Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Soc-Econ-Problems_MPU -- Year 2019, Vol 6(140)

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Economics and National Economy Management

UDC 338.439.4:637.5(477); JEL F14, Q13
Ishchuk, S. (2019). Problemy i perspektyvy rozvytku m’yasopererobnykh vyrobnytstv v Ukrayini [Problems and prospects of development of meat processing manufacturings in Ukraine]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 140 (6) (pp. 3-7). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 8

Production of meat and meat products is one of the key segments of domestic processing industry. In 2018, its share in total food production in Ukraine reached 17.78% (vs. 15.93% in 2013). At the same time, the main problem holding back the development of this segment is the reduction of the raw material base for the industrial processing of meat due to the crisis in animal husbandry, especially in pig and cattle breeding. The purpose of the article is to define the problems and to outline the prospects for the development of meat processing manufacturing in Ukraine, given the current state of the domestic and foreign markets of meat raw materials (chicken, pork, beef, etc.). The meat and meat product manufacturing in Ukraine is dominated by poultry meat, which share has increased by 7.22 pp. in the last six years. Instead, the share of meat products decreased by 6.54 pp. These trends indicate the reduction of advanced processing of meat raw materials. This is largely due to the low level of operating profitability of meat product manufacturing in Ukraine – 2.6% in 2018 vs. 3.7% in 2013, while the profitability of poultry meat manufacturing reached 11.3% (vs. 9.1%). Given the latest global trends in changing consumer preferences in favor of dietary types of meat, this poultry development trend in Ukraine has great prospects, especially in regions where there are no large agricultural companies. In contrast to poultry farming, the trends in domestic pig breeding are mostly negative, due to the decrease in the number of pigs caused by outbreaks of African swine fever. An even more critical situation in Ukraine is with the production of beef and veal, which is a direct result of the cattle livestock population reduction by more than 6 times in the last 25 years, as well as of the high cost of meat procurement. The latter is caused by poor livestock feed base. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to increase the volume of domestic production of compound feeds and their components. In particular, a promising area for the development of meat processing in Ukraine is the production of animal origin feeds, the raw material for which is food waste. Integrated use of meat raw materials will ultimately increase the level of profitability of this segment of the processing industry. 
production of meat and meat products, chicken, pork, beef, regions, exports, imports 

UDC 338.1:338.439; JEL D10, D20, D30, Q10
Hmyria, V. (2019). Prodovol'cha bezpeka yak holovnyy vektor rozvytku ekonomiky krayiny [Food safety as the main vector of a country’s economic development]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 140 (6) (pp. 8-13). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

Food security is one of the main goals of the agrarian and economic policy of the state. In its general form, it develops the vector of movement of any national food system to its ideal condition. In this sense, the pursuit of food security is a continuous process. At the same time, to achieve it, there is often a change in development priorities and mechanisms of agricultural policy implementation. The agrarian complex is of great socio-economic importance as it not only satisfies the needs of the population in some of the most important foodstuffs, but also reflects the standard of living in the country. It should be borne in mind that the current situation in the world is characterized, on the one hand, by the presence of a large number of starving in third world countries, on the other, by the excess production of food in developed countries, where no more than 20% of the world's population lives. Developing countries are unable to provide the population with their own foodstuffs in accordance with physiological standards, so they are forced to import it in exchange for strategic material resources, precious metals and significant political concessions. Food security is a condition in which all people of a country, at all times, have the physical, social and economic access to quantitative and nutritious food that meets their needs and is necessary for an active and healthy life. The state policy of many countries began to be built taking into account the cyclical development of the economy, including specific agricultural cycles. At the same time, in the recovery and growth phases, improving the overall economic situation does not always translate into a proportional reduction in poverty and an increase in food security - especially in developing countries. In the phases of depression and crisis, appropriate rigid measures inevitably lead to an immediate and tangible fall in these indicators. 
food security, agrarian business, the state, financial institutions, economies, calories 

