Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Levytska Olha Oleksandrivna

Levytska Olha Oleksandrivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Senior Researcher

Senior Researcher of the Department of problems of social and humanitarian development of the regions of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

Contacts:, (067)773-5481



Makhonyuk Oleksandr Volodymyrovych


UDC 331.556.46:314.74; JEL J21, J31, J61, F22
Levytska, O., & Makhonyuk, O. (2018). Osoblyvosti pratsevlashtuvannya ukrayins'kykh hromadyan za kordonom: sotsiolohichnyy dyskurs [Peculiarities of employment of Ukrainian citizens abroad: sociological discussion]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 134 (6) (pp. 91-97). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 4

On the basis of the expert sociological survey, the authors have analyzed the problems of Ukrainian citizens’ living and working abroad. The authors argue that in recent years the priorities and migration orientations of the expert group have changed in favour of the Western European countries, in particular, Poland and the Czech Republic. The paper proves that in 90% of cases, Ukrainians referred to intermediaries (usually individual persons and employment agencies) while arranging their first visit abroad. At the same time, they gained both positive and negative experience of such cooperation. Depending on the form of the migration process organization (independently or via intermediaries), a number of economic and organizational risks of Ukrainian migrants’ employment abroad concerned the delayed processing of documents for emigration, problems with settlement at the place of arrival, unsatisfactory working conditions in the destination country, lower salaries, hidden commissions for intermediary agencies, etc. The assumption concerning immaturity of the market of migration services in Ukraine was confirmed by the experts claiming that quality of organization of the labour migration process via intermediaries did not always depend on the cost of their services. Moreover, the paper confirms that the ‘shadow’ segment of this market is actively developing, as well as new schemes of unfair or illegal mediation are emerging in Ukraine. In this situation, it is necessary to raise the awareness of the population on issues of living and working abroad. It is also obligatory to increase social responsibility of intermediaries by motivating them to secure legal provision of migration services through the information support of those entities that carry out activities on legal grounds (marketing of legal migration services). Another way to improve the functioning of the market of migration services in Ukraine concerns the strengthening of information and analytical support for abroad employment intermediation. In this context, it is necessary to elaborate an interactive map of intermediaries by the regions of Ukraine showing the detailed information on their activities, in particular, their types and official status, a range of services, ratings, and etc. Permanent monitoring of the situation is considered to serve as the basis for developing a national concept of the market of migration services taking into account regional peculiarities of its implementation. 
migration process, labour emigration, market of migration services, employment intermediation, social responsibility, expert survey 

UDC 331.5:004
Levytska, O. (2017). Problemy ta perspektyvy rozvytku menedzhmentu lyuds'kykh resursiv ta trudovykh vidnosyn v informatsiynomu suspil'stvi [Challenges and perspectives for the development of human resource management and labour relations in the information society]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 128 (6) (pp. 99-102). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 7

The main trends in relations development in the global and Ukrainian labour markets under conditions of society's transformation are considered in the article. Development of non-traditional forms of employment, deepening of structural shifts in labour markets, growing of the “precariat” as a separate social class, increased requirements to human capital quality and greater need for the related investments are pointed out. Peculiarities of human resource management under the influence of information and communication technologies (ICT) and digital tools are studied in detail. The role of ICT industry as a driver of a modern economy and a catalyst of transformation processes in a labour market is defined. In this context, analysis of the dynamics and structure of the national ICT sector in professional and gender terms, as well as assessment of the level of wages in the industry, are carried out. Recommendations for the formation of the state employment policy and labour market regulation in Ukraine with regard to the challenges of the information society are presented. 
human resources, labour relations, non-traditional employment, information and communication technologies, information society 


Levytska, O. O. (2016). Mihratsiynyy chynnyk asymetriyi rozvytku prykordonnykh rehioniv Ukrayiny ta Pol’schi [Migration factor for the development asymmetry of border regions of Ukraine and Poland]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional Economy, 4, 56-65. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2018.06.091.004}

Vasyltsiv, T., Levytska, O., & Rudkovskyy, O. (2022). Strukturni dysproportsiyi i dysbalansy rynku pratsi oblastey Karpats'koho rehionu Ukrayiny v umovakh viyny: tendentsiyi, zahrozy, oriyentyry polityky stabilizatsiyi y vykorystannya mozhlyvostey [Structural disproportions and imbalances in the labor market of oblasts of the Carpathian region of Ukraine in the conditions of war: trends, threats, orientations for stabilization policy and use of opportunities]. Ekonomika ta suspil'stvo – Economy and society, 37. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {sep2024.03.038.003}

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