Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Korkuna (Masna) Oryslava Ivanivna

Korkuna (Masna) Oryslava Ivanivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Associate Professor of the Department of hotel and restaurant business of the Lviv State University of Physical Culture




Bordun Olesya Volodymyrivna

Korkuna Ivan Ivanovych

Smovzhenko Tamara Stepanivna

Khromyak Ulyana Viktorivna

Tsil'nyk Oleh Yaroslavovych


UDC 332.2.021.8:352/354; JEL H72, Q15
Smovzhenko, T. S., Korkuna, O. I., Korkuna, I. I., & Khromyak, U. V. (2020). Vplyv zemel'noyi reformy na rozvytok ob’yednanykh terytorial'nykh hromad [The impact of land reform on the development of united territorial communities]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 141 (1) (pp. 29-33). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

Nowadays, according to decentralization and current legislation (Land Code of Ukraine, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine «On Self-Governance»), the public lands have been transferred to the CTCs since 1 February 2018. In 2018/2019, 788 CTCs received communal ownership of 1.68 ha of public lands. According to the Draft Law «On Amendments to Several Legal Documents of Ukraine on Agricultural Lands Turnover», the consolidated territorial communities become the legal entities and can acquire property rights to agricultural land plots. Therefore, transferring the lands to be used by the newly created CTCs is currently an urgent issue that requires extended scientific and practical research. The paper aims to research the role of land reform in Ukraine and its impact on increase of CTCs’ budget revenues. The stages of land reform and the development of the land reform in Ukraine as well as its implementation strategy are outlined. The disparities of the integrated satellite map and the data of the Land Cadaster of Ukraine in terms of unregistered lands are defined. The amount of a CTC budget’s increased revenues due to the reform is estimated. Statistical data on small, medium, and large farmers and their interest in the land reform are analyzed. The terms of selling the land to foreign investors and conditions of participation in land auctions are examined. The mechanisms of land purchase, selling, and lease in line with the land reform are suggested. Generalizing the presented aspects of the land reform in Ukraine and their impact on economic activity of the newly created CTCs, it can be argued that the process is quite positive and necessary for both communities and businesses in order to get additional budget revenues for CTCs. The land reform improves the living standards of Ukrainian people through the disclosure of the country’s agricultural capacity. 
land reform, land cadastre, budget, CTC, bond 

UDC 352/354:330.34; JEL R58
Korkuna, O. I. (2019). Formuvannya ponyatiyno-katehorial'noho aparatu terytorial'nykh hromad [Forming of territorial communities’ conceptual framework]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 137 (3) (pp. 26-29). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

The research of territorial communities has been gaining more relevance lately in the conditions of administrative and territorial reform. Indeed, the reform is related to the complicated processes formed at local levels in territorial communities that perform the role of the lowest management link and the major carrier of functions and liabilities of local self-governance. Therefore, it is an important stage of the reform process to define the nature of territorial community and its major functions. The paper aims to define the major features of the territorial community in conditions of administrative and territorial reform. The paper analyzes and emphasizes the major controversial issues in forming of the conceptual framework of territorial communities. The nature of territorial community is examined not only as a social phenomenon, but also as the legal one. The paper argues that the legal status of a territorial community is the system of established rights and liabilities of consolidated territorial communities – the villages, towns, cities, which are the independent administrative and territorial units with a single administrative center. The main types of territorial communities in Ukraine are defined. The rights and liabilities of consolidated territorial communities are determined. The paper proves that territorial community is the source of local authorities and main entity of local governance that is designated to secure the meeting of the needs of some administrative-territorial unit’s residents and the development of civil society. Therefore, a territorial community is the main carrier of functions and liabilities of a certain cluster of residents as a primary center in the system of management authorities that functions as a single coherent mechanism in the system of local self-governance. Territorial community is independently formed only if most of its members identify themselves with it, have common interests and contribute to their realization. 
administrative-territorial units, administrative-territorial reform, territorial community, local self-governance 

