Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Klyoba Taras Lvovych

Klyoba Taras Lvovych

Postgraduate of the Department of regional financial policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




UDC 332.122.64; JEL O18, R10, R11
Klyoba, T. (2018). Sut' ta znachennya endohenno-oriyentovanoho rozvytku rehioniv [Nature and importance of regions’ endogenously-oriented development]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 129 (1) (pp. 46-52). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

The article deals with scientific approaches to the nature and importance of the endogenously-oriented development of regions. The theories of regions’ economic development are analyzed and the main concepts concerning stimulation of their competitiveness are considered. The main theories of the endogenously oriented development of regions in terms of their scientific evolution are investigated. Various approaches to the nature, factors, character and forms of endogenously oriented development of regions are considered, with the help of which it is possible to improve the economic potential and improve the quality of life in the regions. The concept of economic growth and development is extended, as well as the diversity of formulations of differentiation of regions’ socio-economic development is considered. The evolution of conceptual foundations of endogenously-oriented development of regions is considered. The analysis of economic theories of endogenously oriented development allows to predict the creation of an effective mechanism for raising the levels of socio-economic indicators through the theories of cumulative and «dominant» approaches, the use of indicative planning and the development of public-private and other types of partnerships, on the basis of synthesis. The theoretical views of most neoclassicists, who deemed the path of economic development through the transfer of factors, are examined. Endogenously-oriented theories arguing that the use of internal potential of a regional economy contributes to a uniform economic growth due to the effect of production scale within the region, innovation and experience are outlined. The analysis of theories of regions’ endogenously-oriented development in the most significant theoretical concepts of endogenously oriented regional development is generalized. The importance of the ideas of theories of regions’ endogenously oriented development is considered, an attempt to trace the connection between the main results of theories is made. The main components of the endogenously-oriented development of regions are determined and systematized. 
endogenous-oriented development, theory of placement, convergence theory, theory of regional development, concept of regional innovation systems, conditional convergence, sustainable development, region 

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