Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Soc-Econ-Problems_MPU -- Year 2019, Vol 5(139)

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Economics and National Economy Management

UDC 338.24:332.146:(330.837+34)(477); JEL R58
Zalutskyy, I. (2019). Instytutsiyno-pravovi zasady vprovadzhennya smart-spetsializatsiyi v Ukrayini [Institutional and legal principles of smart specialization implementing in Ukraine]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 139 (5) (pp. 3-14). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 23

The article analyzes scientific approaches to the interpretation of the concept «smart-specialization». It investigates the specifics of smart specialization in the European Union (EU). National/regional innovation strategies for smart specialization RIS3 must be based on four «Cs» smart specialization principles – Tough Choices and Critical mass; Competitive Advantage; Connectivity and Clusters; Collaborative Leadership. The article emphasizes «the entrepreneurial discovery process» which includes entrepreneurial actors, researchers and the remainder of society as innovation users in addition to public administration. The reasonability of defining the term «smart specialization» in the Law of Ukraine «On Innovation Activity» as innovative approach aimed at realization of unique combination by state planning documents of competitive advantages of corresponding area and innovation development activity. To realize planning strategy for regional development in Ukraine on smart specialization principles, this article proposes to amend: the Law of Ukraine «On the Priority Directions of Innovation Activity in Ukraine» (Article 4), which should establish the Strategic Priority Directions of Innovation Activity in 2021-2030 for national, sectoral and regional stages as a basis for state-funded priorities under state planning documents on smart specialization; the Law of Ukraine «On principles of State Regional Policy» with specification of state regional policy priorities on state, regional and local stages; European smart specialization practices; determining exclusively by this Law of the algorithm of design, coherence, approval and implementing of State Strategy for Regional Development, regional and local strategies for development on smart specialization principles; compiling of a publicly available national multistage info-analytical platform for electronic verification of state planning documents. 
smart specialization, smart specialization principles, innovation development, development strategy 

UDC 339.9:679.87; JEL F10, F20, F60, G15
Khmara, M. (2019). Hlobal'ni vyklyky funktsionuvannyu rynku dorohotsinnoho kaminnya [Global challenges to functioning of precious gemstones market]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 139 (5) (pp. 15-19). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 8

The peculiarities of gemstone market functioning under the impact of globalization are examined. Modern condition of financial stabilization in world is defined and main features of gemstones are outlined. Negative impact of illegal market on socio-economic development of countries, namely on revenues to the country’s budget from the business, is revealed. The importance of the problem of transferring most of gemstones processing operations beyond the countries of production is emphasized. Poor public control over the circulation of precious stones is proven. The challenges are substantiated to be aggravating under the impact of globalization. The diamonds market, which has peculiar high demand, is analyzed: diamonds and derivatives account for 85% of global turnover. Application of managerial strategies for gemstones market to efficiently use resources is defined to be complicated by the fact that managerial strategies impact the high cost of product items and its variability; unique features; intangible qualities; complicated processing. More environmentally friendly production and social responsibility are confirmed to have impact on forming of demand on gemstones. Investment attractiveness of gemstones, except for diamonds, is proven to be low. Condition of production and consumption of diamonds is analyzed. Development condition of the market segment – non-diamonds gemstones – is shown. The activity of small enterprises and households engaged in gemstones production is confirmed to be characterized by chaotic and complicated nature of broker networks, leading to aggravated global challenges. The paper defines that expansion of spectrum and emergence of new opportunities for illegal activity, reduced income and loss of other types of economic benefits, growing negative ecological and social impact, growing exploitation of workers at illegal enterprises remain to be the global challenges of gemstones market functioning. The author suggests increasing of social and ecological responsibility of business, strengthening of the state regulating functions and promotion of gemstones market legalization in order to reduce the challenges. 
gemstones production, diamonds, non-diamonds gemstones, illegal market, gemstones market, jewelry 

Territorial Development and Regional Economics

UDC 332.143:330.341-047.44; JEL C43, O11, O18, O47, R11
Pukhyr, S. (2019). Indeks inklyuzyvnoho rozvytku rehionu – novyy pidkhid do otsinyuvannya rivnya sotsial'no-ekonomichnoho rozvytku terytoriy [Region’s inclusive development index as a criterion of evaluation of the territories’ socio-economic development level]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 139 (5) (pp. 20-25). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