UDC 338.47; JEL Q01, L86, L96
Demyanchuk, M. (2019). Suchasni zakonomirnosti rozvytku sfery zvyazku ta informatyzatsiyi [Modern patterns of development of the communication and informatization sphere]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 140 (6) (pp. 14-19). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

Information and telecommunication services are currently a full-fledged resource for social development compared to traditional resources. The growth of the level of scientific and technological progress has led to the incredibly fast development paces in the sphere of information and communication technologies, which has a significant impact on the development of the economy. On the basis of a thorough analysis of the sectors of information and communication technologies and components of the ICT development index, the article substantiates the need for accelerated digitization of the majority of enterprises of different spheres of economic activity with the aim of qualitative development of Ukrainian economy in order to increase its competitiveness in the world. This is explained by the fact that information and technology represent the main economic resource in the period of formation of information society and digital economy, and enterprises of the sphere of communication and informatization are a catalyst for social and economic development of the country as a whole. Using a methodological toolkit of the theory of systematic and correlation-regression analysis, an economic-mathematical model of the development of the sphere of communication and informatization in the regions of the world and individual countries of the world is constructed. It is based on the existing pattern of leading development of the communications sector, but takes into account the degree of economy dependence on the ICT development, which in some regions and countries is 100%. This is due to the approaching mass availability of ICT services in some countries in these regions. On the basis of the constructed model, the forecasting of GDP PPP per capita was carried out, which showed faster rates of growth of the country’s economy with the growth of the development level of the sphere of communication and informatization and accessibility of telecommunication services. In turn, the availability of telecommunication services is influenced by the digital skills of society and the level of their prices, which has necessitated determining the dependence of GDP PPP per capita on prices for communication services of countries with varying degrees of socio-economic development. This makes it possible to identify reserves for improving the productivity of individuals while increasing the availability of telecommunications services. 
patterns, digital economy, accelerated development, sphere of communication and informatization 

UDC 316.658.3; JEL L83
Tanklevskaya, N., & Vybranskyy, V. (2019). Osnovy marketynhu v sportyvniy sferi [Basics of sports marketing]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 140 (6) (pp. 20-25). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 11

Today, the sports sphere is an important element of the state's market system and plays a significant role in shaping a healthy lifestyle. It requires innovative approaches to train highly qualified sports marketing personnel to promote the industry and develop it. Sports marketing is a kind of symbiosis of classic marketing and specific principles of entrepreneurial activity in the field of physical culture and sports. One of the main factors that have led to the possibility of developing marketing in the field of sports was the vector of changes in the priorities and methods of influence of the state management of sports sector in conditions of sustainable development of business structures. The development of sports marketing, as a field of science and practical tool, began to take shape at the beginning of the twentieth century, when the production and consumption of sports services began to expand rapidly and competitive relations and competition for customers and sales intensified. The paper determines that professional physical education has a significant influence on formation of economic thinking in the field of sports, where the sport itself acts as a customer of training services, and higher education institutions - a supplier to training highly qualified specialists in this field. The development of sports marketing by its division into phenomena is considered. There are three main phenomena of the sports sphere, namely: the social phenomenon, which denotes the real field of wide public influence, the economic phenomenon - keeping the mission of sport in balance with the sphere of business activity, and the political phenomenon - strengthening the image of the state among other countries through sports success. Physical education and sports marketing involves the use of various marketing tools, principles and functions. Effective application of marketing and skillful application of methods of marketing activity management will allow transforming the industry of sports into a powerful business structure. 
marketing, sports, physical culture, marketing management, marketer 

UDC 336.1; JEL I38, M14, Z10
Voznyak, H., & Zherebylo, I. (2019). Osoblyvosti funktsionuvannya ta problemy rozvytku sfery kul'tury ta mystetstva v umovakh reformy publichnykh finansiv [Features of functioning and problems of development of sphere of culture and art in the conditions of reform of public finances]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 140 (6) (pp. 26-32). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

