Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2017.01.038

UDC [338.46:37]:37.014.543(477.8); JEL I22, R19
Benovska, L. Y. (2017). The peculiarities of financial provision of education in the Carpathian region in terms of administrative and territorial reform. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 83(1), 38-45.
Sources: 12


Benovska Liliya Yaroslavivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Senior Researcher of the Department of regional financial policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

Contacts: (Лілія Беновська)



The peculiarities of funding of the educational sector from the local budgets in the Carpathian region were analyzed and the changes in management of educational sector, which were caused by the conduction of administrative and territorial reform in the country were found. It was emphasized that the result of the reforms should not be only the saving of financial resources, but also high quality of educational services for both tax payers and recipients of services. It was studied a new tendency of management of educational network – the creation of hub schools. The major problems of their formation were found: the discrepancy of boundaries of educational district with the boundaries of united territorial communities, the correspondence of the requirements for hub schools with the existing realities and other. The legislative changes during 2015-2017 in financing of secondary, vocational and technical education by means of appropriate subsidies from the state budget were analyzed and the main problem of financing were detected.


education, financing, Carpathian region, reform, united territorial communities


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