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Science Schools
Magazine "Regional Economy"
Ukraine, 79026, Lviv,
Kozelnytska str., 4.
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Webmaster © Andriy Shevchuk

Scientific Directions

TOPICS research  Institute for Regional Studies of NAS UKRAINE in 2011

program target and competition topics

1. Regional features of work organization in a systemic crisis. Target scientific program NAS "Ukraine of the XXI Century: Strategic priorities of socio-economic development." Deadline: III quarter. 2009 - IV square. In 2011 Supervisor: prof. Garden U.Ya.

2. Cross-border convergence of regional competitiveness. Target scientific program NAS "Ukraine of the XXI Century: Strategic priorities of socio-economic development." Deadline: III quarter. 2009 - IV square. In 2011 Supervisor: prof. Mikula NA

Departmental subject NAS of Ukraine

1. Mechanisms for increasing the efficiency of the financial potential. Deadline: I square. 2010. - IV square. 2011. Supervisor: prof. Kozoriz MA

2. Prediction of rural development in the Carpathian region of Ukraine. Deadline: I square. 2010 - IV square. 2012 Supervisor: Dr. Assoc. Borschevsky V.

3. Assessment and Prospects for use of natural resources in the region. Deadline: And he kv.2011 - IV square. In 2011 Supervisor: prof. Kravtsiv VS

4. Evaluation of investment activities in the region and determining leverage to increase its efficiency. Deadline: I square. 2011 - IV square. In 2012 Supervisor: prof. Ishchuk SO

5. Modernization of industrial potential of the Carpathian region. Deadline: I square. 2011 - IV square. In 2012 Supervisor: Ph.D. Schulz SL

6. Socio-demographic potential development of the Carpathian region of Ukraine. Deadline: I square. 2011 - IV square. In 2012 Supervisor: prof. Garden U.Ya.

7. Development of cross-border markets and assess their situation. Deadline: I square. 2011 - IV square. In 2012 Supervisor: prof. Mikula NA

8. Assessment of current status and ordering problems of socio-economic development of small towns in the region (for example Carpathians). Deadline: I square. 2011 - IV square. In 2012 Supervisor: prof. Shevchuk LT

economic contracts

1. Developing mechanisms for cross-border co-financing of projects and their monitoring in Transcarpathia. Client: General Directorate for European Integration, Foreign Relations and Tourism Transcarpathian Regional State Administration Deadline: 04.02 -30.06 2011 Supervisor: prof. Mikula NA

2. Learning and generalization of global experience with foreign investors and develop proposals for its implementation. Etap1.Doslidzhennya of the favorable investment climate in the border regions. Client: General Directorate for European Integration, Foreign Relations and Tourism Transcarpathian Regional State Administration Deadline: 02.21 -30.11 2011 Supervisor: prof. Mikula NA

Subjects Research Institute for Regional Studies of NAS of Ukraine by 2004 2010rr.

Departmental topics:

1. Models of regional socio-economic policies: conceptual approaches and methods of formation of (II square. 2002. - III square. 2004., Supervisor - Acad. Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, MI Dolishniy).
2. Development of market infrastructure in the context of globalization and regionalization (II square. 2002. - III square. 2004., Supervisor - PhD PY Belenky.)
3. Development of theoretical foundations and methods of integrated assessment of socio-economic development of the region (IV square. 2002 - IV square., 2004, supervisor - d.e.n.Ya.O.Poburko).
4. Ecological and economic principles of policy formulation and implementation of sustainable development in mountain areas (I square. 2004. - IV square. 2005., Scientific adviser - VS Shvetsov).
5. Mechanisms of performance management innovation in the region (I square. 2004. - IV square. 2005., Supervisor - PhD M.A.Kozoriz).
6. Prediction of socio-economic development of the regional level (I square. 2004. - IV square. 2005., Supervisor - PhD Ye.I.Boyko).
7. Regional social systems: organizational and economic mechanism of their formation and development in a socially-oriented market economy (III square. 2004. - I square. 2006., Supervisor - Acad. M.I.Dolishniy NAS of Ukraine).
8. Strategic factors and mechanisms to ensure the competitiveness of the region (IV square. 2004. - IV square. 2006., Supervisor - PhD PY Belenky).
9. Development of methodology for monitoring the socio-economic situation in the regions of Ukraine (I square., 2005 - April III., 2006, supervisor - PhD. YA.O Poburko).
10. Models administrative-territorial structure of Ukraine and the possible socio-economic consequences of their implementation (I square. 2006 - IV square., 2006, supervisor - PhD Shevchuk LT).
11. Transformation mechanism of economic regulation of environmental issues in the context of Ukraine's transition to euro standards (and square., 2006 - the fourth square. 2007., Supervisor - PhD VS Shvetsov).
12. Modeling Spatial Development territorial production systems (I square. 2006 - IV square., 2007, supervisor - PhD Ye.I.Boyko).
13. Developing mechanisms capitalization innovation (for example, Western Ukraine) (I square. 2006. - IV square. 2007., Supervisor - PhD M.A.Kozoriz).
14. Monitoring of industrial and agro-industrial territorial systems in Western Ukraine (IV square. 2006 - IV square., 2008, supervisor - PhD SO Ishchuk).
15. Intellectual and innovative development of the region in terms of European integration strategy of Ukraine (and square. 2007 - IV square., 2008, supervisor - PhD L.K.Semiv).
16. Transformation of territorial and sectoral structure of economic complex Carpathian region (and square. 2007 - IV square., 2008, supervisor - PhD Shevchuk LT).
17. Organizational and economic mechanisms to ensure the competitiveness of the border area (for example, Carpathian) (I square. 2007 - IV square., 2008, supervisor - PhD N.A.Mikula).
18. Developing a regional strategy development and support cross-border clusters (and square. 2007 - IV square., 2008, supervisor - PhD N.A.Mikula).
19. Methodology for predicting the development of industrial production of the region (I square. 2008 - IV square., 2009, supervisor - PhD Ye.I.Boyko).
20. Scientific support the level of capitalization of regional assets (and square. 2008. - IV square. 2009., Supervisor - PhD M.A.Kozoriz).
21. Current state and prospects of development of market relations in the sphere of nature: the regional context (and square., 2008 - IV square. 2010., Supervisor - PhD VS Shvetsov).
22. Monitoring and evaluation of investment attractiveness of regions of the Western region (and square. 2009 - IV square., 2010, supervisor: Dr. Ishchuk SO).
23. Development of a new model of economic space zoning Ukraine (and square. 2009 - IV square., 2010, supervisor: Ph.D. Schulz SL).
24. Regional migration policy in a multiethnic environment (and square. 2009 - IV square., 2010, supervisor: Dr. Garden U.Ya.).
25. The development of new forms of cross-border cooperation of Ukraine. (I square. 2009 - IV square., 2010, supervisor: Dr. Mikula NA).
26. The spatial dimension of territorial structural processes in the region (and square. 2009 - IV square., 2010, supervisor: Dr. Shevchuk LT).

