Collective from leading scientists Dolishniy M.I., S.M.Zlupko, S.M.Pisarenko research problems of labour potential and employment on the basis of system economic, cybernetic, information approaches to labour potential and employment investigate, mechanisms of its use in conditions of formation of national economy in view of regional features. Theoretical and practical results of researches have enabled to generate the Lviv scientific school of labour potential and regional economy which is headed by academician NAS of Ukraine M.I.Dolishniy. Among scientific employees who have increased and increase theoretical and applied reserves of Institute is P.U. Belenkyi, which works in Institute since time of its establishment, is engaged in research of problems of development of a market infrastructure of management of use financially-source of raw materials at regions, develops projects of normative documents in externally-economic activities.
Research of development of industrial production and its realization in conditions of formation of market economy, structural reorganization, conversion of defensive manufacture, regulation of investment process, formation of interbranch proportions and communications carries out E.I.Boyko. M.A.Kozoriz is engaged in research of processes of creation of enterprise forms of managing on the basis of privatization and privatization of property of the state enterprises and develops methodological bases of their strategic development. And forecasting of development of social and economic processes at a regional level and transboundary territories of Ukraine is engaged in development of methodological bases and methodical positions of the economic-statistical analysis of a condition Y.O.Poburko.
Mentioned leading scientific workers of Institute by results of executed by them from fundamental and applied researches of processes of social and economic development of regions, mechanisms of effective systems of managing, processes of formation of regional policy have prepared dissertations and have protected them on reception scientific ступення Doctor of Economics, the academic status of the professor is appropriated by all of them.