Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Symonenko Valentyn Kostyantynovych

Shyshkina Olena Oleksandrivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Senior Lecturer of the Department of labor resources and entrepreneurship of the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering




Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 331.105(477); JEL J59, L29
Shyshkina, O. O. (2017). Znachennya sotsial'noho partnerstva u zabezpechenni hidnoyi pratsi v Ukrayini [The importance of social partnership for providing a decent work in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 83(1), 106-112. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

The importance of social partnership for maintenance of decent work based on the benefits of dialogue for all the parties in labour relations is emphasized. The indicators of the decent work deficit in Ukraine that testify not only to a decrease in the level of employment, but also to the loss of labor potential are suggested and analyzed. The role of social partnership in overcoming the crisis situation in the labour sphere is determined and the representation of the parties of labour relations in the regional context is studied. The author makes conclusions regarding the lack of development of employers’ institutions because of their low motivation for labour relations, and low quality of trade unions activity due to employees’ mistrust and often formal nature of operation. The need for further development of social partnership in Ukraine in both quantitative and qualitative context is emphasized. The tools for the dissemination of decent work are suggested, including the formation of an effective information space of social partnership regarding the expression of the interests of the parties and the exchange of good practices and monitoring of all collective agreements and contracts on compliance with the principles of dignity and priority in the allocation of public and social investment to employers for decent work. The benefits of providing labour on the principles of dignity for the parties of social partnership are systematized. 
social partnership, decent work, social dialogue parties, trade unions, employers’ organizations 


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