Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2017.02.116

UDC 330.341.2:[330.34+316.42]:346.16(477:1-22); JEL E01, O10, O13, Q10, R11
Tsymbalista, N. A. (2017). Current state and problems of development of rural Ukraine: socioeconomic, institutional and legal aspects. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 84(2), 116-123.
Sources: 17


Tsymbalista Nataliya Andriyivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Researcher of the Department of development of territorial communities and transborder cooperation of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




The research reveals a number of modern socio-economic and legal issues facing rural development in Ukraine. The dynamics of changes in the age structure and demographic decline of rural population is analyzed in the regional perspective. The essential aspects of rural employment are studied. It is shown that rural employment is characterized by a significant share of self-employed persons among the people engaged in economic activity. The study ascertains that self-employment in rural areas is mostly concentrated in the informal economy, which does not provide any social insurance. The trends of entrepreneurship development in rural areas are described in the context of prospects to resolve the rural population employment issues.


rural development, demographic crisis, rural employment, rural entrepreneurship development


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Sources: 15

Negative tendencies in the social, economical, cultural, demographical and ecological processes make differences between level of life and economic development of rural and urban areas even stronger.
It is obvious that under such conditions, development of the areas by using methods and models of the last century is already impossible. Therefore, the approaches implemented by world leaders should be taken into account, because in many countries, cities and corporations the task of the first order is the formation and implementation of innovative strategies for sustainable development as a basic security model in the future.
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Ukraine is also involved in the global trends as in the Strategy for Sustainable Development «Ukraine – 2020» it is stressed that it is necessary to ensure sustainable development of the country, raising living standards, sustainable economic growth in an environmentally sustainable manner. In 2016, a web service «Smart City» was developed; it implements the concept of «Smart City» in terms of IT and provides tools for the process optimization government and combat corruption.
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Sources: 11

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Sources: 8

Development of a system should be based on the relevant fundamental principles that are the basis of its elements’ interrelation. In the waste management system the principles form the basis for the main reference points in the process of legal environment formation by the system’s greater control section. These principles also determine the requirements for building an effective institutional structure and the outlined policy implementation at all levels of management hierarchy. In addition, the basic principles should underlie the internal believes of each person and form his/her daily behavior, that is they should be understandable and acceptable by every member of the society. In this context, a technical version of the project on the National Strategy for Waste Management offered by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources makes up a certain scientific interest for us. The review of the formulated guiding principles gives reasons to refine and detail them and expand their list considering the critical importance of the National Strategy for Regional Development and having in view the environmental problems layer that already exist in Ukraine. The article aims to form the principles of waste management system, based on the project proposals and author’s supplements with the appropriate interpretation for intended use. The author emphasizes that comprehensive fundamental and applied research in theoretical and empirical levels should be based on both legislative and executive functions in the waste management and treatment. Therefore, it is unacceptable to neglect the role of science in the system of waste management development. Promoting the ecologically safe technologies of production, implementation of the effective waste management schemes, creating a legal framework for administrative action and providing service for all the participants in social and economic relations –these are the main actions on the principle of ecologization. It is claimed that state institutions play a significant role in forming social responsibility of a manufacturer along with its own environmental awareness. The high cost of environmental effects requires the implementation of the intended measures to prevent them, which requires taking into account the principle of their cause and effect assessment. Strategically important vector of the waste management development is its focus on alternatives for their use based on the implementation of innovative achievements of the scientific and technological progress, harmonization of material and provision parameters – information and financial flows, taking into account the value of each elementary operation (transportation, storage of waste, recycling etc.) and others. 
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Sources: 17

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The article reveals the essence of methodological and legal contradictions of current Land Code of Ukraine regarding moratorium unlocking solely for entry into force of the law on agricultural land circulation.
It is defined that due to systematic imperfection of land relations transformation mechanism in Ukraine and absence of effective complex state policy towards land conservation, the perspective of legal liability for harmful effect on wealth of agricultural land and soil fertility had been eliminated even before the moratotium was imposed.
The author proves that the urgency and the legitimacy of the records from the State Land Cadastre on agricultural land plots as the objects of perspective full-fledged market circulation are legally regulated by consequent deadlines, in particular overall survey each 20 years; soil judgment at least once per 7 years; economic assessment and regulatory monetary evaluation of these land plots at least once per 5-7 years.
It is determined that in the background of permanent delay of adequate state activities on land conservation, the introduction of free agricultural land plots circulation constitutes a threat to qualitative social and economic changes in Ukraine.
The articles reasons the consolidating approach to unlocking of moratorium on land plots alienation based on priority of the state constitutional mission concerning maintenance of high land conservation.
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The author proves the fact that the right to first purchase of private property land plots, which are under the alienation ban until January 1, 2018, must belong exclusively to the state upon the terms defined thereof.
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The system of budget decentralization risks in Ukraine is defined. Major problems of budget decentralization are outlined as following: unbalance of local budgets’ income and expenses due to the lack of sources to cover the liabilities transferred to the local budgets; absence of social standards and criteria on liabilities set and delegated by the state to local self-governing bodies in descriptive and value terms; violation of social justice principle in terms of repayment of privileges approved by Verhovna Rada of Ukraine; initiative on elimination of excise tax on retail trade in excisable goods; unfinished process of territorial communities combining stipulates additional burden in terms of budget system balancing. The ways to improve the mechanisms of budget regulation for maintenance of further accomplishment of budget decentralization reform’s tasks and achievement of its goal are suggested. The major directions are: development of state social standards; maintenance of correspondence between local budgets’ financial resources and the delegated liabilities; assurance of social privileges targeting; improvement of local taxes and fees efficiency; maintenance of inter-budgetary relations efficiency; solution of the issues on debt repayment of State Budget on Privileges and Subsidies; assurance of sectoral decentralization in the health care sphere; maintenance of sectoral decentralization in the educational sphere; provision of budget costs’ efficient management. 
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