Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Soc-Econ-Problems_MPU -- Year 2023, Vol 4(162)

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Territorial Development and Regional Economics

UDC 332.142.2:332.142.4; JEL O18, R13, M21
Melnyk, M. I., & Leshchukh, I. V. (2023). Dyversyfikovani pidkhody do polityky posylennya rezyl'yentnosti rehioniv Ukrayiny v umovakh hlobal'nykh shokiv [Diversified approaches to the policy of strengthening the resilience of Ukrainian regions in the face of global shocks]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 162 (4) (pp. 3-11). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 15

The issue of unequal development of Ukrainian regions is not a recent one. Nonetheless, a new global shock – Russia’s war against Ukraine – has further exacerbated the differences between regions in terms of their development opportunities and the necessary state support, as its intensity has a differentiated spatial (geographical) nature. The article substantiates the expediency of implementing a diversified policy of strengthening the resilience of Ukrainian regions in the face of global shocks, taking into account local socio-economic needs, endogenous development capacity, and security factor. The author identifies the basic guidelines for a diversified policy of strengthening the resilience of Ukrainian regions in the context of global shocks, namely: 1) creation of attractive socio-economic and infrastructural conditions for maintaining and developing the capacity of Ukrainian economic entities; 2) return of displaced persons from abroad; 3) balanced and sustainable development of the state. The article offers a conceptual approach to a diversified policy of strengthening the resilience of Ukrainian regions in the face of global shocks in terms of functional types of territories (recovery areas, regional growth poles, territories with special development conditions, and sustainable development areas) and levels of governance (regional/territorial and national). The author argues that ensuring the resilience, sustainability, and cohesion of territorial development requires the implementation of a set of measures that involve intervention at the national level. First and foremost, it is the matter of strengthening national defense and security, enhancing environmental safety, pursuing a proactive social policy and the development of the labor market as its integral part, and intensifying the state’s European integration policy. The expected consequences of the implementation of a diversified approach to the policy of strengthening the resilience of Ukrainian regions in the face of global shocks include a) reduction of imbalance in regional development, creation of equal conditions for dynamic and balanced socio-economic development of regions, and creation of favorable conditions for attracting investment and infrastructure development; b) creation of new jobs and increase in employment and overall living standards of residents, which will contribute to overcoming poverty and unemployment in the future; c) maximizing the use of the region’s endogenous capacity for its balanced development and improving the living standards of the population; d) rational and economical use of natural resources, taking into account the need to preserve and protect the environment. The author emphasizes the importance of monitoring the results of the implementation of measures to strengthen the resilience of Ukrainian regions in the face of global shocks, which should be conducted based on appropriate indicators for quantitative (using the main indicators of socio-economic development expressed in natural or cost terms) and qualitative (to track the consequences/results of specific measures and/or policy instruments for strengthening regional resilience) analysis. 
spatial development, development of regions, resilience of the socio-economic system, diversified development, global shocks 

Economics and National Economy Management

UDC 339.138; JEL M31, L26, D21
Bilyk, I. I., Kindiy, M. V., & Kryveyko, M. I. (2023). Suchasnyy marketynh yak klyuchovyy element pidpryyemnyts'koyi diyal'nosti [Modern marketing as a key element of business activity]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 162 (4) (pp. 12-17). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

Modern business requires new approaches to marketing like never before. This article explores the role of marketing as a critical element of successful entrepreneurship in today’s business environment. Marketing not only attracts the attention of customers but also determines strategic decisions, helps increase sales and profitability, and improves brand positioning in the market. The world is changing dynamically. Trends, consumer behavior, approach to buying or receiving a service, requirements for provided services, etc. are changing. Competition is growing significantly. Brands are constantly working on quality and «challenging» their colleagues, each time raising the «bar» in the market. Success is achieved by those who, despite external circumstances, improve, enhance what they have acquired and create new things. In this dynamic, companies must become better without losing their value, mission, and idea. The consumer must always be at the center of all these processes, because all actions aimed at satisfying his needs and desires in the best possible way will make him a favorite of the company and can potentially turn him into a regular buyer. However, creativity and uniqueness will bring the best possible result in combination with strategic, planned, and forecasted solutions. A comprehensive approach is what is most important today. It can be provided by marketing, which aims to stand out, convey importance, be remembered, and at the same time scale business activity and provide it with a leading position in the market. The article examines the main aspects of modern marketing, including digital marketing, social media, influencer marketing, local marketing, and more. It also emphasizes the importance of developing marketing strategies adapted to the specific needs and requirements of the modern market. With the information presented in this article, entrepreneurs and business leaders will be able to better understand how modern marketing impacts their businesses and how to implement effective marketing strategies to achieve greater success in the market. The practical advice and best-practice examples covered will help entrepreneurs optimize their marketing efforts and achieve sustainable growth in a dynamic business environment. 
marketing, strategy, consumers, enterprise, needs, target market 

