Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Yakhno Tetyana Petrivna

Yakhno Tetyana Petrivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of international economic relations of the Faculty of International Economic Relations of the Lviv University of Trade and Economics




Shymanovs'ka-Dianych Lyudmyla Mykhaylivna


UDC 65.011:656.2; JEL B41, D60, F63, M21
Yakhno, T. (2018). Pidkhid do otsinky vnesku sotsial'noyi vidpovidal'nosti biznesu v sotsial'no-ekonomichnyy rozvytok natsional'noyi ekonomiky krayiny [Approach to estimation of social responsibility of business in socio-economic development of the national economy of the country]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 134 (6) (pp. 22-28). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 17

The article focuses on the development of a methodical approach to assessing the contribution of social responsibility of business to the results of socio-economic development as an economic system of any administrative-territorial entity (city, district, region) and national economy as a whole. The principles the organization and carrying out of this assessment should be based on are outlined, and the main stages of it are described. The authors emphasize three approaches to the assessment of corporate social responsibility of particular business structures. The paper indicates that corporate strategy for the development of business structures should meet and contribute to the achievement of the main goal, which stands both for the system as a whole and for the subsystem located in the hierarchy of management at a higher level. Taking into account that the main objective of the socio-economic development of the national economy of Ukraine in the conditions of the formation of a post-industrial society is to increase its competitiveness and growth, it is absolutely logical to define priority strategic tasks, which will determine the direction of social responsibility measures of business and its contribution to socio-economic development. In order to assess the contribution of particular business structures to the results of socio-economic development of the economic system or of the administrative-territorial entity or national economy of the country as a whole, it is necessary to use a system of three groups of indicators that reflect: economic, budgetary and social effects. The paper proves that the calculated indicators make it possible to compare different structures of business in terms of their contribution to the development of the local community and society as a whole and promote the growth of their image, both in the authorities, and among the population of the region and the country as a whole. 
social responsibility, business, forms of social responsibility, assessment, national economy, economic system, socio-economic development 

UDC 316.42:65.011.14; JEL B41, О11, О15, О16, О31, Р10
Yakhno, T. (2018). Pidkhody do formuvannya modeli sotsial'no-ekonomichnoho rozvytku natsional'noyi ekonomiky Ukrayiny [Approaches to the formation of a model for socio-economic development of the national economy of Ukraine]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 132 (4) (pp. 3-9). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 31

In Ukraine, the effective model of socio-economic development of the national economy that fully reflects its national interests, including economic ones, and serves as the macroeconomic theoretical basis of effective state economic policy, has not been formed and accordingly has not been implemented. Nowadays Ukraine, in rather difficult conditions, defines the purpose and directions of achieving its independent future and chooses the parameters of the socio-economic and geopolitical model of the further development of the national economy, which should become the basis for the functioning of the state in the 3rd millennium. Therefore, in the framework of this study, firstly, the models and types of socio-economic development of national economies of different countries already described in the scientific literature and existing in practice are considered, and secondly, characteristic signs of the existing state of the national economy of Ukraine and the most likely variant of the model of its socio-economic development are outlined. The paper proves the fact that the innovative model of the pre-emptive socio-economic development of modern society and the national economy of Ukraine in particular has no alternative among other models of functioning of the economy, such as, for example, the model of traditional development, model of catching up development, etc. And only the transition of the country to a model of advanced socio-economic development, in which scientific knowledge will be the main source of economic growth, technological innovations and information, can ensure the establishment of Ukraine in the status of a developed state with a competitive economy and will create preconditions for solving social problems. Moreover, the researched best practices show that contemporary history knows no examples of, on the one hand, forming of highly developed, flexible and efficiently functioning economy without market and, on the other hand, highly efficient socially oriented market economy without the leading regulating role of a state. Therefore, the further research will be devoted to examining of theoretical and methodological foundations of forming of the parity of economy state regulation and market self-regulation. 
model, socio-economic development, national economy, innovative type of development 

UDC 330.8; JEL B10, B20, B24, B30, B41
Yakhno, T., & Shymanovska-Dianych, L. (2018). Teoriyi dobrobutu yak teoretychne pidgruntya dlya vyznachennya sutnosti suchasnoho spozhyvchoho rynku [Theories of welfare as a theoretical basis for determining the essence of the modern consumer market]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 131 (3) (pp. 140-146). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 21

The article focuses on the consideration of theories of welfare, as a theoretical basis for determining the essence of the modern consumer market. This is due to the fact that in the scientific researches of the last decades the problem of the historicism of the economy, in particular the market, is considered in the context of the correlation between the industrial and post-industrial epochs, but given that the market (like capitalism) is a tribal sign of industrial civilization in the first place, it is proved that none of the available social theories is suitable for explaining the new post-civilizational relations, it is argued that the science of a post-industrial society is only beginning, and consumption and welfare are two essentially related socio-economic phenomena. According to this, the development of the consumer market is the most important factor in the welfare of both individuals and society. In turn, the welfare theory relating to the study of methods of organizing economic activity, aimed at maximizing wealth, which is a necessary condition for the development of both a separate socio-economic system and society as a whole. The purpose of this article is to study the welfare theories and determine their contribution to the formation of the essence of the modern consumer market. It is proved that the process of forming theories that tried to reveal the essence of well-being, to reveal the mechanism of its creation, occurred within and under the influence of a certain socio-philosophical position that accompanied specific socio-economic conditions of social development. In addition, it was found that at the present stage of economic development, society is moving from the desire to acquire material goods in order to satisfy material needs to the desire for self-expression. This indicates that the needs of modern man are constantly expanding. Now there is a transition from the need to meet the physiological needs for aesthetic and spiritual, which indicates changes in the system of values of society. The transition from permanent to higher needs testifies to the transformation of the consciousness of society members, requires the development of a new approach to the study of processes and phenomena, in particular economic ones, because the traditional scientific approach can not explain the laws of the development of intellectual society. Analysis of the opinions and statements of scientists, leading economists, philosophers showed that despite the popularity of welfare theories, they require improvement and further development. 
well-being, consumption, consumer market, theories, post-material needs 

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