The paper is devoted to examining of theoretical and practical aspects of introduction of the Regions’ Inclusive Development Index. At current stage, the works of contemporary foreign and domestic scientists are focused on the research of inclusive development and inclusive growth, where they more or less outline substantial misbalances of global economy growth models – GDP volumes growth is accompanied by inharmonious distribution of income between the entities, leading to stratification of population and aggravating poverty – and suggest a new balanced model of economic growth of socio-economic systems with growing involvement of all residents in economic growth processes and fair distribution of their results. Growing gaps in regions’ development, low credibility of GRP per capita in terms of estimation of socio-economic development of territories, their competitive ability and problematic nature objectively cause the need to introduce a new aggregated index to systemically and complexly make constructive managerial decisions to overcome negative tendencies, to conduct efficient state regional policy and to provide state financial assistance. The author’s approach to introduction of «Region’s Inclusive Development Index» in Ukraine at the level of regions, which is an analogue to international «Inclusive Development Index», which should show the growth (fall) of residents’ welfare in the region more comprehensively and promote achievement of European standards of the quality of life, which correspond to the principles of inclusive growth. The results of calculations of suggested Region’s Inclusive Development Index and comparative analysis by the rate of GRP per capita in followup of socio-economic development of Ukrainian regions in 2016-2017 show the reasonability of introducing this criterion as far as it reveals the advantages and defects of each region’s socio-economic development. 
inclusive development, Inclusive Development Index, region, public regional policy, rankings 

UDC 352.07:334.012.74; JEL H70, H89, R59, Q01
Hrynchyshyn, I. (2019). Finansova spromozhnist' terytorial'nykh hromad u konteksti otsinyuvannya rezul'tativ administratyvno-finansovoyi detsentralizatsiyi [Financial capacity of territorial communities in the context of evaluating the results of administrative and financial decentralization]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 139 (5) (pp. 26-32). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

The article investigates the theoretical foundations of the financial capacity of territorial communities. Parameters of estimation of territorial communities’ financial capacity in the context of achievement of administrative-financial decentralization results are characterized. The necessity of improvement of criteria of territorial communities’ financial capacity is determined in terms of identification of sources of personal income tax, number of operating enterprises in the territory of the territorial community and the number of payers. Attention is paid to the need of improvement of the methodological basis for calculating the taxability index by taking into account the size of the able-bodied population, the median distribution of income tax per capita weighted by the population, and inclusion in the calculation of Kyiv city budget. The peculiarities of formation and use of financial resources of the territorial communities of Lviv and Poltava regions are clarified. The scientific and methodological approach to the evaluation of the financial capacity of territorial communities is improved by determining the priority of their expenditures, the interdependence of their own revenues and transfers with the financing of public services at the level of territorial communities. The directions of increasing the efficiency of functioning of territorial communities are outlined. Based on the assessment of the interdependence of the amount of generated financial resources and the financing of public services at the level of the territorial communities of Poltava region, it is determined that the growth of own revenues should be ensured for their proper functioning, first of all, through efficient use of their own financial and economic potential; parity in the ratio of economic and social expenditures in order to generate long-term positive effects of socio-economic development of territorial communities; diversification of functional expenditures for comprehensive provision of public services at the level of territorial communities. 
territorial community, capable territorial community, financial capacity, administrative-financial decentralization 

Economics of Labor, Demography, Social Policy

UDC 330.342.146(477); JEL E21, I00, J30, J45
Voznyak, H., & Zherebylo, I. (2019). Sotsial'ni aspekty rozvytku ekonomiky Ukrayiny: suchasnyy stan ta novi vyklyky [Social aspects of Ukrainian economy development: current state and new challenges]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 139 (5) (pp. 33-41). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 11

Modern changes in the economy of Ukraine caused by the socio-political situation in the country as well as a number of initiated reforms encourage scientific exploration of the socio-economic development of the country. The purpose of the article is to conduct a problem-oriented analysis of the social component of the economy of Ukraine. The article presents the results of a study of socio-economic development of Ukraine during the past five years. The following areas of analysis were selected: labor markets, poverty, unemployment, income / expenditures of the population. Low growth rates of the subsistence level are proven to be causing a decrease in social standards, which negatively affects the living standards of the population in Ukraine; a significant drop in real income of the population in 2014-2015 aggravated the purchasing power of the population; the increase in the share of wages and social benefits in the structure of the population's income during the analyzed period is an indication of the excessive dependence of the population's well-being on state support, as well as the absence of the so-called middle class in the country. The visible growth in the unemployment rate is caused by the military actions in the East of Ukraine, the deepening of the financial and economic crisis and the deterioration of the socio-political situation in the country. Emphasis is placed on differentiation in wages in economic sectors. Low level of the average salary in the budget sphere is proven to be caused by the peculiarities of calculating the size of the minimum salary on the basis of the subsistence minimum, which ultimately leads to the “depreciation” of the work of employees of the budgetary sphere and the reduction of the cost of highly skilled labor. Challenges to further development of Ukraine have been identified, such as excessive unemployment, poor level of remuneration, the level of social protection, military conflict in Eastern Ukraine among the key ones. 
social development, unemployment, employment, living wage, wages 

UDC 331:332.14:352; JEL J08, H70
Bil, M., & Patytska, Kh. (2019). Vidtvorennya lyuds'koho potentsialu ob’yednanykh terytorial'nykh hromad v Ukrayini [Reproduction of human potential of united territorial communities in Ukraine]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 139 (5) (pp. 42-48). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

