Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Melnyk Maryana Ivanivna

Melnyk Maryana Ivanivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Head of the Department of spatial development of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

Contacts:, (032)270-70-53, (+38099)72-93-873



Vatamanyuk-Zelins'ka Ulyana Zenoviyivna

Leshchukh Iryna Volodymyrivna

Mats'kiv Oles' Ihorovych

Oliynyk Nadiya Romanivna

Synyura-Rostun Nadiya Romanivna

Synyutka Oleh Mykhaylovych

Yaremchuk Roman Yevhenovych


UDC 332.142.432:332.12; JEL R11, R22, O18
Melnyk, M., & Yaremchuk, R. (2019). Prostorovi tendentsiyi ta osoblyvosti sotsial'no-ekonomichnoho rozvytku mist i sil's'kykh terytoriy rehionu [Spatial tendencies and peculiarities of socio-economic development of cities and rural areas of a region]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 138 (4) (pp. 32-40). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 6

Modern dynamic development of the Ukrainian society and its integration into global social and economic space is followed by emergence of a wide range of problems (internal and external calls and threats of political and financial and economic nature; spatial deformations at the regional and local levels, growth of a fragmentariness and asymmetry in social and economic development of regions, areas, cities and rural territories, lack of systemic nature and coordination of all participants of regional development), the majority of which is especially sharply shown at the regional level. In this regard, there is a need to reveal the spatial development characteristics and problems of the cities and rural territories for Ukrainian regions, to identify their weaknesses and strengths, in order to determine the optimal mechanism for improving spatial development, which would in the future allow for efficient combining of the state and regional interests in the process of ensuring sustainable development of social and economic space and its regional subsystems. The basic spatial tendencies and characteristic features of socio-economic development of cities and rural territories of Zaporizhia region are highlighted, as well as the optimum mechanism of improvement of their spatial development taking into account regional specificity is outlined. The analysis of the main socio-economic and spatial development indicators allowed us to identify the main characteristics of the urbanization process in the region and its impact on the development of suburban areas. Ranging of cities and areas of the region by the level of social and economic development by means of an integrated index of economic development of the cities and districts of the Zaporizhia region based on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of various aspects of social and economic dynamics of their development is carried out. This approach allowed us to ensure the validity and methodological correctness of comparisons of cities and districts parameters in Zaporizhia region by partial integral indexes (economic, social and environmental), and also to determine the place of each of them by rating in the region, which allowed to reliably estimate the depth and extent of their socio-economic development differentiation. 
spatial development, socio-economic development, urbanization, monocentricity, old industrial region, index of economic development 

UDC 339.17:330.342.146(477); JEL G30, R11
Melnyk, M. I., & Synuyra-Rostun, N. R. (2018). Sotsial'no-ekonomichna rol' korporatyvnykh torhovykh merezh u konteksti modernizatsiyi sfery tovarnoho obihu Ukrayiny [Socio-economic role of corporate trade networks in the context of goods turnover modernization in Ukraine]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 133 (5) (pp. 25-32). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 25

