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Magazine "Regional Economy"
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International Cooperation
Inter-university cooperation
Coordination of research activities

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International scientific and scientific-technical cooperation

In recent years, the international scientific cooperation of the Institute carried out within the framework of existing agreements on scientific cooperation with:
• Institute of Economics of NAS of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus);
• State high school special education (Jaroslaw, Poland);
• Main Institute of Mining (Katowice, Poland);
• Higher School of Economics (Bialystok, Poland);
• Higher School of Marketing Management and Foreign Languages ??(Katowice, Poland);
• Higher Economic School (Przemysl, Poland);
• ?wi?tokrzyskie Academy. Jan Kochanowski in Kielce (Poland);
• Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences Niredhazkoho Institute (Hungary).
• Center for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (the city of Pecs, Hungary);
• Economic Faculty of Technical University of Ko?ice (Slovakia);

In the year signed a new agreement on scientific cooperation with the State Higher School of Special Education (Jaroslaw, Poland). Agreed to sign an agreement on scientific cooperation with the Department of Economics of the University of Rzeszow (Rzeszow, Poland). Examples of practical implementation of bilateral agreements on cooperation were joint scientific conferences and seminars, training of scientific personnel, publication of articles in journals partner institutions, coordinating research theme of interest, etc.. Specifically under a cooperative agreement with the National School of Special Education (Jaroslaw, Poland) in the reporting year:
• organized and conducted three scientific conferences (including 1 - abroad), which was attended by six scientists of the Institute;
• started work on a draft of the CBC Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007 - 2013 years;
• three Polish scientists working on a thesis at the Institute as competitors;
• published 4 articles of Polish scientists in scientific journals and 4 Institute of articles in scientific journals Institute Yaroslavl State High School special education.

As part of the cooperation agreement with the Central Institute of Mining (Katowice, Poland) was prepared the application for the project "Strategy for the development of innovative technologies in the region in the context of the convergence and divergence of Poland and Ukraine to the intensification of globalization" in the competition of joint Polish-Ukrainian scientific-technical projects for 2009-2011 announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Higher Education of Poland.

As part of cooperation agreements with Niredhazkym Institute (Hungary) and the Economic Faculty of Technical University of Ko?ice (Slovakia) carried out an exchange of publications in journals partner institutions.

In 2008 by eight foreign trips Institute scientists to participate in international conferences, symposia, seminars, meetings and negotiations, including - 2 for currency-free exchange. During this period, made 14 foreign scientists.

published 22 articles in international scientific journals volume 11 pp, submitted for publication in the overseas edition of 5 articles.

Institute was co-organized 8 international conferences and seminars in Ukraine and 1 - abroad. Institute scientists spoke at 8 conferences and seminars abroad (including Poland, Germany), which was delivered 14 reports. Two leading scientists of the Institute engaged in lecturing foreign partner organizations.

Institute is known abroad center of academic training. Particularly in the year here doctorate M. Boruschak (Poland). Competitors prepare for PhD theses at the Institute have 2 Polish scientists.

main thematic areas of international scientific cooperation of the Institute in the year were:

1. Problems of social and economic development of border regions and cross-border cooperation in the integration and globalization influences. In 2008, scientists of the Institute took part in the joint project "A new level of good relations - development of Polish-Ukrainian border cooperation strategy." in the Neighbourhood Programme Poland - Belarus - Ukraine INTERREG IIIA / TACIS CBC 2004-2006 (main performer on the Ukrainian side - Regional Development Agency and European integration, Lviv). The Institute's scientists were part of the working group that developed a joint Ukrainian-Polish border cooperation strategy. 26-27 June 2008 Institute together with the Regional Development Agency and European Integration held an International scientific conference "Clusters and Competitiveness border regions"

Conference topics:
• Organizational and economic mechanisms to ensure the competitiveness of the border regions.
• Common Strategy of the Polish-Ukrainian border region.
• Theoretical and applied aspects of the formation and functioning of clusters. Strategies for forming and maintaining clusters in border regions.

