| 14.11.2024, Round Table "Strategic Planning for the Development of the Territories of the Polish-Ukrainian Borderland in the Context of Modern Challenges". Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Lviv, Ukraine) On November 14, 2024, the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine hosted a Round Table "Strategic Planning for the Development of the Territories of the Polish-Ukrainian Borderland in the Context of Modern Challenges". The organizers of the Round Table were: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lutsk National Technical University, Uniwersytet Maria Curie-Skłodowska in Lublin, Volyn Regional State Administration, Lviv Regional State Administration, Marshal's Office of the Lubelskie Voivodeship in Lublin, Marshal's Office of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship in Rzeszow, Lutsk City Council. More than 40 scientists, managers and practitioners from Ukraine (Lviv and Volyn regions) and the Republic of Poland (Lubelskie and Podkarpackie voivodeships) took part in the round table. The round table was moderated by the Director of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dr.Sci. of Economics, Professor V. S. Kravtsiv.
| 18.10.2024, 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Territorial Development and Regional Policy: Current Status and Guidelines for Further Reforms". Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Lviv, Ukraine) On October 18, 2024, the 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Territorial Development and Regional Policy: Current Status and Guidelines for Further Reforms" was held. The main organizer of the conference is the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The co-organizers of the event were: the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, the Lviv Regional Military Administration, the Western Scientific Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Institute of Rural Development and Agriculture of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw), the State Academy of Applied Sciences (Jarosław, Poland), Higher School of Economics (Białystok, Poland), WSB Merito University in Poznań (Poland), Częstochowa Polytechnic (Poland), Institute of Euroregional Studies of the University of Oradea (Romania), National Institute of Economic Research (Moldova), Institute of Urban and Regional Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Vienna), NGO "Institute of Regional Studies". The organization of the event was made possible thanks to the financial support of PJSC "Holding Company "Eko-Dim" and LLC "Bud Invest Kom-2". The purpose of the conference was to discuss the problems and directions of improvement of state regional policy in the context of modern challenges and European integration aspirations of Ukraine, modern trends in the transformation of the spatial development of Ukraine's economy, risks and opportunities of post-war recovery of Ukraine's regions, development of scientifically based recommendations for authorities of different levels and local self-government bodies. More than 50 scientists, managers and practitioners from different regions of Ukraine and abroad took part in the conference, including 23 doctors of science and 19 doctors of philosophy.
| 09-11.10.2024, Annual international conference "Territorial and inter-organizational cooperation 2024". WSB University (Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland) On October 9-11, 2024, WSB University (Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland) in partnership with leading research and educational institutions of Europe organized and held the annual International Conference "Territorial and Inter-Organizational Cooperation 2024". The conference was held in a hybrid mode. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine was one of the organizers of this conference. Conference partners: - The Association for Regional Development and Cooperation “Olza”, Cieszyn, Poland;
- Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives, Budapest, Hungary;
- Euro-Instutite, Kehl, Germany;
- Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine;
- European Centre for Minority Issues, Flensburg, Germany;
- Regional Association of Territorial Cooperation of Těšín Silesia, Český Těšín, Czechia;
- Scientific Society for Organization and Management, Branch in Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland;
- Technical University of Liberec, Czechia;
- University of Greater Region, Luxembourg;
- University of Extremadura, Spain.
Employees of the Institute took part in the conference: the Head of the Cross-Border Cooperation Sector, Dr Kh. Prytula, who delivered a speech "Transformation of Export Trade Flows and Development of Export Logistics System of Ukraine", and the Senior Researcher of the Sector, PhD Ya. Kalat, who gave a speech "Ukraine’s Foreign Trade in Wartime: New Realities". The International Conference on Territorial and Inter-Organizational Cooperation is an annual event addressed to researchers and practitioners. It deals with different territorial and inter-organizational cooperation aspects in local, regional, cross-border, and international dimensions. The Conference is characterized by its interdisciplinary approach to raising multiperspective scientific problems and innovative formulas. Its aim is to network and form international, interdisciplinary scientific teams that work together on new scientific challenges. The program of the event can be viewed here and in detail with abstracts here.
