Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Shchehlyuk Svitlana Dmytrivna

Shchehlyuk Svitlana Dmytrivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Senior Researcher

Senior Researcher of the Department of spatial development of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

Contacts:,, (032)297-39-15, (+38068)135-61-16



Papp Vasyl' Vasyl'ovych


UDC 332.14:338.22.021.2; JEL R10, R58, P25
Shchehlyuk, S. (2021). Pidkhody do otsinyuvannya efektyvnosti derzhavnoyi rehional'noyi polityky [Approaches to the evaluation of the public regional policy efficiency]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 149 (3) (pp. 26-35). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 28

The paper addresses the issue of improving the methodological framework of the evaluation of the public regional policy efficiency. It provides a short review of methodological approaches and mechanisms to evaluate the policy implementation depending on measures directed at achievement of objectives (performance evaluation) and management level (efficiency evaluation). The paper outlines the problem of the lack of a single approach to the interpretation of the policy efficiency and performance categories, which leads to difficulties in the evaluation and simplification of the policy. The set of methodological tools to evaluate the policy implementation that includes the key principles and the algorithm is suggested. The evaluation of the policy efficiency following the suggested set of tools includes the socio-economic, environmental, and institutional components. The evaluation of performance stipulates the measurement of the level of the policy objectives achievement and tasks implementation based on the system of qualitative and quantitative parameters. The paper reveals that performance is the component of the efficiency evaluation. The suggested set of methodological tools has the advantage of possible regional policy monitoring in terms of setting and implementing the objectives and tasks as well as its complex nature and expansion of methodological techniques of current public regional policy performance evaluation. 
public regional policy, efficiency, performance, evaluation 

UDC 332.055:332.365:332.146.2; JEL O18, R22, R34, R58
Shchehlyuk, S. (2021). Otsinyuvannya efektyvnosti sektoral'no-prostorovykh strukturnykh transformatsiy ekonomiky mist Zakhidnoho rehionu Ukrayiny [Evaluation of efficiency of sectoral-spatial structural transformations in the economies of cities in the Western region of Ukraine]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 148 (2) (pp. 22-28). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 14

The author’s understanding of evaluating the efficiency of sectoral-spatial transformations in the municipal economy on the sub-regional level (in the city-administrative district system, as a prototype of an urbanized area, municipal territorial community) is outlined based on statistical and dynamic approaches. The cities of oblast significance are grouped by the level of economic activity in the districts of their localization, and concentration increase paces and sectoral proportions of a city’s economy in the district are determined based on the detected patterns of sectoral-spatial transformations. The vectors of dynamics of economic transformations in cities and districts are specified in the context of opportunities to generate the polycentric system of municipal network development on the macroregional level (the Western region of Ukraine). The paper proves that in 2012-2019, most cities of oblast significance of the macroregion increased the level of economic activity concentration in the district with various paces, thus emphasizing the need to develop a differentiated policy of structural modernization of municipal economy based on the scales of economic and transformational capacities of a city, efficient use of economic transformation tools, and consolidation of efforts of local governments and local executive authorities. The ways to improve the capacity of a city to impact the socio-economic development of a municipal territorial community through strengthening the mechanisms of cooperation and strategic and spatial planning between territorial communities are suggested. The conclusions on the prevailing monocentric nature of the development of a city on a subregional level, the need to strengthen the conditions to generate the functional and morphological policentricity, and the need to improve statistical framework at the level of cities and territorial communities are emphasized. 
cities of oblast significance, sectoral-spatial structural transformations, hyperconcentration, polycentric development, transformation capacity 

Shchehlyuk, S. (2020). Otsinyuvannya potentsialu rozvytku sektoru kreatyvnykh posluh u zabezpechenni sotsial'no-ekonomichnoho zrostannya rehioniv Ukrayiny [Assessment of the potential of the development of the creative services sector in supporting the socio-economic growth of the regions of Ukraine]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 146 (6) (pp. 23-31). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

UDC 332.142.4: 334.012.74:352:911.372.32; JEL H72, О18, R51
Shchehlyuk, S. (2019). Instrumenty stymulyuvannya stvorennya ob’yednanykh terytorial'nykh hromad na bazi mist oblasnoho znachennya [Tools to stimulate the creation of amalgamated territorial communities based on the cities of oblast significance]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 138 (4) (pp. 41-50). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 26