The conference was attended by representatives of central and regional authorities, scientists (among them 14 doctors), experts on regional development, foreign participants from Germany, Poland and Lithuania.

Institute scientists also participated in several international conferences and seminars on the subject, particularly in the international scientific conference "Economic potential of the Polish-Ukrainian border" (Jaroslaw, Poland), the third international conference "Competitiveness and innovation" (Rzeszow, Poland), IV International scientific conference "Actual problems of Tourism in Central and Eastern Europe" (c Zeshyt, Poland), seminars "trans-regional trade and technology transfer - the challenge of the third millennium", "The Future of the Germany-Poland-Ukraine , neighborhood-association membership? "and others.

in December 2008. the Institute held a working meeting with the rectors of Yaroslavl State high school vocational education, higher education administration Rzeszow and Krakow University of Economics representative on the joint projects within the new border Cooperation Programme Poland - Belarus - Ukraine for 2007-2013 was agreed to prepare joint bid for the project on the problems of interaction between science and business in matters of regional development and cross-border cooperation.

2. Spatial development and territorial planning regions.

Since 2007, the Institute for Regional Studies of Ukraine and the Ministry of Construction and Transportation Thuringia (Germany) in the framework of the European Academy of regions implement joint Ukrainian-German project "Spatial Development Planning for the Lviv region." As part of this project from March 30 to April 5, 2008 in Thuringia was a group of scholars and specialists, which included representatives of the Institute Dr. Habrel MM and Ph.D. Hoblyk A. They were trained in planning institutions Thuringia to study techniques predesign analysis, practice development concepts and plans of spatial development, the use of modern information technologies for design at the regional level. Internship program was provided scientific workshops, studying Ukrainian specialists to work on regional planning company in Southwest Thuringia, visiting Planning Bureau North Thuringia, excursions to the objects and the housing, cultural, tourist and recreational use, as well as meeting with Mayor Cities Hildburhhauzen, Oberhof and Lyaynfelde.

The project September 9-10, 2008 at the Institute of Regional Studies of Ukraine the International Research Workshop on Spatial Planning. The purpose of the workshop was to discuss methods of planning units of regional and lower level in Ukraine on development planning scheme Lviv region, taking into account technological risks in the spatial organization of areas, including mountain of Lviv.

Commissioned by Department of Urban Development, architecture and spatial development of the Oblast Administration in November-December this year, experts from the Institute drafted the concept of space mountain development Lviv. In 2009, the expected continuation of work on territory planning mountain of Lviv with new approaches to organization and method of spatial planning and the involvement of consultants from Thuringia.

in May 2009. together with the State Higher School of Special Education (Jaroslaw) and the Committee on Spatial zahospodaryuvannya Polish Academy of Sciences (Krakow) planned for the International Scientific Conference "Metropolitan metropoliyni and regions in Eastern Europe."

3. Socio-economic and ecological-economic research in the Carpathian region.

16-17 October 2008 the Institute was held the Second International Scientific Conference "Sustainable Development of the Carpathians: current situation and strategies." The purpose of the conference was to discuss the current socio-economic and environmental problems of the Ukrainian Carpathians, develop conceptual approaches and practical recommendations for their solution in the context of the Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians. It should be noted that this is the second conference devoted to this issue (the first was held in November 2006) and such conferences are regularly held in the future. The conference brought together leading scholars and experts from Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lutsk, Chernivtsi, Uzhgorod, Kyiv, representatives of central, regional and local authorities in the Carpathian region, as well as experts from Poland.

In 2009, the planned establishment of close cooperation with the Coordinating Council of the mountain Policy (Krakow, Poland).

Institute for Regional Studies of Ukraine represented prof Mikula NA participates in the Ukrainian-Polish Intergovernmental Coordination Council on regional cooperation, as well as meetings of experts Carpathian Euroregion.