Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Kiptach Fedir Yasonovych

Kiptach Fedir Yasonovych

Ph.D. of Geography, Associate Professor

Senior Researcher of the Department of regional ecological policy and environmental management of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




UDC 338.48:330.15; JEL Q25, Q26, Q30, Q32
Kiptach, F. Ya. (2024). Pryrodno-resursni chynnyky konkurentospromozhnosti turystychno-rekreatsiynoyi sfery Karpats'koho rehionu Ukrayiny [Natural resource factors in the competitiveness of the tourism and recreation sector of the Carpathian region of Ukraine]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 165 (1) (pp. 11-15). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 18

The article identifies the natural resource dominants for assessing the competitive advantages of the tourism and recreation sector and ensuring the development of sanatorium, resort, and tourist and recreational activities. It analyzes and evaluates the natural resource capacity of sanatorium and resort activities in the Carpathian region in terms of balance reserves of underground mineral and thermal waters, therapeutic peloids, and ozokerite. The author reveals that the balance reserves of all underground mineral water deposits in Lvivska oblast amount to 7.658 thousand m3/day, and the balance reserves of the deposits under development amount to 6.440 thousand m3/day. The total amount of underground mineral water reserves with different chemical and therapeutic properties in Zakarpatska oblast is 4.215 thousand m3/day and in the subsoil of Chernivetska oblast – 0.748 thousand m3/day. Approved operational reserves of mineral water in Ivano-Frankivska oblast are 0.259 thousand m3/day. In general, the explored balance reserves of underground mineral waters in the Carpathian region amount to 12.880 thousand m3/day, thermal waters – 0.871 thousand m3/day, therapeutic peloids – 239.546 thousand m3, and ozokerite – 113.679 thousand tons. The author selects the priority natural resource dominants for the assessment of tourist and recreational activities: forests, mountainous areas, nature reserve fund objects, natural World Heritage sites, river basins, lakes, ponds, reservoirs, and hunting sites. The article shows that the Carpathian region is characterized by high average forest cover (41.3 %) and mountainous areas (41.8 %), a significant number of nature reserve sites (1,782 units with a total area of 706.2 thousand hectares), one natural world heritage site, high average density of the river basin (1.129 km/km2), a small area of lakes, ponds, and reservoirs (36.9 thousand hectares), and an average number of licenses issued for hunting for ungulates (49.8 thousand heads), fur-bearing animals (171.8 thousand heads), and game birds (827.4 thousand heads). The results of the analysis show that the region is attractive for many types of tourist and recreational activities and their development. 
Carpathian region, natural conditions, natural resources, tourism and recreation sector, sanatorium and resort activities, tourist and recreational activities, monitoring, competitive advantages 

Kiptach, F. Ya. (2023). Pryrodno-resursnyy potentsial zabezpechennya turystychno-vidpochynkovoyi diyal'nosti v oblastyakh Karpats'koho rehionu Ukrayiny [Natural resources capacity to secure the travel, wellness, and leisure activity in the Carpathian region of Ukraine]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 159 (1) (pp. 48-51). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Kiptach, F. (2022). Pryrodno-resursnyy potentsial zabezpechennya sanatorno-kurortnoyi diyal'nosti v Karpats'komu rehioni [Natural resources capacity to secure sanatorium and resort activity in the Carpathian region]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 157 (5) (pp. 38-43). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Kiptach, F. (2022). Identyfikatsiya problem u sferi povodzhennya z promyslovymy vidkhodamy na rehional'nomu rivni [Identification of problems in industrial waste management on the regional level]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 155 (3) (pp. 29-35). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

UDC 336.02:332.36/631.459; JEL Q24, Q28, Q32, Q56
Kiptach, F. (2021). Vdoskonalennya ekonomichnoho rehulyuvannya ekolohichnoyi bezpeky v systemi mistsevoho samovryaduvannya u sferi zemlekorystuvannya [The ways to improve economic regulation of environmental security in the system of local self-governance in land management]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 150 (4) (pp. 28-34). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 15

The paper addresses the substantiation of specific Land Ecology Fund in Ukraine to solve environmental problems in land management. It determines the following sources of the Fund establishment: land fee (land tax and land rent paid by legal persons and individuals), environmental tax, and penalties for pollution and littering of land resources due to violation of environmental legislation. The author proves that the funds of environmental taxes, environmental pollution fees, land fees, and penalties both at the national and local levels can only partially secure modern research and assessment of Ukrainian lands’ environmental condition and development of environmental projects for their management and protection. The paper offers an expansion of the list of penalties and the formula to calculate the amount of damage caused by landowners and land users due to ignoring the parameters of permissible arable land standards and eroded land area increase. The most advanced research data and evaluation of the environmental condition of land resources on their basis, as well as measurement acts or protocols, concluded as the result of research or the data of land plots’ environmental certification should by the foundation for calculation of environmental taxes and penalties. The funds from penalties are recommended to by directed to a specific Land Ecology Fund, and they should by distributed among the public and local funds in the proportion of 25 % and 75 %, respectively. In addition to penalties, a system of economic stimulation with the participation of the Land Ecology Fund, landowners, and land users honestly implementing the measures for land use and protection and soil fertility increase should be developed. The author argues that the main role in the development of local, regional, and national projects for efficient management of land (soil) resources is played by regional and local authorities due to the change in the types of ownership of the land resources and decentralization of the administrative and financial system. 
environmental tax, land fee, land tax, rent payment for land, penalties, local budget of Ukraine 