program target subject NAS of Ukraine

1. Principles and patterns of spatial development of regional systems (I square. 2004. - II square. 2006., Supervisor - Dr. M.M.Habrel).
2. Develop a program of rational use and protection of natural resources Volyn region (and square. 2004. - IV square., 2006, scientific adviser - VS Shvetsov).
3. Development of conceptual framework and mechanisms for the formation of policies for conservation and restoration and efficient use of natural resources in the Carpathian region in Ukraine's European integration (and square. 2007. - II square., 2009, supervisor - PhD V. S. Shvetsov).
4. Theoretical and methodological foundations of human capital development in the emerging knowledge economy (and square., 2007 - II square., 2009, supervisor - PhD L.K.Semiv).
5. Evaluation of technological infrastructure and productive assets (II square. 2008 - IV square., 2008, supervisor - PhD SO Ishchuk).
6. Assessment of feasibility of infrastructure and productive assets (Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Volyn, Rivne, Ternopil region) (Phase II) (II April. - IV square., 2009, supervisor: des . Ishchuk SO).
7. Regional features of work organization in a systemic crisis (III square. 2009 - IV square., 2011, supervisor: Dr. Garden U.Ya.).
8. Cross-border convergence of regional competitiveness (III square. 2009 - IV square., 2011, supervisor: Dr. Mikula NA).
9. Priority areas of sustainable development in mountain areas (W Apt., 2010 - April IV., 2010, supervisor: Ph.D. Beetle PV).

Competition themes

1. Sotsiohumanistychni basis of an innovative model of development in the region (II square. 2004 - IV square., 2004, supervisor - Acad. Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, MI Dolishniy).
2. Mechanisms regulating the level of living in a lowered capacity of the regional labor market "(I square. 2003 - IV square., 2005, research adviser - U.YA Garden).
3. Increased research activities young people to support innovative economic development (II square. 2005. - I square., 2006, singer - PhD OT Ryndzak).
4. New approaches to assessing and shaping the investment climate in Ukraine in terms of deepening integration processes (III square. 2005. - IV square. Sq. m., 2006, singer - Ph.D. MI Miller).
5. Inter-regional integration in terms of administrative-territorial reform in Ukraine (and square. 2006. - IV square., 2006, singer - Ph.D. I.Z.Storonyanska).
6. Strategic directions of innovative activity in Ukraine in the context of new economic activities (III square. 2007. - IV square., 2008, singer - Ph.D. S.D.Schehlyuk).
7. Development of methods for the formation of strategies for sustainable socio-economic development of resort and recreational areas and tourist centers (II square. 2007. - IV square., 2007, singer - Ph.D. Hulych OI).
8. Assessment of convergence of regional socio-economic development in the light of inter-regional integration in Ukraine. President of Ukraine grant to support research of young scientists. (II square. IV-sq., 2010, singer - Ph.D. Storonyanska IZ).
9. Information-analytical system support the budget process at the regional level (Lviv region) (08.02.2010 - 31.12.2010, supervisor - PhD Kozoriz MA).

Hospodohovirna topics:

During 2004 2010rr. completed 52 self-financing issues.