The social and economic role of corporate trading networks in the context of modernization of the sphere of commodity circulation in Ukraine is determined. The network form of trade organization is defined to be an effective way of forming the competitive advantages of modern enterprises. It is noted that trade networks contribute to the balancing of production and consumption, the formation of gross value added, the growth of employment, the raising of the educational and qualification level of employees. Three main groups of factors influencing the formation and development of corporate trading networks are considered, in particular the economic, demographic, and urban development. The main tendencies of development of large corporate trading networks at the territory of Ukraine are proven to correspond to world tendencies. The largest trade networks of Ukraine by the share of retail trade turnover of trading enterprises, the number of retail objects of the network and the volume of sales per square meter of trading space are determined. The influence of corporate trading networks on the socio-economic development of the region is described, i.e. the stimulation of economic, social and creative components of the economy. The paper emphasizes that the territories of large cities are particularly attractive for the expansion of corporate trading networks. The activities of corporate trading networks stimulate the development of urban planning and spatial planning of cities and suburban areas. The author shows that the search for quality trade areas stimulates the construction of new trade and shopping-entertainment centers. In recent years, the shopping centers have expanded their functions, contributing to the development of the socio-economic environment of the region. The main directions of such expansion are: ensuring accessibility – improving the quality of the process of buying goods for the prices familiar to a customer in the format of «three in one»; development of trade, road, logistics infrastructure of the region; сreating wide access for consumers to diverse groups of goods and services through an extensive network of trading enterprises; the cultivation of the territory of cities and their peripheries – the transformation of shopping centers into multifunctional community centers that are integrated into the lives of local residents and provide an extended offer of food and beverage, entertainment and household services); increasing the attractiveness of the city’s districts for living. The author reveals the main tendencies of development of large corporate networks, which indicate: a certain stabilization of the economic situation in Ukraine; a qualitative state of the business climate that determines the emergence of large international retailers on the Ukrainian market; planning own development taking into account economic opportunities of the population (development of «private label» and local retail networks), etc. The geographical localization of objects of corporate trading networks is described. There is a certain saturation of trade objects of the eastern region of the country, which reduces the potential for attracting additional investments. At the same time, the level of supply of retail space in the cities of Western Ukraine remains low, which gives them a potential for growth. 
corporate trade networks, trade, social and economic role, shopping and entertainment centers, infrastructure, sphere of commodity circulation 

UDC 332:37.014.543(477.8); JEL H52, H72, I22, I28
Melnyk, M., & Leshchukh, I. (2018). Byudzhetne finansuvannya yak chynnyk rozvytku doshkil'noyi osvity v mistakh oblasnoho znachennya L'vivs'koyi oblasti [Budget financing as a factor of preschool education development in cities of oblast significance]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 131 (3) (pp. 101-108). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

The article analyzes the main tendencies of development and budgetary provision of pre-school education in the cities of oblast significance of the Lviv region. The question of the effectiveness of educational institutions financing from local budgets is highlighted in the works of L. Benovska, O. Demkiv, V. Nadraha, Yu. Nakonechna, I. Storonyanska, and others. However, the change in the order of budget financing of preschool education, which took place in the course of administrative and financial decentralization, led to the necessity of additional research on the development and financial support of the mentioned sphere at the level of cities of oblast significance. The purpose of the work is to elucidate the peculiarities and problems of development and budget provision of the pre-school education in the cities of oblast significance of the Lviv region; to develop recommendations for improving the efficiency of budget financing of this sphere. The article describes the key problems of the development of pre-school education in cities of oblast significance in the Lviv region, in particular, the low coverage of children by pre-school education; lack of pre-school educational institutions and places for them to study and raise children; congestion of groups; lack of competition in the field of state and municipal pre-school education. With the help of economic-mathematical modeling and sensitivity factors, it is indicated that there is a direct link between the main indicators of the development of the investigated sphere and the scope and effectiveness of budget financing of the field of pre-school education. Priority ways to increase the efficiency of budget financing of the pre-school education sphere have been named in order to ensure the growth of the quality of educational services. In particular, this is: 1. Activation of the network of pre-school educational institutions. 2. Prioritization of enrollment in a specific state / municipal pre-school establishment for children registered in the respective territory (district in the city, etc.). 3. Granting priority to enroll in a specific state / municipal pre-school institution for those children whose parents are officially employed and must terminate maternity leave after a child has become 3 years old. 4. Regulation of issues related to the operation of the system of electronic registration of children in institutions of preschool education. 5. Regulation of issues related to the partial compensation for parents for children’s nutrition at pre-school institutions. 6. Search for sources of additional funding other than budget ones. In the context of the limited budget resources, the implementation of these proposals in the long run will allow gradual shift of the emphasis on the implementation of the system of standards, which are approved by the education authorities, to ensure the high quality of educational services in the lower secondary schools. 
city of oblast significance, local budget, budget of the city of oblast significance, budget expenditures, pre-school education, financing of preschool education, budgetary provision of preschool education 