| 20.06.2024. International Scientific Conference ”Sustainable Development in Management: Science-Business-Self-governance” in online mode On June 20, 2024, the cyclical 13th International Scientific Conference "Sustainable Development in Management: Science–Business–Self-governance" was held online, organized by: the Faculty of Management of the Częstochowa Polytechnic, the Institute of Finance and Accounting of the WSB Merito University in Poznań, the University of Rzeszów, Lublin Polytechnic, Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. The goal of the conference has traditionally been the discussion and exchange of opinions on the development of knowledge in the field of management, governance of business organizations and local self-government bodies in the context of the concept of sustainable development. About 50 scientists from Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Spain, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Israel, Bahrain took part in the conference. 3 sectional meetings were held as part of the conference: 1. Sustainable development of regions. 2. Innovations for sustainable development. 3. Management and knowledge for sustainable development. Scientists of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine took part in the conference and presented reports: – Doctor of Economics, Prof. Iryna Storonyanska – Ukrainian business in the conditions of war: behavioral effects; – Ph.D. of Economics, Assoc. Prof. Andriy Dub – Strategic and spatial planning at the level of territorial communities: problems and ways to solve them" – Ph.D. of Economics Olena Lyakhovska – Prospects for the development of agriculture in Ukraine in modern and post-war conditions; – Ph.D. of Economics Yuliya Bashynska – Environmental aspects of renewable energy projects; – Doctor of Economics, Prof. Yuriy Stadnytskyi – Management of international trade for sustainable development; – Doctor of Economics, Senior Researcher Lyubomyr Sozanskyi – Impact of economic globalization on structural changes in industry; – Junior Researcher Ivanna Myshchyshyn – Comparative advantages and disadvantages of the Carpathian region of Ukraine. The result of the conference will be the publication of articles in publications of partner institutions. The conference program is here.
| 17.04.2024. VІІІ International Scientific Conference ”Prospects for the Development of Entrepreneurship from a Global Perspective” in online mode On April 17, 2024, the VIII International Scientific Conference "Prospects for the Development of Entrepreneurship from a Global Perspective" was held online on the Teams platform, organized by the University of Lodz (Poland) together with Aegean University (Turkey), Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. The Scientific Council of the conference included the Institute's Deputy Director for Scientific Work, Dr.Sci. of Economics, Prof. Iryna Storonyanska and the Head of the Department of problems of the real sector of the regional economy, Dr.Sci. of Economics, Prof. Svitlana Ishchuk. The purpose of the conference was to discuss current problems of entrepreneurship and innovations in the development of the business environment at the international, national and local levels, as well as establishing cooperation in international teams. The conference program is here.
| On November 13-14, 2023, the international conference “Prospects of building the infrastructure capacity on the freight corridors in EU-Ukraine border area” took place in Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland. The event was organized within the framework of the project “Increasing the capacity of freight transportation infrastructure on EU-Ukraine borders” (No. 22220189), coordinated by the Institute of Regional Research named after M. I. Dolishny of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (hereinafter the Institute), with the support of the International Visegrad Fund. The Institute co-organized the event in collaboration with WSB University (Poland), the Institute of Geography of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (Slovakia), the University of Debrecen (Hungary), and the University of Oradea (Romania). The international conference took place in a hybrid format (offline and online) and brought together representatives from the academic community and practitioners in the field of freight transport from 13 countries. The main purpose of the event was to discuss and exchange ideas regarding the development of infrastructure for freight corridors along the Ukraine-EU border. Special attention was given to the development of logistic routes for cargo transportation, increasing the capacity of border infrastructure, promoting multimodal transportation in Ukraine and neighboring EU countries, as well as the implementation of green technologies and innovations in freight transport and multimodal terminals. [...]
