Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Dalyk Volodymyr Petrovych

Dalyk Volodymyr Petrovych

Ph.D. of Economics

Associate Professor of the Department of management and international business of the Institute of Economics and Management of the Lviv Polytechnic National University




Zhuk Petro Volodymyrovych


UDC 339.9+338.2; JEL Н56
Dalyk, V., & Zhuk, P. (2018). Perspektyvy rozvytku pidpryyemnytstva u sil's'kiy terytorial'niy hromadi v konteksti reformy detsentralizatsiyi [Perspectives of entrepreneurship development in rural territorial community in the context of decentralization reform]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 129 (1) (pp. 98-103). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 7

The paper researches major results of decentralization reform conducted in Ukraine in 2015-2017, which stipulates creation of modern local self-governance system, in particular, forming of capable territorial communities through their consolidation. 665 consolidated territorial communities were created in the period, consisting of 28,3% of rural, town and city councils, which had existed before the reform. Meanwhile, consolidated territorial communities have gained budget independency and certain additional financial resources due to growth of tax and non-tax revenues, public subventions for solution of urgent social and economic development issues and increased opportunities to receive assistance from State Regional Development Fund, etc. It makes communities’ consolidation very attractive. However, only the communities consolidated according to perspective plans of community territories’ forming adopted in due course can get preferences. However, approaches to their development raise the warnings. The most complicated questions arise in initiation of creation of economically low-power rural consolidated territorial communities. In this context, the directions of realization of community’s economic capacity through creation of new job places, development of entrepreneurship and more efficient use of land and real property are outlined on the example of Dunayivska consolidated territorial community in Peremyshlyanskyi region of Lvivska oblast. Development of agricultural sector and tourism sphere at rural territories is emphasized, which should be deemed as an efficient factor of overcoming the single-industry nature of rural economy. Regarding the Dunayivska consolidated territorial community, solution of tourism entrepreneurship development issues is suggested to be commenced with elaboration of the program of tourism strategic development at local level, which should include the activities on creation of green tourism resorts at existing households as well as private places of tourists’ accommodation on the basis of buildings under exploitation; organization of horse riding, hiking and cycling routs; development and promotion of local crafts: pottery, carpentry, weaving, decorating of Easter eggs, wood carving, basket weaving, etc. Special attention is also paid to the urgent need for introduction of amendments to current mechanism of budget equalization and providing of public subventions (medical, educational, etc), taking rural areas’ features into account. 
decentralization reform, consolidated territorial communities, rural territories, budget equalization, financial capability, entrepreneurship 

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