Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Apopiy Hennadiy Viktorovych

Apopiy Hennadiy Viktorovych

Ph.D. of Economics

Lecturer of the



Apopiy Viktor Volodymyrovych


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 658.6/.9:[332.122:338.43]:351; JEL O13, Q13
Apopiy, V. V. & , Apopiy, H. V. (2017). Stratehichni priorytety rozvytku torhivli v sil's'kiy mistsevosti [Strategic priorities for trade development in rural areas]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 84(2), 89-97. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 11

Trade in rural areas has extended significantly and now occupies a special place in the social sphere and multifunctional rural economy In Ukraine. However, the nature of its development, the efficiency of functioning and the level of competitiveness do not correspond to perspective transformations in rural areas and global trends in the development of the agrarian sector. Trade in the countryside is developing unsystematically, in a deformed and contradictory way. The key reason for such a situation is the lack of modern fundamental research in this direction and the uncertainty of strategic priorities for its development.
The above mentioned objectively gives relevance to the problem of strategic development of rural trade on a scientific basis within the framework of modern concepts, programs and effective trade policy.
The purpose of the article is to provide scientific substantiation of strategic priorities of development and functioning of trade in rural areas under the influence of determinant factors.
The strategic directions of the development of trade in rural areas in the conditions of rural development intensification are investigated. The essential characteristic of rural trade, the tendencies and the character of its modern development are described. Significant deformations and imbalances in the development and functioning of rural trade, inconsistency of its potential with the requirements and principles of agrarian policy are revealed.
The socio-economic and institutional environment of development and functioning of rural trade is analyzed. The active strategic forces, under the influence of which the priorities of development of rural trade are formed, are grounded and determined. The essence, content and character of the main priorities of the perspective development of trade in rural areas are revealed.
The conceptual structural model of rural trade is proposed and its main tasks are substantiated. It is proved that the new model of rural trade should become an organic component of the village’s economic system and promote its social, organizational and innovative development. 
trade in rural areas, rural areas, retail and wholesale trade, trade infrastructure, resource potential, strategic priorities, conceptual model of trade 


Apopiy, H. V. (2016). Formuvannya efektyvnoyi systemy torhovel’noho obsluhovuvannya v umovakh rozvytku sil’s’kykh terytoriy [Formation of an effective system of trade services in the conditions of rural areas development]. (Ph.D. in Econ. Thesis, Poltava University of Economics and Trade, Poltava, Ukraine). [in Ukrainian]. {re2017.02.089.002}

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