Existing instruments to stimulate the creation of urban ATCs on the basis of the cities of oblast significance are examined, including financial subventions for infrastructure development, intermunicipal cooperation, voluntary consolidation of territorial communities with the cities of oblast significance, public-private partnership. Major incentives to use intermunicipal cooperation and advantages of consolidation of territorial communities with the cities of oblast significance are defined based on the list of cooperation agreements concluded between the cities of oblast significance. The fact that financial and staff resources are the major additional resources obtained from consolidation with COS for a rural community and spatial and infrastructural – for a city is verified. Substantial increase of the area for an urban ATC contributes to activation of entrepreneurship and investment capacity of cities and improvement of spatial planning in the perspective, leading to post-industrial agglomeration, strengthening of spatial and institutional cohesion of population, etc. Despite the positive aspects of forming of ATCs on the basis of the cities of oblast significance, some problems faced in rushed consolidation are outlined, namely the non-compliance with the criteria of the methodics of ATCs forming, shown in deformation of location of the community center and incompact configuration, which should be considered and compensated at this stage of decentralization. Small towns with adjoined communities of suburban area prevail among the cities of oblast significance due to the fact that they prevail among other urban settlements (82 small towns of oblast significance) and due to substantial growth of financial resource, which requires new areas for investment and infrastructural projects and creation of new jobs. Main incentives and obstacles for further successful consolidation of rural and town territorial communities with the cities of oblast significance are defined. Recommendations for further development of cities of oblast significance in the context of three groups of the cities of oblast significance existing at current decentralization stage are suggested and perspectives of organization of the communities’ economic activity in order to strengthen their financial capacity are outlined. 
urban amalgamated territorial communities on the basis of the cities of oblast significance (ATCs-COSs), tools, intermunicipal cooperation, subvention for infrastructure development, public-private partnership 

UDC 332.14:330.837:352/354; JEL H70, R58
Shchehlyuk, S. D. (2019). Instytutsiyne zabezpechennya prostorovoho planuvannya ob’yednanykh terytorial'nykh hromad [Institutional support for spatial planning of the amalgamated territorial communities]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 137 (3) (pp. 10-21). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 31

The paper defines the nature of “spatial planning”, the problems of its legal definition in the domestic legal field and supplication in practical planning activity. The range of concepts close by nature to “spatial planning” that are approved by national regulative documents and sued in scientific research are outlined and systematized, including: «urban planning activity», «planning of territorial development», «spatial planning», etc. The provisions of legal maintenance of urban planning at local level for consolidated territorial communities (CTCs) are explained. The level of provision of the CTCs of local level with urban planning documentation is assessed and perspective documents of spatial planning provided by the Law №6403 are analyzed. The paper proves the close connection between urban planning documentation and strategic planning at local level displayed in regulative documents and reveals the weak institutional maintenance of their realization mechanism and limited urban planning monitoring functions. The paper emphasizes the need for synchronization of legal changes at various levels of implementation of urban planning activity as far as mutual alignment and making of efficient management decisions can lead to stimulation of rational spatial development and further to more efficient local self-governance reform. The paper argues that the CTCs’ territorial planning schemes elaborated by territorial communities are not the documents of local laval, but rather of the regional one. They are poorly adjusted to other regulative documents of urban planning and land management, therefore there is the need for unification and final approval of the new list of integrated spatial planning documents at local level, modernization of spatial planning instruments at local level, standardization of approaches to their development and implementation based on the standards of similar documents in the practice of spatial planning in the EU countries. Improvement of institutional maintenance of spatial planning at local level through attraction of civil expert councils to the practice of documents elaboration and creation of an authority on urban planning and architecture in the structure of CTC council executive committee are suggested. 
spatial planning, strategic planning, urban planning documentation, scheme of planning of the CTC’s territory, master plan, State building regulations (SBR) 

UDC 332.133.23:911.375.6; JEL R11, P25
Shchehlyuk, S. (2018). Metodychni pidkhody do otsinyuvannya strukturnoyi transformatsiyi ekonomiky mista [Methodical approaches to the estimation of structural transformations in a city's economy]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 134 (6) (pp. 57-63). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 16

The nature of “city economy structure” as the component of city economy as a system is outlined. The types of city economy structures are characterized across the key features, including the type of activity, space, sector, functions, technologies, management, reproduction, foreign economy, components and social parameters. The paper analyzes modern methodical approaches to examining of transformations in economic structure of cities. They are divided into several groups by the links with scientific research: systemic, dialectic, evolutionary, activity-oriented, interdisciplinary. Major aspects and indicators of evaluation of transformations in sectoral, spatial and type-of-activity-wise city structures are defined based on the review of foreign experience. The paper proves that it is hard to fully evaluate the type-of-activity-wise city structure due to the lack of statistical information and focus of existing methodics on industrial economy sector. The author hypothesizes about the possibility of existing of a reference model of type-of-activity-wise city structure and priorities of characteristics of city economy progressive structure: optimality, rationality and efficiency. Efficient evaluation methods are defined for each approach. They are divided into quantitative, qualitative and complex. The features of the use of each group of methods, their advantages and opportunities for evaluation of transformations in the city economic structure are outlined. Based on foreign experience, the author defines general features of modern structural policy of the development of cities, which lie in determining of main economic activity types that are the drivers of structural transformations, orientation on new technologies to achieve technological breakthrough in sectoral economy structure, defining of directions of support of human capital competences’ transformation, understanding of new challenges stipulated by new types of economic activity in the city and readiness to operational response as well as defining the cyclical laws of city economy transformation related to institutional development cycles. 
city economy structure, structural transformation, methodical approach, type-of-activity-wise structure of economy, spatial structure of economy, progressive structure of economy 

