Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2017.02.031

UDC 338.242:336:[338.46:378]; JEL I28, O15
Kuzmin, O. Ye. & , Yastrubskyy, M. Ya. (2017). Chynnyky zabezpechennya yakosti derzhavnoho upravlinnya osvityans'koyu diyal'nistyu VNZ [Factors of providing the quality of public administration of educational activity in higher education]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 84(2), 31-38. [in Ukrainian].


Kuzmin Oleh Yevhenovych

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Head of Department, Director of the Department of management and international business of the Institute of Economics and Management of the Lviv Polytechnic National University



Yastrubskyy Mykhaylo Yaroslavovych

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of accounting and analysis of the Lviv Polytechnic National University




The article investigates the factors that ensure the quality of governance of educational activities in higher education. It is grounded that there are objective reasons why higher education requires constant updates and changes, the effectiveness of which depends on the national education policy and governance.
Domestic and foreign researchers highlighted some aspects of public administration in high schools, but did not go deep with causation and did not introduce their fundamental understanding.
The motivation for conducting this study lies in the need to systematize and classify the factors that can ensure good governance of educational activities in higher education.
The paper provides literature review on clustering and systematizing the factors highlighted in different approaches, which have been developed by scientists. The list of tasks set by the authors includes elaboration of an approach to solving the problem.
The article reviews the main systems of high school’s management, including national, represented as a list of factors that are manifested in the quality characteristics of public administration of educational activities.
Classification scheme to systematize factors that ensure the quality of governance educational activities in higher education based on domestic and foreign experience is offered in the article.
The article describes the main characteristics of educational policies that are typical for some countries because of different levels of economic development. It can be evidenced through government regulations. The article describes the main challenges facing higher education.
The proposed systematized factors are observed taking into account their interrelation and thus they can provide the expected effect in case of optimal combination and skillful use. Effective use of factors in state regulation is evidenced by the implementation of motivational factors. Factors of government regulation are in close relationship with environmental factors. The authors conclude that there is need to change the approach to management of high schools’ educational activities, taking into account factors of social development.
The proposed systematization of factors, which ensure the good governance of high schools’ educational activities, has been designed by the authors based on the study of positive domestic and foreign experience. When building the optimal model of public administration of educational activities in higher schools the updated classification of factors should be taken into account.


factors, public administration, higher education, educational activities, education quality, relevance, experience, classification


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The problem of human and social capital formation is closely connected to the functioning of the education system. From the standpoint of a system approach, education is a functional institution of a society, which has its own structure and specific aim of functioning. The complication of social and manufacturing, information and intellectual relations in the processes of civilization development generates increased requirements for the functioning of social and industrial subsystems, which can be solved only by means of education.
The functioning of the education system is not just the transfer of knowledge and the development of a person, but also the intellectual support of socio-economic development. Educational functions play a key role in the pace of civilization progress in the nearest future. In the context of sustainable development, an important moment in the role of education is that knowledge has the ability to grow and deepen. As a result, education carries out the transfer of knowledge to the next generation, which provides for a progressive development of future generations. Today, education is seen as a continuous process that lasts throughout life and is characterized not only by the replenishment of the information stock, but by the change in its structure and forms in accordance with the new requirements.
From the point of view of economic development, education is the source of creating new opportunities and resources for development that significantly changes the quality of human life, ensures the achievement of harmony of natural, social and spiritual human nature. Knowledge and information allow achieving the set goals, minimizing the resources, convincing people of their personal interest for these purposes. According to some estimates, today in the world about 70% of gross domestic product (GDP) growth is due to the application of new knowledge embodied in innovative production and management technologies.
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