UDC 338.486:911.6(477.87); JEL P25, Q01, Q26, R11
Kovalyshyn, V. R. (2023). Kontseptual'ni pidkhody do staloho rozvytku turyzmu v Ukrayini: pryklad Zakarpats'koyi oblasti [Conceptual approaches to sustainable development of tourism in Ukraine: case of Transcarpathian region]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 162 (4) (pp. 18-24). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

The article discusses important issues related to ensuring sustainable tourism development in Transcarpathian region of Ukraine. The goals of sustainable development in Ukraine are defined at the legislative level, and their achievement is determined annually by state monitoring data. Transcarpathia is one of the most attractive tourist regions of Ukraine, and tourism is actively developing here. The latter has been gaining even more popularity as a key destination during the Covid-19 pandemic and the martial law in Ukraine, which relates to the restriction of opportunities for tourist travel abroad, as well as the temporary loss of access to other traditional tourist destinations in Ukraine, in particular the Black and the Azov Sea coasts. Both providers and users of tourism services show interest in sustainable development of the tourism industry. Sustainable tourism in the global dimension is a strategic concept for the development of the tourism industry in the coming years and decades. At the same time, in addition to substantial benefits, the growth of the tourist services market in Transcarpathia and the increase in the number of tourists cause certain negative impacts and pose a threat to the sustainable development of the region and the achievement of certain sustainable development goals. It is obvious that these potential negative impacts and threats should be considered in the regional strategy for tourism development in Transcarpathia, and the tourism industry itself should further develop based on the principles and approaches ensuring the sustainable development of the region. The article analyzes the negative impacts and challenges of tourism industry development at the current stage and suggests key elements of ensuring sustainable development of tourism and their gradual implementation. The most attractive tourist destinations are determined based on the amount of tourist tax paid to the budgets of individual territorial communities. Special attention is paid to the role of forestry in Transcarpathia in the development and support of the tourism industry and more active use of ecosystem services, particularly recreational ones provided by forests. The research on the implementation of sustainable tourism development in Transcarpathia aims to ensure general understanding and commitment to sustainable tourism approaches and demonstrate its significance in promoting economic and social growth of the region while minimizing negative social, cultural, and environmental impacts. 
tourism development strategy, economic benefits, negative consequences and threats of tourism, forest ecosystem services, principles of sustainable tourism 

UDC 35.078; JEL C18, H41, H53, H56, I28, J18
Koroshchenko, M. M. (2023). Doslidzhennya publichnoyi polityky mytnoyi administratsiyi u naukovykh pratsyakh [Research on public policy of the customs administration in scientific works]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 162 (4) (pp. 25-29). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 6

The article analyzes the public policy, in particular the public policy of the customs administration, in scientific works. Public policy provides for a government plan and guiding strategy for solving a social problem, intervention, service delivery, and public works, as well as the limits of citizens’ responsibility to the state on specific issues. The public policy of the customs administration covers various sectors of national and international engagement. The article suggests taking more active care of the public, which makes it possible to really move from manageability to governance as a model of public administration, which involves citizens in making public decisions that are less hierarchical than in the Weber model, more transparent, and the citizen’s duty is to participate in public debates through exercises of public reasonableness. This requires critical thinking, culture, balance, and constant participation in public affairs and public policy. It is important to perceive participation as a political action and as a right, where the former implies recognizing it as a set of actions aimed at influencing the political process through voting, discussion, debate, even social protest, and the exercise of permanent civil control over the authorities. Therefore, the analysis of the impact of ideas on public policy is hindered by problems that arise due to inaccuracies in determining what ideas are, where they come from, when and how they change, and how to study them. By this time, ideologue scientists have provided us with classifications of different types of ideas (different levels of generality, from specific political programs to comprehensive cultures), as well as different ways of thinking about ideas (from positivist to constructivist approaches, emphasizing ideas as causes or constitutive elements of public policy). The use of this concept in various sub-disciplines resulted in its expansion to cover a range of phenomena and concepts, making it almost impossible to understand what is ideological and what is not. The above definitions are far from an exhaustive list, but they are more than enough to determine some of the main characteristics. In such circumstances, customs administrations as services that carry out and regulate international trade and the movement of goods face increasingly important and complex tasks. At the same time, customs administrations are expected to promote the development of international trade. 
research, public policy, customs administration, scientific works 