The paper defines the nature of human potential as a set of physiological, socio-psychological, intellectual-labor, social-stratification, ethno-cultural opportunities of a society, which can be used already in the near future and realized in an environment that ensures their development. The specificity of human potential reproduction reflecting one of its development phases with the consequences of the use of human resources, namely their accumulation, reproduction and improvement was disclosed. The components of human potential were identified (demographic, revealing the basic characteristics of population, including its number, birth and mortality rate, age structure; intellectual and labor, revealing the labor characteristics of the population and the possibilities of their realization, including the number of economically active, employed, self-employed residents, the number of migrants, the number of economic entities operating on the territory of the community; social and managerial, revealing community-based management practices and initiatives; socio-economic, enabling environment for business and employment). Indicators for the methodology for assessing the use of human potential in the context of isolated components were selected. The methodology of estimation on the example of united territorial communities in Ukraine with their grouping depending on the volume of own income per inhabitant and the level of subsidy was tested. United territorial communities as leaders and outsiders were identified by the calculation of the integral index of human development and its components. This made it possible to substantiate the opportunities of the united territorial communities to ensure the reproduction of human potential through the development of social infrastructure and reorientation of strategic planning towards development goals. The development goals were distributed by areas of effective use of mobilized finance, creating conditions for business and employment. 
human potential, human potential reproduction, social infrastructure, development goals, reform of decentralization, united territorial communities 

UDC 331.108:[331.522.4:001.831]; JEL J24, O15
Kniazieva, O., & Shamin, M. (2019). Formuvannya kadrovoho rezervu dlya zabezpechennya rozvytku intelektual'noho potentsialu personalu pidpryyemstva [Formation of personnel reserve to ensure the development of intellectual potential of the personnel at enterprise]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 139 (5) (pp. 49-55). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

Sustainable development of a modern enterprise requires constant development of employees’ intellectual potential. Therefore, the question of estimating the costs for the development of employees’ intellectual potential is urgent. It is also necessary to create a staff reserve of such qualifications that meet the requirements of technological progress. The availability of personnel reserve allows you to prepare candidates for the newly created positions, which arise during the upgrade of tangible and intangible assets. The purpose of the paper is to improve the approaches to the development of the intellectual potential of the employees of the enterprise by forming the personnel reserve of the corresponding qualification. The paper substantiates the need to form personnel reserve to secure the company’s sustainable development in conditions of continuous change of technologies. The authors suggest the updated scientific-applied approach to calculation of the necessary reserve of qualified staff, which is based on planned change of staff structure and advanced training based on current and planned rates of tangible and intangible assets, unlike the existing ones. The paper proves that the development of intellectual potential of the company’s staff requires certain expenses, which in their turn require accounting of their volumes. Methodical approach to assessment of the cost of intellectual potential of the company’s staff by calculation of the range of its components is presented. The obtained results are compared to the scale that contains criteria of the level of intellectual potential development depending on the volumes of investment in its development. The paper reveals that the cost of intellectual potential of the company’s staff expressed in the share of expenses in overall expenses should reach ten percent in order to secure for the company the sustainable development based on the tendencies and dominants of scientific and technical progress. 
intelligence potential, workers, the enterprise, a personnel reserve, cost 

Development of Rural Territories and Agrarian Sector of the Economy

UDC 338.439:65.011, JEL Q18, R13
Drebot, O. I., Sakharnatska, L. I., Vysochanska, M. Ya., & Piniaha, N. O. (2019). Improvement of government support for enhancing the efficiency of using the resources potential of agricultural enterprises. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 139 (5) (pp. 56-62). DOI:

Sources: 10

The article deals with the influence of factors on the formation of the resource potential of agricultural enterprises and increasing the efficiency of its use. The main obstacles to the effective functioning of the system of state support of agriculture in Ukraine are considered. It is determined that state support is an integral part of state regulation and is a combination of different tools and instruments. Preferential financing of the most vulnerable enterprises and branches of agriculture, improvement of the mechanism of state support will contribute to the development of agricultural production and will have a positive impact on the situation in rural areas. It has to be implemented taking into account the specificity of the regional situation, as well as the financial capacity of the budget. The role of the state agrarian policy in the development of rural regions is investigated and the priority direction of rural activity – diversification of agricultural production is determined. Based on the main directions of agricultural development in the region, a system model for improving the efficiency of agricultural enterprises development is proposed. A number of measures of state regulation are proposed to introduce a qualitatively effective regional economic policy through the formation of an efficient regulatory framework. Given the basic imperatives, improving of state support for the development of agricultural enterprises for the formation of their resource potential and increasing the efficiency of its use requires creating the conditions for the introduction of a qualitatively new, effective regional economic policy, stimulating the dynamic development and efficient use of the internal resource potential of each region, which requires taking into account the decisive role of the agricultural enterprise rural areas and the transition to state strategic programming in regional development and implementation of regional development strategies of local governments and local authorities. State regulation of agricultural production should be oriented on innovation and investment development of agricultural enterprises. To this end, it is necessary to amend the Law of Ukraine “On Innovative Activity”, to improve customs regulation of innovative activity and the procedure of granting the innovative status to enterprises and to foresee the possibility to carry out expertise in qualifying innovative projects at the expense of public funds. 
agriculture, state regulation, agricultural enterprises, resource potential, development of rural regions 

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