Culture as a means of consolidation of the nation and a method of forming the world outlook in the current conditions of development of Ukrainian society, unfortunately, does not correspond to the socio-political changes in the country and world development trends due to a number of different circumstances. Therefore, it needs some modernization and reform. The purpose of the article is to analyze the specifics of functioning and to identify problems of development of the field of culture and art as well as to outline directions of their solution. The results of the study of the functioning of culture and art sphere are presented. The problems of this industry development over the last ten years are identified. Among the most important are the following: reduction of the role of culture and art in people’s lives; low level of budget support; moral aging of the material and technical base of cultural institutions; inefficient management of cultural institutions; low material remuneration of cultural workers and low social prestige of their work. The peculiarities of functioning of the sphere of culture and art are revealed. The peculiarities of the industry are revealed as following: some institutions are focused both on cultural services and on the development of culture and human beings (creation of conditions for creativity); institutions perform the state function of creating, preserving, collecting and studying the cultural heritage of funds and works of art, although this function is not directly related to the specific consumer; it is difficult to unambiguously measure the end results of cultural and artistic activity, which are expressed mainly in the delayed social effect and are manifested in the increase of intellectual potential, changes in values and norms of human behavior, etc. Emphasis is placed on the challenges of further development caused by the ongoing reforms. The directions of solving the problems are outlined regarding the improvement of regulatory support and mechanisms for attracting additional financial resources, etc. 
culture, art, public finance, decentralization, financing 

UDC 614.2:351.82.001.57; JEL C45, H51, I18, O30
Yurynets, Z., Petrukh, O., Myshchyshyn, I., Kokhan, M., & Hnylyanska, L. (2019). Otsinka efektyvnosti funktsionuvannya systemy okhorony zdorov’ya Ukrayiny v umovakh pryskorenoho rozvytku innovatsiynykh tekhnolohiy [Assessment of the effectiveness of Ukraine’s healthcare system in the context of accelerated development of innovative technologies]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 140 (6) (pp. 33-38). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

The article proposes scientific and methodological provisions regarding the evaluation of the effectiveness of the health care system of Ukraine in the conditions of accelerated development of medical innovative technologies. This model is based on the application of neural network modeling tools. The application of the developed model of the evaluation of the effectiveness of the health care system makes it possible to identify the state of public financing of health care and the research and development, to cover a large amount of data and to carry out a comparative analysis of national health policy in terms of the developed countries of the world. During the formation of the neural network model, the relationship between the different factors and the level of GDP is established. For the purposes of the present study, the results of the Ukraine’s social, economic, innovation policy for 2000-2017 have been used as the most predictable element of available data on impact on GDP growth. The proposed methodological provisions make it possible to predict the best option for the development of the health care system and the research and development work in Ukraine, facilitate the possibility of making informed decisions regarding the health policy, optimize the management decision-making regarding the future directions of the research and development work. Public healthcare financing and research and development financing have the biggest influence over the GDP growth. The increase of expenditures of the state budget on public healthcare and research and development is important for socio-economic and innovative growth of Ukraine. The main provisions can be adopted by an executive bodies of the government of Ukraine, local and regional authorities of the national economy. The analysis is the basis for formation of methodological approaches to evaluation of the effectiveness of health care system and other spheres of economic activity and creation of strategies and programs for development of health care system and innovative activity of Ukraine at different hierarchical levels. 
evaluation, effectiveness, neural model, healthcare, public spending, policy 

Economics of Labor, Demography, Social Policy

UDC [331.5:378.063]:005; JEL J20, O15, P47
Abdullayev, S. (2019). Konkurentospromozhnist' pratsivnykiv u sferi torhovel'nykh posluh: ponyatiyno-terminolohichnyy analiz ponyattya [Competitiveness of employees in the field of trade services: concept-terminological analysis of the concept]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 140 (6) (pp. 39-44). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 21

