Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2017.02.055

UDC [338.23:336.74]:338.439; JEL Q14, Q18
Pruntseva, G. O. (2017). Vplyv monetarnoyi polityky derzhavy na systemu prodovol'choyi bezpeky [The impact of monetary policy of a state on food security system]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 84(2), 55-61. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 9


Pruntseva Gelena Oleksandrivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Doctoral Postgraduate of the Department of borrowing, insurance and finance of the National Research Center "Institute of Agrarian Economics"; Director of Centrafarm Ltd. (Kyiv); Head of NGO "Institutional Reforms"



A necessary condition for effective functioning of food security is the stability of national currency. The value of the currency has an impact on food prices. The value-reasonable prices is a key prerequisite for economic public access to life-saving food. Many prominent scientists have dedicated their works to the research of the problem. A. Babenko and L. Abramovskiy focus on the need of increase of the money supply. The authors point out that increase in the money supply will intensify the activity of small and medium business, which produces the agricultural products. L. Chernychuk underlines the importance of the impact of currency value on the price level. The author notes that the value of the currency is constantly changing and this affects the general price level in the economy. Existing studies substantiate the presence of an effective mechanism for regulation of the impact of current monetary policy system on food security system. However, the development of economic relations and integration processes of the country in the context of globalization necessitate improvement of the existing mechanism for regulation of the impact of current monetary policy system on food security system.
The article is devoted to assessment of the impact of current monetary policy system on food security system in Ukraine. We analysed the effect of monetary policy on food security system. We have established the impact of monetary policy on public access to food. Monetary policy affects the level of consumer prices by controlling inflation. As a result of correlation and regression analysis we established the existence of a direct relationship between the size of average rates of the money supply and the volume of agricultural production.


food security, state policy, size of money supply


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Sources: 6

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From the point of view of economic development, education is the source of creating new opportunities and resources for development that significantly changes the quality of human life, ensures the achievement of harmony of natural, social and spiritual human nature. Knowledge and information allow achieving the set goals, minimizing the resources, convincing people of their personal interest for these purposes. According to some estimates, today in the world about 70% of gross domestic product (GDP) growth is due to the application of new knowledge embodied in innovative production and management technologies.
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