Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Zapukhlyak Vitaliy Zinoviyovych

Zapukhlyak Vitaliy Zinoviyovych

Ph.D. of Economics

General Director of subsidiary company "Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Enterprise of Bus Stations"




UDC 339.942; JEL F02, F15
Zapukhlyak, V. Z. (2018). Hlobal'na rehionalizatsiya u formuvanni novoho svitovoho ekonomichnoho poryadku [Global regionalization in forming of new global economic order]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 133 (5) (pp. 159-164). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 22

The paper shows the role of regionalization processes in forming of global economic order, when there is the need for functioning of global multi-level system of cooperation of its participants. The author emphasizes that the new imperatives of forming of global economic order emerge in the system of economic relations, stipulated by structure changes and functional changes of major «actors» in global space and crisis in global management. Transformation of the system of international relations and global order is proven to take place under diverging influence of globalization and regionalization. The major features of global regionalization are the following: available spatial factors, supranational nature, available transnational networks. Theoretical approaches to understanding of global regionalization are outlined and regionalization is confirmed to display regional structuring of global space at global level. The author determines the differences of new regionalism, when humanity is shifting from the closed regional integration groupings. At the same time, creation of joint institutions and the system of multi-level management stipulates the trans- or supranational management. In spatial dimension we can observe the regional inequality of countries’ participation in global economic processes. The features of countries’ cooperation in the format «North-South» are outlined, noting different integration motives for each of the groups. For example, both economic and political factors are important for the North countries; for certain countries the recognition of their status is important in the process of integration. Despite dominating positions of the USA as a leader, the new entrepreneurship and production culture is being formed, which includes regional identity and socio-cultural differences. At the same time, special attention is paid to the possibilities of emergence of conflict situations in certain regions in the world because of inconsistent interests, contributing to unstable processes of regional integration in the regions of the world and undermining established links of regions with trade and investment partners. The authors explain that in conditions of forming of new economic order the leadership should be established nor through enforcement, but rather through agreement of all members of global community; a leader should attract other participants of global cooperation based on the interests of the whole global community – in such a way the alternative models of regional cooperation are developed. The fact that global regionalization results in emergence of global regions as a segment of global space, which provides cooperation of countries, business and public society at multilateral basis for solution of global problems is proven. 
globalization, regionalization, global regionalization, economic integration, integration groupings, new global economic order 

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