UDC 336.77.336.6; JEL
Korkuna, O., Korkuna, I., & Tsilnyk, O. (2019). Normatyvno-pravove zabezpechennya rozvytku ob’yednanykh terytorial'nykh hromad v umovakh detsentralizatsiyi [Legal and regulative foundation of securing the development of consolidated territorial communities in conditions of decentralization]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 136 (2) (pp. 16-19). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 17

Development of a territorial community requires efficient use of its capacity taking into account all possible aspects in the course of elaboration and implementation of the development strategy and other local legal and regulative documents. The approach is directly related to maintaining the living activity of a territorial community and should correspond to the interests of population and European standards of state regional policy. In addition to the definition of a community provided by the Law of Ukraine “On Local Governance in Ukraine”, there are also some other. For example, some authors understand territorial community as a single natural and social entity that operates in spatial boundaries of a state and realizes daily needs and interests of population. The paper aims to analyze legal and regulative foundation of the development of territorial communities in conditions of decentralization. The authors analyze current condition of legal and regulative maintenance of local governance reforming in Ukraine in conditions of decentralization of authorities. The paper argues that the major elements of management strategy in CTCs in Ukraine are independence, efficiency, management innovations, quicker and more substantiated decision-making and everything to meet the needs of community’s residents. Management of this sector is grounded on the principles of the provisions of European Charter of Local Self-Government that provides for decentralization of authorities and transfer of resources and responsibilities to local governments. Liabilities of local governments (of consolidated territorial communities) and the mayors are analyzed. The authors prove that in general legal provision of decentralization of local governance corresponds to European requirements and creates reliable ground for practical stage of the reform. The list of issues that require further legal regulation is outlined. 
decentralization, law, local governance, legal and regulative provision, territorial communities, development 

UDC 338.48:[336.14:352/354](477); JEL E23, L83, O13, O18, R58
Korkuna, O., Tsilnyk, O., & Bordun, O. (2019). Rozvytok zelenoho turyzmu v umovakh formuvannya ob’yednanykh terytorial'nykh hromad [Green tourism development in conditions of forming of consolidated territorial communities]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 135 (1) (pp. 24-28). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 6

Nowadays tourism industry is only fifth in Ukraine by the component of budget revenues and its importance should grow significantly due to such objective preconditions as beneficial location of Ukraine in the center of Europe, availability of significant tourism and recreation capacity, favourable climate, rich flora and fauna and numerous landmarks of global level. For Ukraine rural green tourism in conditions of forming of consolidated territorial communities is a new phenomenon and requires the range of activities for its intensified development. Indeed, the priority of rural green tourism development in Ukraine is stipulated by the urgent need to solve socio-economic problems of contemporary villages. The paper aims to define the conditions and research the processes of green tourism development in conditions of forming of consolidated territorial communities. The paper characterizes the perspectives of green tourism development in rural settlements. In particular, it outlines the problems and perspectives of green tourism development in consolidated territorial communities. Endogenous capacity and opportunities of its use in the development of green tourism are defined. Green tourism is determined to be an additional factor of budget revenues in consolidated territorial communities. Global experience is analyzed and the perspectives of the use of global practices in the development of green tourism are outlined. SWOT-analysis of rural green tourism development is carried out. The paper defines top-priority regions for the development of rural green tourism. The authors emphasize that green tourism can play the role of a catalyst of economy structural changes, provide demographic stability and solve socio-economic problems emerging in the course of forming of consolidated territorial communities. 
green tourism, rural area, territorial community, budget, services, economic stability 

UDC 336.77:336.6; JEL H52, I28
Korkuna, O., Korkuna, I., & Tsilnyk, O. (2018). Suchasni protsesy rozvytku dual'noyi osvity: zaporuka stabil'nosti kadrovoho potentsialu [Current development processes of dual education: the key to staff capacity sustainability]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 132 (4) (pp. 90-94). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 7

