Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Pin Andriy Mykhaylovych

Pin Andriy Mykhaylovych

Ph.D. of Economics

Junior Researcher of the Research part of the Ternopil National Economic University




UDC 911.375.4:316; JEL O18, Q42, R58
Pin, A. M. (2018). Adaptatsiya «zelenykh» tekhnolohiy u kontseptsiyu rozumnoho mista [Incorporation of «green» technologies into the «smart» city concept]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 133 (5) (pp. 76-82). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

In view of social and climate changes in global dimensions the number of cities striving for reformatting their development strategies is noticeably growing. So-called smart reforms currently dominate among development strategies, since they encompass goals the smart city concept contains to the fullest. In particular, the reforms aim at providing and maintaining sustainable development, increasing the share of renewable resources in total energy output and improving waste management. Upgrading to the level of smart city means boosting quality of citizens’ life through providing opportunities for cultural, economic and social development in safe, inspiring and healthy environment. The analysis of the most efficient and creative initiatives to set the trend of «green» building in order to promote the smart city concept provides evidence for high efficiency of «green» technologies. Of particular importance to this research study is vertical gardening/greening. There is ample evidence supporting the claim that vertical gardening is among the inherent components of a development strategy aimed at reaching the smart city format. The smart city concept is the expected outcome of ever-increasing demand for efficient use of scarce resources. Scarcity features fixed capital. On these grounds, there is a pressing need to promote renewable technologies for decreasing cost of goods and services, and saving the ecosystem at large. Green technologies are among priorities underlying the smart city concept. High density of internal combustion engines in highly urbanized area significantly makes a case for exploring perspectives of green technologies. Promoting environment friendly innovations enables cost-effectiveness and enhancement of the quality of the ecosystem. The findings reflect a number of positive effects vertical greening has on quality of life and well-being. Among those advantages the most outstanding are economic and environmental ones. Vertical gardens enable to reduce energy consumption; meanwhile environmental effects include shrinkage in the emission of CO2 and the other pollutants contaminating the ecosystem. Based on the analysis of efficiency deriving from the implementation of the green gardening concept we have elaborated recommendations on how to ensure sustainable development of urbanized areas utilizing green and smart technologies. 
smart city, green technologies, smart city concept, vertical gardening concept, vertical greening 

UDC 911.375.4:316; JEL O31, O14
Pin, A. (2018). Kontseptsiya rozumnoho mista v konteksti rozvytku innovatsiynoho upravlinnya [Smart city concept within the context of the development of innovation management]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 132 (4) (pp. 114-118). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

The research study examines the smart city concept on the basis of the multilateral analysis. We have outlined the principles of the smart city concept and distinguished the most efficient recommendation in terms of upgrading the traditional status-quo in order to create an innovative and technological urbanized unit. The smart city definition embraces innovative technologies adapted by public utility companies to improve cities, enhance their efficiency and provide transparent relations between the city council, the business and the public. A special emphasis is placed on smart transport and transport infrastructure. Time- and cost-efficient transport contributes significantly to the provision of city planning. We have outlined and described in detail the indicators of the modern innovative city based on the existing principles of smart city. Information is regarded as the most important resources of the modern digital era. Informational exchange between separate economies provides a noticeable momentum for their sustainable economic development in terms of quantity and quality. A society based on information technologies is considered a highly developed social unit following the trends of globalization. At this point, the all-embracing implementation of information and communication technologies is a prerequisite for the development of a modern smart city. Information and communication technologies provide full-value real-time relations between the community and the authorities. Such feedback serves the latter as an efficient indicator to improve public administration techniques and select the most appropriate approaches to administering a smart city. Specifically, applications designed for portable computer devices provide timely communication between the public and the municipal utility services to address ongoing and especially urgent issues as soon as possible. The implementation of innovative technologies provides cost-effectiveness that is of vital importance for preserving environment and promoting sustainable economic development. We suggest that reaching and maintaining high productivity as to the indicators described above means following the global tendency towards efficient resource utilization and environment preservation efforts. Comprehensive computerization provides a momentum for strengthening control over scarce resource management. 
smart city, innovation management, smart city concept, smart-economics, e-government, rational resource utilization 

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