UDC 339.924; JEL F20, R22, R30, R38
Shchehlyuk, S. D. (2018). Transnatsionalizatsiya dilovoyi aktyvnosti u velykykh mistakh Ukrayiny [Transnationalization of business activity in big cities of Ukraine]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 133 (5) (pp. 83-91). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 24

In the article modern tendencies of transnationalization of business activity in large cities of Ukraine are analyzed. The factors of its activation at this stage of development of the postindustrial society are determined. The modern tendencies of the development of the most powerful transnational corporations (TNCs) are determined on the basis of the review of the top 500 largest TNCs, the list of top 10 world-multinational corporations has been formed. Based on the review of components of the Transnationalization Index at the national, corporate and local levels, it was concluded that the methodological base and the low level of provision of statistical data for urban economic development are inadequate to calculate the Corporate Activity Index for large cities with TNK’s branches and headquarters. It has been established that the processes of transnationalization of the Ukrainian economy are developing asymmetrically: they are characterized by the penetration of foreign TNCs into the country, and the formation of domestic transnational companies is slow. The peculiarities of development of foreign affiliates in Ukraine by types of economic activity, place of localization, corporate social responsibility are revealed. The advantages and disadvantages of transnationalization of urban economies in the context of modernization of TNCs in Ukraine are estimated. The analysis of transnationalization of business activity of cities of Ukraine on the example of the cities of Kyiv, Vinnytsia, Lviv, and Kharkiv by indicators of foreign direct investment inflow, the localization of branches of foreign TNCs, and the availability of strategic goals for the enhancement of international cooperation in urban development strategies have been analyzed. An increase in foreign revenues has been set for the economy of cities during 2015-2018, but the offshore countries dominate in structure of FDI by countries of investment, which testifies to efforts to minimize taxation. The analysis of investment activity showed uneven distribution of volumes of investment flows between cities, areas of interest of TNCs and local priorities of investing in the urban economy. The author also reveals that with the same strategic planning of cities development regarding the importance of international cooperation, there are different models of attracting the attention of a private foreign investor and various local regulatory mechanisms (administrative, tax, marketing, personnel, etc.). Conclusions were made on the feasibility of developing TNC tax regulation tools at the local level to develop measures to defeat the investment climate. Proposals on the introduction of mechanisms for regulating the activities of foreign TNCs in the legal, economic, social spheres are developed. The possibilities of stimulating the creation of domestic international corporations and the possibilities of state regulation to minimize risks and achieve strategic goals of increasing the competitiveness of cities are revealed. The approaches to implementation of the instruments of regulation of the large cities’ economy transnationalization in Ukraine are proposed, the implementation of which should help improving the business environment, adapting the urban economy to the features of the global economy and increasing its investment attractiveness. 
transnationalization, globalization, glocalization, big cities, foreign direct investment, multinational corporation, state and international regulation 

UDC 330.431.4:331.105.5(477)
Shchehlyuk, S. (2017). Osoblyvosti rozvytku kreatyvnoyi industriyi Ukrayiny: perspektyvni formy prostorovoyi orhanizatsiyi [Features of development of creative industry: perspective forms of spatial organization]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 128 (6) (pp. 143-150). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 14

The article deals with the peculiarities of the functioning of the forms of spatial organization of the creative industry on the basis of localization of creative potential. The types and functions of the main forms of the spatial organization of the creative industry, which have a place of activity in the native regions, are revealed. It is substantiated that types of spatial organization of the creative industry can interact with each other and complement each other depending on the purpose and the priorities of their creation. On the basis of foreign and domestic experience, key trends in the development of the creative industry have been determined, and the ways of increasing the efficiency of functioning of perspective forms of organization of the creative industry have been substantiated. 
creativity, creative industry, forms of spatial organization of the creative industry, creative clusters, state support 


Shchehlyuk, S. D. (2016). Teoretychni pidkhody do typolohiyi prostorovykh form dilovoyi aktyvnosti [The theoretical approaches to the typology of spatial forms of business activity]. Rehionalʹna ekonomika – Regional economy, 81 (3), 69-75. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2017.06.143.008}

Shchehlyuk, S. D. (2008). Formuvannya novykh vydiv ekonomichnoyi diyal’nosti v umovakh transformatsiynoyi ekonomiky [Formation of new types of economic activity in a transformational economy]. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. [In Ukrainian]. {sep2018.06.057.012}

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