Socio-Economic Problems
of the Modern Period of Ukraine

Bil Maryana Mykhaylivna

Bil Maryana Mykhaylivna

Doctor of Economics, Senior Researcher

Senior Researcher of the Department of problems of social and humanitarian development of the regions of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

Contacts:, (098)321-9925, (097)275-3151, (032)270-6445



Mul'ska Ol'ha Petrivna

Patyts'ka Khrystyna Olehivna

Popadynets' Nazariy Mykolayovych


UDC 330.567:316.4:351.863; JEL D10, E21, F52
Bil, M. (2021). Spozhyvcha povedinka naselennya Ukrayiny: refleksiyi na pandemiyu COVID-19 [Consumer behavior of the population of Ukraine: reflections on the COVID-19 pandemic]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 149 (3) (pp. 9-15). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 27

The theoretical and applied bases of research of consumer behavior of the population following the reflexive approach are formulated. Consumer behavior is suggested to be considered a type of economic behavior that, in combination with savings and investment activity, shows the consumer reflections of the population and directly determines the processes of economic growth. The consumer reflection is defined as the result of an entity’s understanding of one’s financial capacity, expressed in terms of costs, which consistently determine the model of economic behavior. The schematic generalization of factors of formation (environment) and consequences of realization (economic growth) of consumer behavior of the population is carried out. Since the stability conditions are among the environmental factors, the impact of the pandemic on consumer behavior as a major destabilizer is studied. Adaptation of the consumer market to the requirements of the pandemic has led to a number of conceptual changes related to the conditions of sustainable socio-economic development, the activities of economic entities, and the purchasing power of the population. The level of income and expenditure structure of the population of Ukraine according to household surveys with a comparison of pre- and pandemic indicators are analyzed. Maintaining the purchasing power of the population in the conditions of positive wages dynamics and the gradual improvement of the macroeconomic situation after the events of 2014 prevented the «quarantine» shutdown of the economy. At the same time, the analysis of the cost structure of the population revealed a significant reduction in spending on leisure and restaurant business and a significant increase in utility costs, which is an additional destructive factor of the population welfare in post-pandemic uncertainty. Given the uncertainty of the situation, the need to support socially responsible business in Ukraine is indicated, and the priorities of its development in terms of production and sales activities are proposed. 
consumer behavior, consumer reflections, environmental stability, household income and expenditure, socially responsible business, COVID-19 pandemic 

UDC [336.63:330.35]:336.01; JEL Е21, О15, D11
Bil, M., & Mulska, O. (2020). Ekonomichna povedinka domohospodarstv ta yikhniy dobrobut: modeli i formy vzayemovplyvu [Economic behavior of households and their welfare: models and forms of interaction]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 145 (5) (pp. 3-8). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 15

The article defines the content of welfare as a measure of socially oriented efficiency of economic growth, which reflects the appropriate level of providing the population with material and spiritual goods with the formation of favourable conditions for human development and capitalization of human potential in a competitive mobile space. The modern theory of welfare testifies to the deepening of scientific discussions on the transformation of economic welfare into mobile and inclusive, as well as the opposition of competitive and social protection welfare policy. Another milestone in the evolution of welfare theory is the individualization of its provision. Conditions of competition and mobility increase the importance of households in providing their well-being with further reflection on the processes of economic growth of the community, region, and state. This gives grounds to actualize the issues of household welfare research and strengthening economic growth based on behavioural economics. The needs, interests, motives, and incentives determine the economic behaviour of households. At higher levels, it defines an economic culture that is closely linked to the national mentality. In this regard, the main models of economic and social behaviour of households – socialization, adaptation, integration, values, regulation, and the definition of financial development strategies are outlined. Theoretical approaches to the explanation of economic behaviour are generalized, namely religious-ethical, psychological, substantive theories, theories of motivations and acquired needs, process theories, theories of justice, and others. Based on the ideas of foreign scientists, the main determinants of the economic policy of households are proposed. Political, stabilizing, and economic determinants are distinguished in the group of general determinants. In the group of determinants directly related to households, the financial, demographic, cultural, social, empirical, and psychological are suggested. The author’s emphasis is placed on the importance of the impact of financial determinants of the households’ economic behaviour, the central place among which is occupied by savings. 
welfare, individualization of welfare, economic behaviour, household, behavioural economy, economic growth 

UDC [314.7:379.85]:330.59:316.42; JEL O15, J08, H70
Bil, M., & Popadynets, N. (2020). Lyuds'kyy rozvytok i mobil'nist' naselennya kriz' pryzmu natsional'nykh osoblyvostey: sotsioekonomichnyy vymir ta upravlins'kyy kontsept [Human development and population mobility through the prism of national features: socio-economic dimension and management concept]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 142 (2) (pp. 55-61). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 24

The relevance of the human development study in the context of mobile processes is substantiated. The difference between human development and the level and quality of life, well-being, human resources development, and sustainable development is determined. Problematic aspects of human development in Ukraine are analyzed. Negative economic determinations of human development in Ukraine intensify mobile processes, which is confirmed by the migration situation. The country's economy is becoming dependent on migration, which creates numerous risks of socio-economic and political nature. It is necessary to develop the conceptual foundations of human development policy in a highly mobile society for their leveling. Such a policy is proposed to be considered as a set of measures aimed at forming a favorable internal environment of human life with respect for the rights and freedoms of choice and movement, preserving the possibility of return and protection of citizens regardless of location. An appropriate concept for the formation of human development policy in a highly mobile society in Ukraine should be developed. The concept should combine three blocks of goals: general provisions of security, principles of regulation of movements, which apply to all categories of mobile persons, the purpose of which is to preserve social unity in conditions of a highly mobile society by increasing its spiritual and informational mobility; internal mobility with the aim of ensuring the redistribution of human potential according to the peculiarities of regional development, the high-quality infrastructure of internal movements for the formation of flexible relational human space, as well as direct and indirect impact on mobility through improving the human development environment (output vector). The latest paradigm of human development of a highly mobile society should be formed on the basis of the concept implementation in the ideological plan at the national level. 
human development, level and quality of life, welfare, population mobility, human development policy, highly mobile society 