| 19.10.2023. ІІІ International scientific and practical conference of higher education graduates and young scientists on the topic "Actual problems of the development of the financial and economic system: priorities and prospects" On October 19, 2023, the 3rd International scientific and practical conference of higher education graduates and young scientists on the topic "Actual problems of the development of the financial and economic system: priorities and prospects" was held on the basis of the Lviv University of Trade and Economics. Co-organizers of the event: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing; Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Faculty of Management and Business; State Biotechnological University; Prykarpattia National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk; Uzhhorod National University, Mukachevo State University, State Tax University; Higher School of Management and Banking in Poznań (Poland); Rzeszów University, Poland; State Higher Vocational and Technical College named after Prof. S. Tarnowski (Tarnobrzeg, Poland). The moderator and organizer of the scientific event is Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Tetyana Medynska. The scientific event was opened by the Rector of the Lviv University of Trade and Economics, Dr.Sci. of Economics, Professor Petro Kutsyk. In his speech, Petro Oleksiiovych emphasized the relevance of the thematic areas of the conference's work on ensuring financial and economic stability in Ukraine in war conditions, as well as post-war economic recovery, which require new approaches to the implementation of the state's budget, tax, and monetary policies. Deputy Director of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dr.Sci., Professor Iryna Storonyanska joined the greeting of the conference participants with wishes for fruitful work and exchange of ideas and achievements of the young scientific community. Representatives of the scientific community, young scientists and students of higher education from co-organizing scientific institutions spoke at the plenary session. This report was particularly interesting: Piotr Luty, Dr., Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu – Experience sharing of V4 against the shadow economy, corruption and tax avoidance in Ukraine. In the report, the project of the International Visegrad Foundation "Exchange of V4 experience in combating the shadow economy, corruption and tax evasion in Ukraine" was presented, in which Associate Professor Tetyana Medynska participates. At the plenary session, Andriy Kaspshyshak, recipient of the Doctor of Philosophy degree from the EP "Finance, Banking and Insurance" of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine presented a scientific report on the topic "Economic resilience of Ukraine's regions during martial law: the role of financial behavior of households" (supervisor: Dr.Sci., Professor Halyna Voznyak). More than 60 people took part in the conference online, including students of higher education, graduate students and young scientists from higher education institutions and scientific institutions of Ukraine and abroad, in particular from Lviv, Kyiv, Irpin, Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne, Poltava, Mukachevo, Uzhhorod, Chernivtsi, Kharkiv, Ostroh, Wrocław, Rzeszów, Poznań and Tarnobrzeg. The conference program is here. Photos from the conference are here.
| 28.09.2023. International conference "Security of the National Economy and Business: Modern Challenges and Threats" On September 28, 2023, the International Conference "Security of the National Economy and Business: Modern Challenges and Threats" was held. The organizers of the conference were Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv Regional Military State Administration, Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences (Hahenburg, Germany), Poznan University of Technology (Poznan, Poland), Poznan University of Economics (Poznan, Poland), Wroclaw University of Economics (Wroclaw, Poland), Przysz University (Przysztof, Slovakia). Domestic and foreign scientists, as well as representatives of international organizations, took part in the conference. The Head of the Department of problems of social and humanitarian development of the regions Dr.Sci., Prof. Taras Vasyltsiv, who focused on the key challenges, risks and threats to Ukraine's macroeconomic, financial and social security. Photos from the event: 
