Conference: In 2012, the Institute conducted the following seminars and conferences: December 12, 2012 in the round table "Problems and prospects of development of small towns in the Carpathian region." 15 November 2012 roundtable on "Current status and prospects of investment in the region." 4-5 October 2012 in Lviv hosted the Third International scientific-practical conference "Sustainable Development of the Carpathians: current situation and strategies." International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Socio-economic and legal research in the knowledge society" (16 May 2012). Scientific and Methodological Seminar "Special methods of research in Economics: Theory and Practice" (17 May 2012) roundtable "Social problems of Ukrainian migration" February 24, 2012 at the Institute of Regional Studies Ukraine session of the Ukrainian-Polish working group on organization of joint research. |