Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Cwiakala-Malys Anna

Cwiakala-Malys Anna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Head of the Department of financial management of the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics of the Wroclaw University (Poland)




Durbaylo-Mrovets' Malhozhata

Lahovs'ki Pavel

Malys Kshyshtof


UDC 378.091:005.336.1(438); JEL H52, I28, K39
Cwiakala-Malys, A., Malys, K., & Durbajlo-Mrowiec, M. (2018). Efektyvnist' derzhavnykh universytetiv Pol'shchi v umovakh zminy zakonodavstva pro vyshchu osvitu [Efficiency of public universities in Poland in the face of changes in the act on higher education]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 133 (5) (pp. 154-158). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 7

Implementing a reform of higher education, colloquially named as “Constitution for science” carries certain information needs in the area of creating new strategic management of a public university and determining its organizational structure. Efficiency and productivity of higher education in Poland and worldwide inseparably connect with problems of the way of financing and control of source spending. An amendment of a Regulation of a Minister of Science and Higher Education of a way of sharing the grants from a state budget for public and non-public universities in December 2016 which was a sign of changes in the attitude of executing tasks imposed on universities resulted in adjustment processes of public universities and posed questions again: how to manage a university and which managing model is the most effective for a specific university? Both “pro-quality” approach and potential organizational internal changes of universities will cause a necessity of different attitude towards a way of providing information for management decisions. When retaining basic functional aims a controlling approach will play a prominent part at public universities. It is connected with fast development of IT systems implemented at public universities (“one-base” systems of information management) and also with a requirement of more effective management of public funds. Preparation of functional models conditions of public universities adequate to changes becomes one of major tasks and challenges that Polish universities have to face. In this article data from a chosen public university of economic profile was used. 
higher education reform, distribution of state budget funds between universities, university activity efficiency, information system of the public university 

UDC 378; JEL A13, H52, H55
Cwiakala-Malys, A., & Lagowski, P. (2018). Efficiency of education of students with disabilities at academic institution in Poland. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 132 (4) (pp. 141-149). Retrieved from

Sources: 17

The aim of this article is to describe the effectiveness of the education process of people with disabilities in terms of the division into the types of higher education and taking into account the territorial division in 2014-2016. On the one hand, the research group of the analysis consisted of aggregated data for particular types of schools, and on the other – summary data for individual provinces. Empirical research was carried out using advanced instrumentation in the form of a non-parametric DEA method for the needs of which four analytical models were specified. Finally, the results allowed to compare the level of education effectiveness depending on the type of higher education and within provinces, and, in both cases, rankings were created depending on the results obtained. 
effectiveness, DEA method, people with disabilities 

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