The article forms theoretical approaches to the essence of competitiveness of employees in the sphere of trade services. The interpretation of the concept of "competition" suggested by many foreign and Ukrainian scientists are organized according to three approaches: functional-purpose oriented, behavioral and structural-logical. These approaches to the interpretation of competition can be used in studies of competitive relationships on the market, and their choice directly depends on the goals and objectives of the analysis. The interpretation of the essence of competition suggested by representatives of the Ukrainian scientific school of competitiveness in the field of labor has some differences. Theoretical approaches to defining the concept of "competitiveness of employees" are generalized. The paper determines that the peculiarities of approaches to understanding the competition of employees are related to the fact that people, carriers of a certain labor potential with inherent characteristics of the level of knowledge, skills, experience, work ability, mobility, activity and more rather than products and services are the object of economic competition in the labor market in the system of social and labor relations. The author suggests his definition of competition of trade services employees as their competition for obtaining and reproducing the best working conditions in the interests of realizing labor potential in the process of customer service and obtaining socio-economic and moral satisfaction from their work, development of competences (knowledge, skills). The article proves that formation and maintenance of competitiveness of employees requires complex scientific research, development and implementation of consistent public socio-economic policy, investing in continuous educational and professional development with the participation of social partners. 
competition, competitiveness, employee competitiveness, trade services, trade services sphere, personnel, competence 

UDC 658.3-049.5:331.21(045); JEL E17, E24, J30, O12, O21
Kravchenko, O. (2019). Teoretyko-metodolohichni pidkhody do rehulyuvannya oplaty pratsi v konteksti kadrovoyi bezpeky [Theoretical and methodological approaches to regulation of labour remuneration in the context of personnel security]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 140 (6) (pp. 45-50). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 7

The article presents methodological approaches to the regulation of remuneration in the context of ensuring the personnel security of enterprises at different levels of management: operational, tactical and strategic. Systematization of literature sources and approaches to solving the problem of regulation of remuneration in the context of human security has shown that Ukrainian and foreign scientists have investigated the issues of remuneration and personnel security, but in modern conditions there is a need to form methodological approaches to regulating remuneration precisely in the context of ensuring personnel security. The research of this issue is carried out in the following logical sequence: determination of results, formation of methodological approaches to regulation of remuneration in the context of ensuring personnel security at all levels of management: operational, tactical and strategic. The methodological toolkit of the study was: the system of economic laws, concepts and categories, the fundamental provisions of modern economic theory and applied economics. Hierarchical directions of regulation of remuneration in the context of providing personnel security at the strategic level of management are defined: reliability of senior management personnel, ability to innovate, leadership competencies, anti-conflict security, social protection of personnel. The main factors of performance management for the regulation of remuneration in the context of ensuring personnel security at all levels of management are identified. The formation of methodological approaches to the regulation of remuneration in the context of personnel security should take into account the hierarchy of measures and factors at three levels of management: operational, tactical and strategic, which will contribute to improving the effectiveness of managerial decisions in the field of labor security. 
remuneration, personnel safety, operational, tactical, strategic level of management, performance management, management decisions 

Financial Policy

UDC 336.02; JEL B40, E60, F01
Romanchukevych, V. (2019). Pryntsypy naukovoho doslidzhennya modernizatsiyi derzhavnoyi finansovoyi polityky v umovakh hlobalizatsiyi [Scientific research principles of state financial policy modernization in the globalization conditions]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 140 (6) (pp. 51-56). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 8