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Melnyk, M. I. (2012). Formuvannya biznes-seredovyshcha Ukrayiny v umovakh instytutsiynykh transformatsiy [Formation of the business environment of Ukraine in the context of institutional transformations]. Lviv: Institute of Regional Research of the NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2018.04.033.006}

Melnyk, M. I. (Ed.) (2016). Metropoliyni funktsiyi velykykh mist Ukrayiny: potentsial rozvytku ta perspektyvy realizatsiyi [Metropolitan functions of large cities of Ukraine: development potential and prospects for implementation]. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2018.05.083.024}

Melnyk, M. I. (Ed.) (2018). Prostorovi formy orhanizatsiyi biznesu v Ukrayini: tendentsiyi, perspektyvy ta mekhanizmy rozvytku [Spatial forms of business organization in Ukraine: trends, prospects and mechanisms of development]: Scientific report (2018). Lviv. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2018.05.105.003}

Melnyk, M. I. (2018). Instytutsiyne zabezpechennya rozvytku IT-sektoru v Ukrayini: osnovni problemy ta priorytetni napryamy udoskonalennya [Іnstitutional provision of IT sector development in Ukraine: main problems and priority directions of improvement]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional economy, 1(87), 102-110. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2019.01.010.005}

Melnyk, M. (2018). Mista-tsentry ekonomichnoyi aktyvnosti u vymiri tsiley inklyuzyvnoho rozvytku [Cities-centers of economic activity in measuring inclusive development goals]. Institute for Economic and Legal Research: Website. Retrieved fromМельник-Інклюзивний-розвиток-міст.pdf [in Ukrainian]. {sep2019.04.019.005}

Melnyk, M. I. (Ed.) (2019). Inklyuzyvnyy vymir rozvytku mist – tsentriv dilovoyi aktyvnosti Ukrayiny: tendentsiyi ta perspektyvy [Inclusive dimension of development in cities – centers of Ukrainian business activity: tendencies and perspectives]: Scientific report. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. (Series «Problems of regional development»). [in Ukrainian]. {sep2019.04.032.002}

Melnyk M. I., & Leshchukh, I. V. (2019). Mista-tsentry ekonomichnoyi aktyvnosti u vymiri tsiley inklyuzyvnoho rozvytku [Cities-centers of economic activity in measuring the goals of inclusive development] Ekonomika Ukrayiny – Economy of Ukraine, 3, 70-84. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2019.04.032.003}

Melnyk, M. I. (Ed.) (2019). Prostorova orhanizatsiya biznesu v rehionakh Ukrayiny: formy ta mekhanizmy rehulyuvannya [Spatial organization of business in the regions of Ukraine: forms and mechanisms of regulation]: 2 vols. Vol. 1. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. (Series «Problems of regional development»). [in Ukrainian]. {sep2019.04.032.005}

Melnyk, M. I. (Ed.) (2019). Prostorova orhanizatsiya biznesu v rehionakh Ukrayiny: formy ta mekhanizmy rehulyuvannya [Spatial organization of business in the regions of Ukraine: forms and mechanisms of regulation]: 2 vols. Vol. 2. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. (Series «Problems of regional development»). [in Ukrainian]. {sep2019.04.032.006}

Melnyk, M. I, Leshchukh, I. V., & Yaremchuk, R. Ye. (2019). Efektyvnist’ administratyvno-finansovoyi detsentralizatsiyi v rehioni: investytsiynyy vymir [Effectiveness of administrative and financial decentralization in the region: an investment dimension]. Finansy Ukrayiny – Finance of Ukraine, 3, 103-117. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2019.05.026.006}

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