Modern education requires new technologies, forms and innovations able to provide high quality of specialists’ preparation. Educational establishments that prepare personnel try to take into account the requirements of producers in the course of personnel preparation and to adapt the content of educational programs and plans of specialists’ training to innovative processes occurring in industries. There is a range of unsolved problems in organization and execution of students’ practical training programs, which aggravate with complicated economic conditions the higher educational establishments operate in. Available legislative basis that regulates relations between higher educational establishments and enterprises, organizations and institutions regarding students’ practice does not correspond to modern situation. Labour market dictates the need for the review of traditional approaches in the system of education. When business representatives hire staff, they are interested not in the format of graduates’ «knowledge», but rather in their readiness for professional activity. Therefore, the major task is to improve the system of preparation of modern professionals and to provide successful adaptation of graduates to professional activity. To provide professionals it is necessary to introduce the dual educational system, where the schedule of educational process is divided by cycles of theoretical and practical trainings, which is the most efficient type of educational process organization. The paper aims to show the current condition of dual educational system in Ukraine and abroad and to define its impact on the improvement of staff capacity quality. The paper characterizes the role of dual educational system in the improvement of staff capacity quality. Peculiarities of the development of dual educational system in some counties are examined. The connection of theory and practice in the preparation of professionals is determined. The ways to introduce dual education in educational establishments of Ukraine and the measures in legislative field are outlined. The factors of dual education’s impact on migration processes in Ukraine are examined. The need to introduce new approaches to organization of staff training based on social partnership of companies and educational establishments is emphasized. The system of dual education in Ukraine is suggested. 
dual education, dual system, higher educational establishments, staff capacity, training 

UDC 336.77.336.6; JEL O18, R11
Korkuna, O. (2018). Ahlomeratsiyi yak polyusy ekonomichnoho zrostannya terytoriy [Agglomerations as the poles of territories’ economic growth]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 129 (1) (pp. 86-90). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

Nowadays creation of agglomerations becomes the key development instrument for the countries and their territories, provides high quality of life for population, creates comfortable environment for business development and improves competitive ability of a specific territory and country as a whole. Agglomeration constitutes the specific form of territorial concentration of various resources, which is the multi-component dynamic system of adjacent settlements formed around one or several related centers of economic activity, in particular: close economic relations based on circular migration principles; transport and public infrastructure; close social, ecological and cultural relations. Therefore, forming and development of agglomerations will significantly improve domestic regional competitive ability due to efficient use of all types of capital. The paper aims to research the growth of material and non-material production due to agglomeration of consolidated territorial communities with industrial centers in the system of social and economic planning of a country as the basis for GDP growth in a country. The paper emphasizes an important role of agglomerations in the growth of the country’s GDP. It analyzes «urban agglomerations» based on the best experiences of foreign countries. The role of consolidated territorial communities in agglomerations is explained. Technological process of creation of capable territorial communities is outlined. Operating and strategic plans in management activity of consolidated territorial communities are substantiated. Major goal of consolidated territorial communities in their economic efficiency is defined. The system of expenditures minimizing for consolidated territorial communities’ budgets in terms of management-executive local self-governing bodies is examined. Creation of advisory boards in consolidated territorial communities is suggested and their major tasks in the system of social and economic planning of development and functioning of capable consolidated territorial communities in agglomeration with well-developed industrial centers are outlined. The fact that agglomeration can be the pole of economic growth and add over 30% to a country’s GDP is proven. It is especially relevant for the countries with many agglomerations, which demonstrate high paces of economic growth and efficiently distribute their added value. 
country’s GDP, agglomeration, CTC, industrial centers, strategic planning, advisory board 

UDC 336.77.336.6
Korkuna, O., & Tsilnyk, O. (2017). Napryamky implementatsiyi kontrolyu za vykorystannyam byudzhetnykh koshtiv v umovakh realizatsiyi medychnoyi reformy na rivni terytorial'nykh hromad [Areas of implementation of control over the use of budget funds for the conditions of implementation of medical reform at the level of territorial communities]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 128 (6) (pp. 38-41). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 17

The article describes the problems of financing health care system. The structure of medical institutions is analyzed. The world experience has been explored and prospects for the use of world practice are considered. The role of telemedicine as a qualitative service of patients in online mode has been determined. 
village physician, territorial communities, services, primary care, e-card, telemedicine 

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