UDC 336.02:332.36/631.459; JEL Q24, Q28, Q32, Q56
Kiptach, F. (2021). Shlyakhy rehulyuvannya ekolohichnoyi bezpeky u sferi zemlekorystuvannya [The ways to regulate environmental security in land management]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 148 (2) (pp. 35-41). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 11

The distribution of the share of agricultural and arable lands owned and used by agricultural enterprises and farms across the regions of Ukraine and in the developed countries of Europe and America is analyzed. The paper determines that sixteen regions of Ukraine have extremely and very high share of agricultural lands in the total area of the region. The share of agricultural lands in the mentioned regions is 75.6 % of their area in Ukraine or 53.5 % of the total area of Ukraine. Thirteen oblasts have extremely and very high share of arable lands. The share of arable lands in these oblasts is 67.6 % of their area in Ukraine, 85.3 % of the total area of farmlands, 49.2 % of the total area of agricultural lands, and 34.8 % of the total are of Ukraine. The paper reveals that soils with high bio productivity within especially valuable lands of forest-steppe and steppe agrolandscapes are the most agriculturally developed and ploughed, while the least – the lands of physical and geographical area of mixed forests and mountain areas of Carpathians and Crimea. Main factors of intensive development of surface water and wind erosion are outlined. According to the research results, the ranges of areas of erosion degradation are singled out and classified, and maps-schemes are developed. Extremely high, very high, high, and significant share of eroded soils covered by combined impact of water and wind were recorded for thirteen oblasts. The total share of eroded soils in the researched agricultural farmlands of these regions is 82.1 % of their total share in the country. The zonal patterns of expansion and development of soil erosion are revealed. The legal framework of activity directions and measures directed at prevention of soil erosion is presented. The ways to introduce economic measures to achieve environmental security in land management are suggested. The issues of extending the list of environmental taxes provided by the Tax Code of Ukraine with inclusion of chemical pollution, depletion, and reduction of natural land fertility tax are addressed. 
environmental security, economic measures, agricultural lands, arable land, agrolandscapes, soil erosion 


Kiptach, F. (2010). Zemli Ukrayiny: katehoriyi, pravo vlasnosti, stan vykorystannya, okhorona [Ukrainian Lands: categories, ownership, exploitation, proyection]. Lviv. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2021.04.028.013}

Kiptach, F. (2008). Depresyvni rehiony Ukrayiny: ekolohichna komponenta [Depressed Ukrainian regions: environmental componenta]. Lviv: Ivan Franko LNU Publishing Center. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2022.03.029.004}

Kiptach, F. Ya. (2022). Pryrodno-resursni komponenty doslidzhennya konkurentospromozhnosti turystychno-rekreatsiynoyi sfery L’vivs’koyi oblasti [Natural resources components of competitiveness research in the tourism and recreation industry of Lvivska oblast]. In Stratehiya staloho rozvytku Ukrayiny: s'ohodennya ta perspektyvy [Strategy of sustainable development of Ukraine: present and prospects]: Materials of the 2nd All-Ukrainian Internet Conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Department of Ecology, Environmental Protection Technology and Forestry of the National University of Water Management and Nature Management (pp. 71-74). Rivne: NUWMNM. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {sep2022.05.038.003}

Kiptach, F. Ya. (2022). Pryrodno-resursnyy potentsial zabezpechennya sanatorno-kurortnoyi diyal’nosti v Karpats’komu rehioni [Natural resources capacity to secure sanatorium and resort activity in the Carpathian region]. In Sotsial’no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 157(5) (pp. 38-43). DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {sep2024.01.011.002}

Kiptach, F. Ya. (2023). Pryrodno-resursnyy potentsial zabezpechennya turystychno-vidpochynkovoyi diyal’nosti v oblastyakh Karpats’koho rehionu Ukrayiny [Natural resources capacity to secure the travel, wellness, and leisure activity in the Carpathian region of Ukraine]. In Sotsial’no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 159(1) (pp. 48-51). DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {sep2024.01.011.003}

Kiptach, F. Ya., & Kravtsiv, S. S. (2023). Pryrodno-resursni chynnyky v otsintsi konkurentospromozhnosti turystychno-rekreatsiynoyi sfery Karpats’koho rehionu Ukrayiny [Natural resource factors in assessing the competitiveness of the tourism and recreation sector of the Carpathian region of Ukraine]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional Economy, 109(3), 93-100. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {sep2024.01.011.004}

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