| 24-25.10.2023. II International Export Forum "From the restoration of Ukraine to global economic prosperity" On September 27, 2023, the cyclical 12th International Scientific Conference "Sustainable Development in Management and Finance: Science-Business-Self-Governance" was held online, organized by: the Faculty of Management of the Częstochowa Polytechnic, the Institute of Finance and Accounting of the WSB Merito University in Poznań and the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The event has already traditionally gathered scientists, economists and managers from different countries, who had the opportunity to exchange the results of scientific research and practical experience in managing business organizations and local self-government bodies in the context of the concept of sustainable development. About 50 scientists from Ukraine, Poland, Bulgaria, Georgia, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Bahrain took part in the conference. 3 sectional meetings were held as part of the conference: 1. Management and knowledge for sustainable development; 2. Sustainable development of regions; 3. Innovations for sustainable development. The conference was attended by scientists from the State University "Institute of Regional Studies named after M. I. Dolishnyi of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine", in particular: Dr.Sci. of Economics, Prof. Iryna Storonyanska; Dr.Sci. of Economics, Prof. Yuriy Stadnytskyi; Dr.Sci. of Economics, Prof. Anatoliy Mokiy; Ph.D. of Economics, Senior Researcher Lyubomyr Sozanskyi; Ph.D. of Economics Yuliya Bashynska; Junior Researcher Ivanna Myshchyshyn. The result of the conference will be the publication of articles in publications of partner institutions. The conference program is here. Photos from the event: 
| 22.06.2023. Round table "Multimodal terminals on the territory of Ukraine and neighboring EU countries" On June 22, 2023, an online round table "Multimodal terminals on the territory of Ukraine and neighboring EU countries" was held within the scope of the project «Increasing the capacity of freight transportation infrastructure on EU-Ukraine borders» (No 22220189) funded by International Visegrad Fund (Visegrad Grant+ Programme). Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine arranged the event. This is already the second public event within the project. Khrystyna Prytula, Coordinator of the Project, Head of the Cross-Border Cooperation Sector, IRR NASU, Dr. delivered a speech in which emphasized on the main results and achievements during the period of project’s implementation. At the round table, project partners from Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania have presented the results of research on multimodal transportation in Ukraine and neighboring EU countries, the development of transshipment infrastructure, in particular in border regions, as well as the current state and prospects for improving the organizational and legal environments for the development of multimodal terminals. Researchers from the Institute have delivered presentations: Head of the Department of Spatial Development, Dr. Maryana Melnyk "Institutional framework and features of multimodal transportation infrastructure development in Ukraine"; Senior researcher of the Department of Spatial Development, Ph.D. Iryna Leshchukh "The infrastructure of multimodal transportation in Ukraine - EU cross-border area: obstacles and prospects for development". Representatives of central and regional authorities, regional customs, border agencies as well as researchers from Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania have participated at the round table. The program of the event can be downloaded here. Photos from the event: 
| 22-23.03.2023. International Urban Forum «Economics of Urban Regeneration» On March 22-23, 2023, the International Urban Forum "Economics of Urban Renewal" was held on the basis of Vadym Hetman Kyiv National University of Economics. The purpose of the forum was to discuss the current state and prospects for the development of Ukrainian cities, taking into account the existing challenges and threats, to develop strategic directions for the recovery and development of cities in the post-war period. Co-organizers of the event: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; Vadym Hetman Kyiv National University of Economics (Ukraine); Association of Cities of Ukraine; Ukrainian Association of District and Regional Councils; Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; V. K. Mamutov Institute of Economic and Legal Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine); Research Group of Agrarian Economics and Policy of the Swiss Federal University of Technology (Zurich, Switzerland); Center for Demographic, Urban and Environmental Studies of the University of Mexico City (Mexico). The program committee included Dmytro Lukyanenko, Dr.Sci. of Economics, Professor, Rector of Vadym Hetman Kyiv National University of Economics; Bohdan Danylyshyn, Dr.Sci. of Economics, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Department of regional studies and tourism; Viktor Chuzhykov, Dr.Sci. of Economics, Professor, Vice-Rector