The article deals with the problems of scientific research of the modernization of the public financial policy in the context of globalization. The author identifies the main difficulties and problems of development and implementation of public financial policy and the principles of scientific knowledge in this field. Principles of construction and implementation of public financial policy are divided into 2 logical groups: basic principles, as well as special principles that take into account the peculiarities of financial policy implementation in a particular country. The author considers that adherence to the above principles will make it possible to build a truly qualitative financial policy of the state. Therefore, it is important to pay considerable attention to the observance of these principles and the observance of the basic principles (rules) of scientific research in the study of public financial policy. The author presents his own logic of scientific research of modernization of public financial policy in the conditions of globalization on the basis of interpretation of the content of fundamental principles of scientific knowledge, in particular also in accordance with the principle of unity of logical and historical. By adhering to the principle of objectivity, research can avoid or significantly reduce the risk of bias. This principle can be ensured, including by means of a clear justification of the initial research data, which should include a comprehensive disclosure of the positions of the previous financial policy studies of the state. The existence of an adequate information base for the study of the state’s financial policy makes it possible to take into account a set of factors that influence its formation and implementation. 
scientific research, principles of scientific research, public financial policy, modernization of public financial policy, globalization 

Development of Rural Territories and Agrarian Sector of the Economy

UDC 338:620.91:633; JEL Q42
Hryhoruk, I. (2019). Otsinyuvannya enerhetychnoho potentsialu roslynnykh vidkhodiv sil's'kohospodars'koho pokhodzhennya [Assessment of energy potential of agricultural residues]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 140 (6) (pp. 57-62). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 18

The paper deals with the existing approaches to the interpretation of the potential of bioenergy resources. The most widespread practices of differentiation of potentials by foreign and domestic scientists are considered and the increasing role of environmental factors is emphasized. The definition of theoretical, technical, energy, economic and sustainable potentials is given. The paper suggests not to allocate sustainable or environmental potential since there is no information available for accurate calculation in absolute or relative terms. But at the same time, the constraints from the viewpoint of sustainable development at all stages of the calculation have to be taken into account. Agricultural residues are divided into primary ones, that is, those that are generated directly during the harvest, and secondary – generated during the crop processing at the enterprises. The paper establishes that the magnitude of the energy potential is mainly influenced by factors such as competition between the use of residues for energy purposes and the needs of livestock; the possibility of depletion of organic nutrients in the soil by removing the residue of straw from farmland. Practice shows that unused residues in a large enough volume are often burned in fields, which is officially banned in Ukraine and is harmful to the environment and soil. Energy utilization ratios, waste coefficient for each crop type, coefficient of technical availability of waste, energy utilization factor and factor of conversion into conditional fuels are examined and based on them the energy potential of primary and secondary plant wastes are calculated. A significant part is the cereal straw, which remains largely unused, and the corn waste. Due to its energy potential, the magnitude of which exceeds the similar potential of the EU countries, and its accessibility, it has the potential to significantly influence the energy situation in the country. 
bioenergy, energy potential, sustainable development, biomass, agricultural residues 

Investment and Innovation Activity

UDC 330.142; JEL O31, O32
Petrenko, L. (2019). Stratehichni determinanty vyvedennya innovatsiy na rynok [Strategic determinants for introduction of innovation to the market]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 140 (6) (pp. 63-66). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

All innovative products implemented by enterprises can be classified into two categories: radical innovation or improvements. If the first category is almost exclusively the result of breakthrough scientific research, then the second is a consequence of management actions to further improve previous innovative products. Improvements, in contrast to radical innovations, are a relatively less studied direction. In most cases, the moment the radical innovations enter the market is difficult to predict. However, the introduction of improvements to the market is determined by management. At the same time, management, making a decision on introducing an innovative product to the market, focuses on internal and external factors. Internal factors are organizational readiness to introduce an innovative product, and external factors are market necessity. The latter implies, if possible, a reaction to the actions of competitors, who also introduce innovations. The problematic question remains relevant: how do various external and internal factors determine the choice of the moment the innovation is brought to the market. What has a decisive influence on such a strategic choice? The purpose of this study was to investigate how competing and complementary technological events in the environment affect an enterprise’s launch of innovative products on the market. The study was carried out based on the analysis of scientific publications on the economics of innovation and publications on competitive rivalry. The main conclusion: strategies for improvements, as a rule, become less focused on the internal determinants of bringing innovations to the market as market concentration increases, and at the same time, they are increasingly reacting both to competitors’ innovations and innovations in additional technologies. Thus competitive pressure in the industry is an important determinant of the strategic choice to bring innovation to the market. 
innovation management, new product development, innovation firm 

