized environment, which will contribute to increasing the level of their competitiveness both in the country and abroad. 
higher education, funding, efficiency, globalization, sources of funding, financial management, development trajectory, funding strategy 

Territorial Development and Regional Economics

UDC 332.14:338.22.021.2; JEL R10, R58, P25
Shchehlyuk, S. (2021). Pidkhody do otsinyuvannya efektyvnosti derzhavnoyi rehional'noyi polityky [Approaches to the evaluation of the public regional policy efficiency]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 149 (3) (pp. 26-35). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 28

The paper addresses the issue of improving the methodological framework of the evaluation of the public regional policy efficiency. It provides a short review of methodological approaches and mechanisms to evaluate the policy implementation depending on measures directed at achievement of objectives (performance evaluation) and management level (efficiency evaluation). The paper outlines the problem of the lack of a single approach to the interpretation of the policy efficiency and performance categories, which leads to difficulties in the evaluation and simplification of the policy. The set of methodological tools to evaluate the policy implementation that includes the key principles and the algorithm is suggested. The evaluation of the policy efficiency following the suggested set of tools includes the socio-economic, environmental, and institutional components. The evaluation of performance stipulates the measurement of the level of the policy objectives achievement and tasks implementation based on the system of qualitative and quantitative parameters. The paper reveals that performance is the component of the efficiency evaluation. The suggested set of methodological tools has the advantage of possible regional policy monitoring in terms of setting and implementing the objectives and tasks as well as its complex nature and expansion of methodological techniques of current public regional policy performance evaluation. 
public regional policy, efficiency, performance, evaluation 

Economics of Labor, Demography, Social Policy

UDC 349.2; JEL H55, I38
Hontar, Z. (2021). Perspektyvni napryamy vdoskonalennya sotsial'noyi polityky v Ukrayini z urakhuvannyam dosvidu yevropeys'kykh krayin [Perspective directions of improving the social policy in Ukraine based on the experience of European countries]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 149 (3) (pp. 36-41). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

The current state, directions, and basic conceptual principles of the state social policy of the EU are studied, their distinctive features are characterized. The level of social development of the EU member states, the main strategic directions of state support of development, features, and needs of the social sphere of Ukraine in the course of the European integration, and strategic goals of their settlement are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the implementation of European experience to improve the social model of development and political stability of Ukraine. Modern approaches to the implementation of social policy are outlined. The relationship between social and economic matters in the policy of sustainable human development is shown. Emphasis is placed on the priority of active and effective state social policy, which results in the creation of conditions for the development of the welfare state, ensuring the social orientation of the economy, protection of social interests of on individual, society, and state. The practice of foreign countries on the implementation of social protection and regulation of social development processes is analyzed. Priority areas for reforming Ukraine's state social policy in the context of adaptation to the EU standards are identified. The conditions of functioning of the current system of social protection of the population of Ukraine are analyzed; the experience of leading "welfare states" in the formation of models of social policy is studied; weaknesses and ways to improve the domestic social protection system are identified; approaches to solving the problems of financing in social protection are proposed. Insufficient institutional capacity of the authorities hinders the realization of the potential of the European integration course in full, correct determination of the sequence of steps, calculation of the ways to achieve tasks, search for the necessary solutions for stakeholders to take full advantage of all benefits. 
state social policy, social standards, social security, implementation, reform, social sphere, state social security policy 

World Economy and Foreign Economic Relations

UDC 336.143; JEL Н23, Н50, Н10
Volkova, O. (2021). Finansova polityka rozvynenykh krayin: suchasni vyklyky [The financial policy of developed countries: current challenges]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 149 (3) (pp. 42-46). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

The paper analyzes the following current challenges for the financial policy of developed countries: increasing significant differentiation of economic development and inequality in the distribution of wealth, demographic crisis due to population aging with increasing social burden on public finances, inflation risks, budget risks (increasing budget deficit and public debt), climate change. The paper argues that the change in the technological structure of economic development of society and permanent crises objectively determine the transformation processes in public finances and intensify the role of the state in economic relations. Today, the financial policy of developed countries has recognized effective tools to influence a more even redistribution - reducing the tax burden on the income of low- and middle-income individuals and reducing the tax burden on income from work while increasing taxes on "wealth". Monetary policy is also seen as a tool to influence inequality reduction but as a complement to targeted fiscal and fiscal policies. Given the limited growth of consumer demand during the recovery of the economy, developed countries have decided to stimulate demand from the state through large-scale public investment in digital and environmental technologies, energy, and health, which will stimulate private investment in these areas and contribute to a more efficient redistribution of labor and capital resources. The paper argues that in order to ensure full and sustainable economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic and further economic development, the financial policy of developed countries should be based on a stimulating nature of monetary policy, tax policy transformation with an emphasis on taxation of "wealth", environmental taxes, digital economy, active stimulation of demand by the state by investing in the construction of a "green" economy in such priority areas as environmental infrastructure, innovative local infrastructure, digital technologies, health care, research. 
financial policy, macroeconomic support, monetary policy, tax policy, financial regulation 

UDC 338.1, 332.1; JEL O11, O14
Sozanskyy, L. (2021). Ekonomichna otsinka efektyvnosti funktsionuvannya promyslovosti Pol'shchi ta yiyi rehioniv [Economic assessment of the industry efficiency in Poland and its regions]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 149 (3) (pp. 47-52). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

The industry is an important sector of the economy that has the potential to significantly increase the GDP as it contains links with high value-added production, the growth of which provides solutions to a number of socio-economic issues. In particular, industry accounts for 24.1% of the employed population and 25.1% of Poland's gross value added. In addition, the industry is the center of the intersectoral relations of the country's economy. Thus, the importance of industry in the Polish economy highlights the need to assess the effectiveness of its operation. The purpose of the study was to conduct an economic evaluation of the industry efficiency in Poland and its regions according to the author's method. The study provides grounds for confirming the hypothesis of the existence of regional restructuring of Polish industry in the direction of potentially new industrial centers specialized in industrial production with higher innovation and economic and social efficiency. An economic evaluation of the efficiency of the industry in the regions of Poland is carried out according to the author's method. Its feature is a combination of indicators of the current (actual) state and dynamics. To comprehensively assess the efficiency of the industry in the regions, 24 stimulating indicators were selected, grouped into four groups, and summarized by an integrated indicator. In accordance with the data of the calculated generalized integrated indicator and using the method of k-means, all regions are divided into 3 groups: high, medium, and low efficiency. A comprehensive assessment of industrial activity at the meso level allowed us to distinguish two regional types of industry: old-industrial and potentially new-industrial regions. The first type, for the most part, was characterized by high values of the actual situation but low values for the dynamics. The second type of industry was characterized by opposite features: a relatively low share in the country's industry, low actual values of key indicators, but high positive dynamics of key indicators of economic activity of the industry – product innovation and productivity. 
industry, regions, efficiency, product innovation, labor productivity 

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