Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Synyura-Rostun Nadiya Romanivna

Synyura-Rostun Nadiya Romanivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Researcher of the Department of spatial development of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




Mel'nyk Maryana Ivanivna


UDC [336.46:37]:332.146.2; JEL O15, O18
Synyura-Rostun, N. (2018). Terytorial'na orhanizatsiya systemy doshkil'noyi ta shkil'noyi osvity rehionu: osoblyvosti rozvytku v umovakh suchasnykh reform [Territorial organization of pre-school and school education of a region: peculiarities of development in condition of current reforms]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 134 (6) (pp. 98-104). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 4

The article outlines the peculiarities of functioning of the territorial organization of education system (preschool and school in particular). The authors emphasize that the transformational processes taking place in the territorial organization of pre-school and school education require the search for consensus-based solutions while seeking ways to improve it and ensure equal access to quality education. The paper proves that the principle of accessibility, which includes non-discrimination of education, physical and economic accessibility, is an important principle of the development of the state education system. Equal access to quality education, which in the conditions of modern reforms places additional responsibility on local governments, is the main criterion for improvement of the territorial organization of preschool and school education. The basic principles of functioning of the territorial organization of the system of preschool and school education in other countries are considered. The basic problems, which determined the necessity of optimization of educational establishments in the region, were determined. One of the main problems was the demographic crisis, which resulted in the growth of small-scale educational institutions and increased financial expenses for one student's education. The author proves that the quality of educational services in the region negatively affects the problems of material and technical provision of educational institutions, in particular the possibility of obtaining specialized education. Creation of a network of reference educational institutions as centers for quality and accessible education is the tool for improving the quality of the educational process in rural areas. The main problems encountered in the formation of a network of reference schools are identified, among them: the slow process of establishing foundation institutions, lack of their financial support, lack of necessary road infrastructure for organizing the safe transportation of pupils from places of residence to places of study, absence of employment programs (retraining), etc. 
territorial organization, system of education, support institution, education reform, equal access to quality education 

UDC 339.17:330.342.146(477); JEL G30, R11
Melnyk, M. I., & Synuyra-Rostun, N. R. (2018). Sotsial'no-ekonomichna rol' korporatyvnykh torhovykh merezh u konteksti modernizatsiyi sfery tovarnoho obihu Ukrayiny [Socio-economic role of corporate trade networks in the context of goods turnover modernization in Ukraine]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 133 (5) (pp. 25-32). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 25

The social and economic role of corporate trading networks in the context of modernization of the sphere of commodity circulation in Ukraine is determined. The network form of trade organization is defined to be an effective way of forming the competitive advantages of modern enterprises. It is noted that trade networks contribute to the balancing of production and consumption, the formation of gross value added, the growth of employment, the raising of the educational and qualification level of employees. Three main groups of factors influencing the formation and development of corporate trading networks are considered, in particular the economic, demographic, and urban development. The main tendencies of development of large corporate trading networks at the territory of Ukraine are proven to correspond to world tendencies. The largest trade networks of Ukraine by the share of retail trade turnover of trading enterprises, the number of retail objects of the network and the volume of sales per square meter of trading space are determined. The influence of corporate trading networks on the socio-economic development of the region is described, i.e. the stimulation of economic, social and creative components of the economy. The paper emphasizes that the territories of large cities are particularly attractive for the expansion of corporate trading networks. The activities of corporate trading networks stimulate the development of urban planning and spatial planning of cities and suburban areas. The author shows that the search for quality trade areas stimulates the construction of new trade and shopping-entertainment centers. In recent years, the shopping centers have expanded their functions, contributing to the development of the socio-economic environment of the region. The main directions of such expansion are: ensuring accessibility – improving the quality of the process of buying goods for the prices familiar to a customer in the format of «three in one»; development of trade, road, logistics infrastructure of the region; сreating wide access for consumers to diverse groups of goods and services through an extensive network of trading enterprises; the cultivation of the territory of cities and their peripheries – the transformation of shopping centers into multifunctional community centers that are integrated into the lives of local residents and provide an extended offer of food and beverage, entertainment and household services); increasing the attractiveness of the city’s districts for living. The author reveals the main tendencies of development of large corporate networks, which indicate: a certain stabilization of the economic situation in Ukraine; a qualitative state of the business climate that determines the emergence of large international retailers on the Ukrainian market; planning own development taking into account economic opportunities of the population (development of «private label» and local retail networks), etc. The geographical localization of objects of corporate trading networks is described. There is a certain saturation of trade objects of the eastern region of the country, which reduces the potential for attracting additional investments. At the same time, the level of supply of retail space in the cities of Western Ukraine remains low, which gives them a potential for growth. 
corporate trade networks, trade, social and economic role, shopping and entertainment centers, infrastructure, sphere of commodity circulation 


Synyura-Rostun, N. R. (2017). Rozvytok osvitnoyi sfery rehionu: upravlins’ko-prostorovyy aspekt [Development of the educational sphere of the region: the managerial-spatial aspect]. In Problemy rehionalistyky: mynule, suchasne, maybutnye [Problems of regionalism: past, present, future]: Abstracts of scientific-practical Internet-conference, 2017, March 21-22 (pp. 139-140). K.: Kyiv National Economic University n.a. Vadym Hetman. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2018.06.098.004}

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