According to the decision of Presidium of an academy of sciences of Ukraine in 1964 the Lviv branch of Institute of economy Academy of Science of Ukraine in 3 structure departments with number of 40 workers with the purpose of research of questions of the scientific organization of manufacture, work and management, introduction of results of researches at the industrial enterprises is created in the Lviv.
Has headed branch Candidate of Economic Sciences M.T.Meleshkin which has given many forces and energy for its organization. Managing departments were O.P.Zaytsev, the scientific organization of manufacture - O.P.Sidorov, economic development of the new enterprises - M.T.Meleshkin.
In 1967 the department of sociological research which has headed L.O.Olesnevich is created. From January, 1968 the Computer center, and from December - a department of economic methods of production management in a Ivano-Frankivsk has started to function.
From July, 1970 of branch of Institute heads O.P.Zajtsev, and from July, 1975 - M.I.Dolishniy. For this period of branch of Institute has increased both by quantity working and on their quality. On the end of 1975 number made 273 workers, including scientific - 76, of them doctors of sciences - 3 and candidates of sciences - 46, function 9 scientific departments in it. On the end of 1980 in branch 344 workers, from them 85 scientific worked, including 3 doctors of sciences and 50 candidates of sciences, function 11 scientific subitems, from which two nonresident.
Considering a urgency of researches of theoretical and applied problems of social and economic development of regions of Ukraine, rational use of industrial, labour, nature-resource and intellectual potentials, and also an available scientific potential branch, per 1994 the Presidium of the National academy of Sciences of Ukraine has transformed the Lviv branch of Institute of Economy NAS of Ukraine into Institute of Regional Researches NAS of Ukraine.
For today in Institute 135 person, among them 50 scientific employees, from which one academician NAS of Ukraine, 12 doctors of sciences and 35 candidates of sciences, function 7 scientific departments.