Economics and Business Management

UDC 330.8:338.2; JEL G30, L50
Derevyanko, O. (2019). Reputatsiyni aspekty kapitalizatsiyi pidpryyemstva [Reputational aspects of enterprise capitalization]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 140 (6) (pp. 67-71). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

The article covers the problems of study of reputation as a fundamental factor of capital formation in modern conditions of activity of an enterprise. Following methods were used for the implementation of the research: system-structural and terminological analysis in order to systematize the conceptual apparatus of capitalization; scientific generalization – in the systematization of the diverse interpretations of «capitalization»; the cause-and-effect relationships to determine the reputation as a fundamental factor of capital investment in the enterprise and to provide details to the mechanisms that ensure capitalization growth in terms of reputation. The paper provides scientific arguments regarding the characterization of reputation as a linking element of intellectual and social capital that affects the quality and results of the capitalization processes. The article sets out specific mechanisms that ensure capitalization growth in terms of reputation and categorizes them as follows: securing (facilitating) the access to capital; reducing costs, primarily transaction and management ones, as a result of a company’s organizational and managerial innovations that simplify communication; increasing the productivity of assets; the effect of reducing competition in the market segments where the products of the enterprise are positioned; the effect of increasing competition among investors for the opportunity to invest in this enterprise; sustainable development with the reputation that is purposefully formed; the effect of «longevity» or life-cycle extension. The correlation between the results of capitalization and the reputation of the company in the context of the creation of Schumpeterian and reputational rent is proved. The feasibility of using the rate of return on invested (operating) capital as a formal measure of reputation in the context of capital formation at the enterprise is emphasized. Author’s position regarding the reasonably of management focus on quality business processes (the formation of trust as result of effective business processes) and the impact on the values of stakeholders (building trust as proof of relationship/identity of the company’s values and its corporate audiences), which are the powerful concepts in the growth of capitalization of the enterprises, is explained. 
capitalization, reputation, value, trust, cost 

World Economy and Foreign Economic Relations

UDC 339.7; JEL F29, L16, O14
Voloshanska, A. (2019). Oriyentyry rozvytku svitovoyi ekonomiky v umovakh podolannya protsesiv deindustrializatsiyi [Guidelines for the development of the world economy in the conditions of overcoming the deindustrialization processes]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 140 (6) (pp. 72-77). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 8

The article deals with the features of the industrialization period, which are inherent in the world economy in the present conditions. Four models of industrialization that can exist at the present stage of economic development are considered: post-industrialization characterized by the development of technologies of the 5th mode, which in the conditions of de-industrialization stipulate bringing of low-tech industries outside the country and introduction of high-tech industrial capacities), neo-industrialization (characterized by the development of technologies of the 6th mode (including nanominiaturization, bio-technologization, cognitivization, 3D printing development), necro-industrialization (characterized by the predominance of industries with technologies of the 3rd and 4th ways, which under conditions of de-industrialization "undergo" the reduction of production capacities due to their physical deterioration and lack of demand for products), traditional industrialization (characterized by the predominance of extractive industries, heavy and low process engineering, development of 3rd and 4th modes technology that are upgraded to meet the challenges of today's market). The Europe 2020 strategy, launched in 2010 by the European Commission is analyzed in terms of industrial policy development. The paper identifies that the European Union's new economic course is based on maintenance of smart sustainable economic development to achieve high employment, productivity and social cohesion. The key guidelines for the development of the world economy are determined on the basis of reasonable growth, sustainable and comprehensive development in the context of overcoming de-industrialization and transition to the sixth technological way. 
industrialization, world economy, post-industrialization, neo-industrialization, necro-industrialization, traditional industrialization 

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