Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Kolodiychuk Iryna Anatoliyivna

Kolodiychuk Iryna Anatoliyivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Senior Researcher

Senior Researcher, Scientific Secretary of the unit of the Department of regional ecological policy and environmental management of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

Contacts:, +38(067)81-17-182



Kolodiychuk Volodymyr Anatoliyovych


UDC 628.4+658.567(477); JEL O13, Q21, Q24, R14
Kolodiychuk, I. (2018). Formuvannya efektyvnoyi systemy upravlinnya vidkhodamy v Ukrayini [Formation of an effective waste management system in Ukraine]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 132 (4) (pp. 85-89). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 17

The article emphasizes the need for an integrated approach in the waste management. It stipulates the development and consistent implementation of the waste management plan, to comply with “the polluter pays” principle, development of the relevant regulatory and legislative framework, etc. The paper points out the failure of the existing waste management system to promote the implementation of not only innovative but also traditional tasks in this area. Domestic system of waste management is oriented solely at the solution of the issues of nature protection. That significantly reduces its possibilities in terms of minimization of wastes flows. The concept of complex waste management suggests the review of traditional approach to solution of the wastes accumulation problem, emphasizing the fact that they consist of different components that require relevant utilization in the most saving and ecologically sound manner. The article aims to determine the theoretical and applied aspects of the formation of an effective waste management system in Ukraine. Current situation with wastes accumulation in Ukraine is in critical condition with further negative tendencies in terms of their storage with relevant ecological consequences. The primitive scheme of waste collection and removal beyond the settlement to the landfill does not correspond to modern view of the problem solution. Domestic waste management system is not capable to efficiently regulate social relations in the sphere and to restrain the pressure of increasing waste flows and maintain territories’ sustainable development in conditions of economic growth. Therefore, in the context of domestic economic system it is more appropriate to use the «waste management» term. In order to form the system of waste management it is necessary to undertake radical changes in line with modern tendencies and the view of waste accumulation problem, in the first place by the review of conceptual provisions in the sphere. The formula for moving towards the development of a modern effective system of governance in Ukraine is considered, the main components of which are the introduction of innovative technologies, European standards and radical system solutions. Introduction of modern innovation technologies, which are successfully operating in European countries, will reduce the consumption of resources and the use of toxic liquids and materials and contribute to recirculation of materials and energy. Meanwhile, the wastes are considered solely as material and energy resources. Moreover, the paper emphasizes the absence of regulating and economic mechanisms in domestic legislation necessary for application of ZeroWaste concept, as far as ten cities of Ukraine intended to build recycling complexes in the framework of Clean City Project and launched the necessary activities in this direction. In order to achieve the EU standards in this sphere it is important to maintain ecologically sound waste management, practical application of Polluters Pay Principle, adherence to proper hierarchy of management, separate collection of wastes, development of regulating basis for waste flows of specific nature. The consistent implementation of a clear strategy for dealing with waste, the formation of a responsibility institution, the creation of organizational and legal conditions for the investment attractiveness of the waste recycling industry will contribute to the establishment of an effective national waste management system. 
waste, waste collection problem, waste management, innovative technologies, system solutions 

UDC 658.567:332.133.6
Kolodiychuk, I. (2017). Vidkhody ta yikh pozytsionuvannya v terytorial'nykh sotsial'no-ekonomichnykh systemakh [Wastes and their positioning in the territorial socio-economic systems]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 128 (6) (pp. 78-82). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 19

The problem of waste accumulation was considered from the standpoint of historicism, in particular, against the background of increasing urbanization level, starting with preindustrial civilizations. Significant attention was paid to the consideration of waste from the legal point of view. It is emphasized that the waste management in the leading European countries is based on the thorough legislation in this area, a wide range of mechanisms and instruments that were formed and selected evolutionally. The basic approaches to the essence of waste in the economic environment were determined. The position of waste as pollution is emphasized, as well as the fact that fundamental role of the natural environment in the provision of such a service as waste absorption is neglected in payments for them. Waste in a social context is considered. We are convinced that quite different views over the essence of waste – economic, environmental, and social – require careful consideration, since they represent different ways of practice, in the context of which the waste management approaches are implemented. 
problem of waste accumulation, waste, positioning, secondary material resources, secondary raw materials, pollution, social aspect 

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