UDC 331:332.14:352; JEL J08, H70
Bil, M., & Patytska, Kh. (2019). Vidtvorennya lyuds'koho potentsialu ob’yednanykh terytorial'nykh hromad v Ukrayini [Reproduction of human potential of united territorial communities in Ukraine]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 139 (5) (pp. 42-48). DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

The paper defines the nature of human potential as a set of physiological, socio-psychological, intellectual-labor, social-stratification, ethno-cultural opportunities of a society, which can be used already in the near future and realized in an environment that ensures their development. The specificity of human potential reproduction reflecting one of its development phases with the consequences of the use of human resources, namely their accumulation, reproduction and improvement was disclosed. The components of human potential were identified (demographic, revealing the basic characteristics of population, including its number, birth and mortality rate, age structure; intellectual and labor, revealing the labor characteristics of the population and the possibilities of their realization, including the number of economically active, employed, self-employed residents, the number of migrants, the number of economic entities operating on the territory of the community; social and managerial, revealing community-based management practices and initiatives; socio-economic, enabling environment for business and employment). Indicators for the methodology for assessing the use of human potential in the context of isolated components were selected. The methodology of estimation on the example of united territorial communities in Ukraine with their grouping depending on the volume of own income per inhabitant and the level of subsidy was tested. United territorial communities as leaders and outsiders were identified by the calculation of the integral index of human development and its components. This made it possible to substantiate the opportunities of the united territorial communities to ensure the reproduction of human potential through the development of social infrastructure and reorientation of strategic planning towards development goals. The development goals were distributed by areas of effective use of mobilized finance, creating conditions for business and employment. 
human potential, human potential reproduction, social infrastructure, development goals, reform of decentralization, united territorial communities 

UDC 36:[314.7:379.85](477); JEL H55, О15, R23, F22
Bil, M. (2018). Sotsial'nyy zakhyst hromadyan Ukrayiny za kordonom: praktyka zabezpechennya i priorytety vdoskonalennya [Social protection of Ukrainian citizens abroad: practice of maintenance and improvement priorities]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 131 (3) (pp. 95-100). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

Regulatory and legal framework of social protection of mobile citizens of Ukraine abroad was analyzed in the article. Special attention was paid to the voluntary principle of migrants social protection, according to the provisions of the Law of Ukraine «On Foreign Labor Migration». Problems and challenges of growing labor migration processes for the national system of social protection of the population were discovered. Most of them lie in the lack of tax revenues to the state budget and contributions to social insurance. The age structure of the Ukrainian population with aging trends and, as a consequence, additional burden on the able-bodied population as a result of migration losses was analyzed. Features of pension provision for Ukrainian citizens, who work or had experience of employment abroad, were uncovered. Comparison of the conditions for obtaining pensions in Ukraine and the countries that are the main recipients of the human potential of our state (retirement age and insurance record) was made. The main ones are manifested in the difficulty of implementing the right to pension provision in the presence of an agreement between Ukraine and the country of employment on mutual social protection and pension provision. The problem is the lack of knowledge and reluctance of migrant workers to take into account their work experience abroad, the frequent practice of formal employment or staying at the State Employment Service of Ukraine and simultaneous seasonal employment abroad. Priorities for improving the pension provision of mobile citizens of Ukraine were substantiated. Particular role is played by the conclusion and practical implementation of agreements on mutual employment, social protection and pension provision. The Agreements on pensions provide two basic principles – territorial and proportional. It is necessary to improve the mechanisms of social protection of mobile workers by overcoming the problem of dual pension provision. Actual in the future is a combination of solidarity and accumulative pension systems. 
social protection, pension provision, mobile citizens, labor migration, voluntary, retirement age, insurance experience, international agreements 


Bil, M. M., & Leshchukh, I. V. (2019). Metodychni pidkhody analizu lyuds’koho potentsialu terytorial’noyi hromady [Methodical approaches of analysis of human potential of territorial community]. Derzhava ta rehiony. Seriya Ekonomika ta pidpryiemnytstvo – The state and the regions. Series: Economics and business, 3, 203-208. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2019.05.042.001}

Sadova, U. Ya., & Bil, M. M. (2010). Problemy normatyvno-pravovoho zabezpechennya rehulyuvannya mihratsiynykh protsesiv v Ukrayini. [Problems of normative-legal provision of regulation of migration processes in Ukraine]. Forum prava – Law Forum, 1, 323-330. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2020.03.026.007}

Bil, M. M. (2020). Rehulyuvannya mihratsiynoyi aktyvnosti naselennya: priorytety dlya Karpats’koho rehionu Ukrayiny [Regulation of the population migration activity: priorities for the Carpathian region of Ukraine]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional Economy, 1, 62-70. [in Ukrainian]. {sep2020.03.026.013}

Bil, M. M., & Mulska, O. P. (2021). Modeli spozhyvchoyi povedinky domohospodarstv ta rehional'ni osoblyvosti yikh formuvannya v Ukrayini. Rehional'na ekonomika – Regional economy, 2(100), 53-60. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {sep2021.03.009.023}

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