Senior Researcher of the Department of regional ecological policy and environmental management of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
Water is a resource on which the stability and development of economies around the world depend. Due to the depletion of clean fresh water reserves experienced by most countries, there is a need to improve economic methods of water protection based on the principles of sustainable development. The article shows the value of water resources for society in terms of ensuring the production of goods and services and considers the concept of accounting for environmental costs, which allows preventing water depletion and pollution. The main goals of applying economic methods of water protection are revealed. The main economic instruments for regulating water consumption and water conservation are identified. The concept of environmental cost accounting is analyzed, which takes into account the real costs of mitigating pollution and depletion of water resources. The article reveals that economic methods take into account the long-term consequences of activities and are aimed at maintaining and developing ecosystem services, which contributes to the sustainability of water systems. The principles of determining the economic value of water and the costs associated with water supply are considered: direct and indirect costs; benefits; reliability of supply; quality. The essence of the modern approach to water resources protection is analyzed and the fact that it consists in preventing misuse and preventing pollution is proven. The author emphasizes the need to develop an effective regulatory and legal framework for this area and the need for its continuous improvement. The importance of monitoring the implementation of international agreements on the use of water bodies to which Ukraine is a party is determined. The article shows that market mechanisms designed to help allocate limited resources in the most efficient manner, minimizing losses and maximizing public welfare, do not always work properly. The article systematizes the tasks of the state in the field of water use and outlines the ways to solve them. The relationship between the rent for water resources and the consumer price index in the relevant period is traced. The peculiarities of the formation of rent for special water use and tax on discharges of pollutants into water bodies are shown. The author analyzes the peculiarities of the work of water suppliers to the population in different regions, regional tariffs, and their formation in modern conditions.
water supply infrastructure, rent, tariffs, taxes, martial law, Ukraine
The influence of information technologies on tourism and recreation activities is studied. The conditions of functioning of the tourist services market in modern conditions are determined. The article shows that the possibilities of the Internet have contributed to the emergence of new ways of doing business. The peculiarities of using SMM marketing for the promotion of tourist services are revealed. The specifics of the use of computer technologies in the fields of hospitality, transport services, tourist mediation, entertainment, etc. are analyzed. The creation and development of the most powerful company in online booking,, is shown in historical retrospect. Using the example of the tire manufacturer Michelin, the article identifies how the advertising company turned from the distribution of travel guides into a highly profitable business and became the basis for the development of gastronomic tourism in its modern sense. The advantages of using information technologies for travelers and service providers are considered, including a significant expansion of search and offer possibilities, and choice, as well as significant cost savings in the payment of commissions to intermediaries, advertising, marketing, etc. Cases of abuse by travel service providers are presented. The main obstacle to the development of e-tourism is the low level of cybersecurity. The article notes that all the countries of the world, which have come under the influence of e-tourism, are working in various ways to strengthen the security of consumers. The necessity of conducting a comparative analysis of the benefits and costs of tourist activities for territories is emphasized.
tourism marketing, electronic tourism, information technologies, social networks, cybersecurity
The article argues that all medical waste requires a special approach as experience has shown that many substances used as safe pose a threat to human health and human life and cause irreparable damage to the environment. The expediency of reviewing certain categories of medical waste with their subsequent transfer to the category of household waste (office paper, office furniture, etc.) is specified. The need to pay more attention to waste in the cosmetics and perfume industry is emphasized as more and more pharmaceutical and chemical substances are used in this production. The article detects significant differences in some statistical indicators by year and the combination of medical and non-medical waste in one indicator, which indicates the imperfection of statistical accounting. The adequacy of medical waste management is revealed to depend on the standard of living in the country and the availability of effective public policy in this area, as well as the availability of natural resources in the required amount. The historical retrospective shows the changes in the attitude to disposable and reusable medical materials. The authors propose to use a table comparing the cost of disposal from different points of view, taking into account the necessary sanitary and hygienic requirements. The need to strengthen control over the rational use of disposable medical devices is emphasized, which in some cases makes it possible to significantly reduce the amount of waste and general medical expenses. A comparative analysis of the cost of medical waste disposal in the United States and Ukraine is conducted. The analysis shows that the United States has lower prices. Despite the rather carefully prescribed procedure for obtaining a license for activities in the field of medical waste management, the numerous abuses identified by inspections indicate the need to improve it.
A number of problems of ecologically safe management of soils in Ukraine are revealed. A significant decrease in capital investment and current expenditures on environmental protection and the lack of information on soil protection expenditures has been detected in recent years. The paper shows that in 2015, the forms of state statistical reporting of Ukraine were eliminated, while they contained such important land use indicators as reclamation, drainage, restoration, etc. The implementation of state plans for the development and adoption of regulatory legal acts in the land management in Ukraine was traced and the adoption of the developed bills was determined to have been proceeding very slowly. The powers of central and regional government bodies and local government bodies in the area of soil fertility preservation were analyzed. The control of the State Service of Ukraine on Geodesy, Cartography and Cadaster over changes in indicators of the qualitative state of soils is determined to be problematic due to the lack of specialized laboratories in the regional departments. The paper shows that agrochemical certification of agricultural lands is carried out at a low rate, and this, in connection with the beginning of the functioning of the land market in Ukraine, is unacceptable. The paper reveals that cartograms of the qualitative state of soils were developed for almost half of the agricultural land and are already outdated. The statistical information about the environment of Ukraine in terms of soil protection is reduced to the amount of fertilizers applied and the use of pesticides, and is relevant only for a part of enterprises that use a certain area of agricultural land. The low level of cooperation between the European Commission and the State Space Agency of Ukraine in the use of the capabilities of the Copernicus program is revealed.
state control bodies, ecologically safe management of soils, land management, normative-legal provision
Kulish, I. (2013). Ekolohichnyy turyzm yak chynnyk rozvytku sil’s’kykh terytoriy Ukrayiny [Ecological tourism as a factor in the development of rural areas of Ukraine]. Ekonomika APK – Economy of AIC, 2, 80-85. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2022.03.010.012}