UDC 330.44; JEL D01, M10, Q02
Yakhno, T. P. (2023). Osnovni metody stratehichnoho upravlinnya tovarnymy potokamy na vnutrishn'omu rynku [Вasic methods of strategic management of commodity flows in the domestic market]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 162 (4) (pp. 30-34). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

The internal market as a factor in the efficiency of reproduction processes is an effective engine for other branches of the national economy. With the help of the mechanism of supply and demand coordination, the market provides effective business relations. However, today the functions of market self-regulation are necessarily combined with the functions of the state regulation mechanism. Considering today’s problems, the regulation of the consumer market should be carried out according to a three-level system: at the central level, at the level of regions, and at the level of local governments. At each level, appropriate structural subdivisions with their specific tasks and functions should be created. The main task of society in regulating the consumer goods market is to optimize the circulation of goods. It is obvious that the lack of an effective mechanism is a serious destructive factor in the development of the sphere of consumer circulation in the modern economy. At the present stage, strategic planning is one of the principal management functions and in no way can be overlooked by either practitioners or scientists. From various aspects of planning (operational, current, prospective), the majority of experts now pay maximum attention to the prospective one, which is based on models of the enterprise development strategy in the conditions of the changing external and internal environment. The strategy is implemented in the context of the organization’s mission, and its fundamental objective is to ensure that the mission is connected with the organisation’s main goals in the changing economic environment. A person is always a potential creator of the necessary conditions for the evolution of society, and such action is determined through the mechanisms of consumption. Therefore, consumption should be considered as a process of satisfying needs with material and spiritual goods, which generates motivation to work, involves the use of the social product of certain needs, and is the final sign of social reproduction. The article examines the theoretical foundations of methods of strategic management of commodity flows at the micro level. The tasks of forming an organizational and economic mechanism for managing commodity flows (macro level), which provides the optimal variant for the movement of goods are defined. A mathematical description of the general equilibrium is presented. The basic methods of managing intra-production commodity flows at the micro level are formulated. The authoritarian solution of the rationing mechanism is substantiated, and the difficulties of implementing the rationing mechanism are outlined. 
commodity flows, rationing mechanism, strategic planning, consumer demand 

Accounting, Analysis and Audit

UDC 657:336.1; JEL Н83, M41
Nashkerska, M. M. (2023). Pidkhody do vyznachennya osnovnykh napryamiv analizu finansovoho stanu byudzhetnoyi ustanovy [Approaches to determining the main areas of analysis of the financial condition of a budgetary institution]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 162 (4) (pp. 35-39). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 15

This article examines the views of national researchers on the content of the term «financial condition of an enterprise» and «financial condition of a budgetary institution». The differences in assessing the financial condition of an enterprise and a budgetary institution are examined. The reason for the differences is the purpose of creation and the specifics of functioning of budgetary institutions and enterprises or other business entities. Since an enterprise is created by its owners to earn money and generate profit, it is important to assess the financial condition of the enterprise: liquidity and ability to maintain solvency, balance between financial resilience and risks, business activity, and ability to increase financial results. A budgetary institution is established by a decision of a local or state authority to carry out state functions. A budgetary institution is mainly financed from local or state budgets and provides services to the public (on a free or partially paid basis) and has the status of a non-profit organization. Therefore, when analyzing the financial condition of a budgetary institution, it is important to assess the amount of income and its sufficiency to perform its functions, as well as the structure of spending. The solvency of a budgetary institution will be assessed by the timeliness of the receipt of funds to cover the costs incurred in the performance of the functions assigned to the institution. Thus, the analysis of the financial condition of a budgetary institution is understood as an assessment of the level of financial resources for the timely and full performance of its functions. The financial situation of a budgetary institution can be assessed by a system of indicators that characterize the sources of receipt, allocation, and use of financial resources. Based on the understanding of the essence of the financial position of a budgetary institution, the article suggests analyzing its financial condition in the following areas: – analysis of the availability of resources (fixed assets, material resources, labor resources) in the institution; analysis of revenues (revenues to the general fund, revenues to the special fund from various sources); analysis of expenditures (allocation of funds – investment of general fund assets in current or capital assets; investment of the special fund assets in current or capital assets); analysis of budget execution (analysis of cash and actual expenditures, comparative analysis of actual budget execution data with planned budget items); capital analysis (analysis of capital structure; structural and dynamic analysis of equity, including assessment of financial result (deficit or surplus financial result), targeted financing, determination of the level of financial security; assessment of financial resilience of the institution); cash and cash flow analysis (analysis of cash, cash flow, receivables and payables). Each of these areas requires the development of a group of reasonable indicators, the calculation and interpretation of which will form the information base for judging and drawing conclusions about the financial condition of the institution. 
budgetary institution, financial condition, incomes, expenses, budget, equity 

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