Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2017.02.046

UDC 338.45:620.91; JEL O13, L94
Telyuk, K. F., Bilokrynytska, M. S. & , Kravchuk, V. I. (2017). Enerhozberezhennya yak skladova systemy vdoskonalennya suspil'noho vyrobnytstva [Energy saving as a component of the system of improving social production]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 84(2), 46-54. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 12


Telyuk Kateryna Fedorivna

Senior Lecturer of the Department of finance and financial-economic security of the Lviv Institute of the University of Banking


Bilokrynytska Mariya Stanislavivna

Student of the of the Lviv Institute of the University of Banking


Kravchyk Viktoriya Ihorivna

Student of the of the Lviv Institute of the University of Banking



The article investigates current state of the national energetic safety and describes the most effective ways of its improvement in Ukraine. Development of energy sector has impact on economy of the country and on living standards. There is a range of different problems in this sphere, such as distorted structure of energy manufacturing and consumption, slow implementation of energy saving technologies and lack of proper legal regulation in energy sector. Improvement of energy sphere in Ukraine is one of the most urgent problems nowadays. Energy conservation has been determined as important part of improvement of social production. Problems of energy sector in economy of country have been revealed. Legal regulation and strategy of improvement in this sphere have been reviewed. Dynamics of energy consumption in different sectors of economy during the years 2015-2016 in Ukraine have been analyzed. Data on tariffs of energy supply during the years 2005-2015 in Lviv region have been analyzed. The dynamics of energy consumption during the years 2004-2014 in Lviv region have been examined. Correlation between tariffs on energy supply and the volume of energy consumption has been observed based on mathematical methods. The structure of energy consumption in different sectors of economy in Lviv region during the years 2000-2015 has been analyzed. Projects that encourage energy saving of Lviv region have been defined. The international experience of European models of energy effectiveness and models of energy effectiveness that can be used in Ukraine has been shown. The basic problems in energy saving which have to be solved in the future have been explored. The ways of improvement effectiveness of energy safety in Ukraine have been determined.


energy sphere, energy consumption, energy saving, energy strategy, energy effectiveness, tariffs of energy consumption


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