for scientific and pedagogical work and international relations; Oleksandr Slobozhan, Ph.D. in Public Administration, Executive Director of the Association of Cities of Ukraine; Oksana Prodan, Adviser to the Head of the Association of Cities of Ukraine, People's Deputy of the VII and VIII convocations, Head of the All-Ukrainian Association of Small and Medium-sized Businesses "Fortetsia"; Yuriy Andriychuk, Ph.D. in Public Administration, Head of the Secretariat of the Ukrainian Association of District and Oblast Councils; Hanna Palekha, Head of the Association of Spatial Planners - Council of Urban Planners of the National Union of Architects of Ukraine; Vira Ohorodnyk, Doctor of Economics, Visiting Professor, Group of Agrarian Economics and Policy of the Swiss Federal University of Technology, Zurich (Switzerland); Alejandra Trejo, Professor, Center for Demographic, Urban and Environmental Studies, El Colegio de Mexico (Mexico); Inna Zablodska, Dr.Sci. of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of interregional cooperation problems of the V. K. Mamutov Institute of Economic and Legal Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Iryna Storonyanska, Dr.Sci. of Economics, Professor, Deputy Director for scientific work of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, etc. During the forum, the challenges and problems of the post-war development of Ukrainian cities were identified; the need to form EU membership compliance centers from Ukrainian cities was emphasized; the world experience of restoring destroyed cities was analyzed and methods of its implementation in Ukraine were formed; innovative tools for urban renewal are proposed (smart approaches, digitalization, cyber security); the foundations of the city development strategy were created; measures have been developed to return refugees and IDPs to their previous places of permanent residence; the achievements of the local self-government reform in the development of cities are highlighted; the necessity of youth urbanist movements is emphasized; tools for building a safe urban environment and rebuilding the energy infrastructure of cities are proposed; measures for financing the reconstruction of cities were developed; criteria and ways of integration of economic science, education and public management of the city and methods of professionalization of strategic management of urban renewal of Ukraine were formed. Employees of the institute Storonyanska I. Z., Vasyltsiv T. H., Shults S. L., Melnyk M. I., Mulska O. P., Bil M. M., Babets I. H., Levytska O. O., Zhuk P. V., Benovska L. Ya., Bashynska Yu. I., Leshchukh I. V., Synyura-Rostun N. R., Tkach S. M., and Voitenko O. A. took part in the work of the forum. Collection of forum materials are here.
| 17.03.2023. International Scientific Conference "The enterprise and the region in crisis conditions" On March 17, 2023, the International Scientific Conference "Enterprise and the Region in Crisis" was held online. The organizers of the conference were: the Institute of Economics and Finance of the University of Rzeszów, the Faculty of Management of the Warsaw University of Technology and the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. More than 50 scientists from 14 countries (Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, Switzerland, Italy, USA, Mexico, Pakistan, etc.) took part in the conference. Congratulatory remarks were made by: Iryna Storonyanska (Doctor of Economics, Prof., Deputy Director of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine); Denisa Abrudan (Ph.D., Western University of Timisoara, Romania); Wiesław Kaput (Ph.D., Higher School of Banking in Chożów, Poland); Izabela Kravchyk-Sokolowska (Dr., Prof., Częstochowa Technical University). Employees of the Institute took part in the work of the conference: Svitlana Shults (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Regional Economic Policy; Moderator of the Section; Mariya Karpyak (Ph.D., Senior Researcher of the Department of Regional Economic Policy); Anatoliy Mokiy, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Leading Researcher of the Department of Regional Economic Policy): Maryana Melnyk (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Spatial Development); Solomiya Tkach (Ph.D. of Economics, Senior Researcher of the Department of Spatial Development); Ivanna Myshchyshyn (Junior Researcher, Department of Regional Environmental Policy and Nature Management); Olha Voytenko (Leading Engineer of the Department of Regional Economic Policy, Graduate Student); Arseniy Yanovych (Leading Engineer of the Department of Regional Economic Policy, Graduate Student). The topics of the speakers' speeches were devoted to current problems: preservation of human potential in conditions of military influence; development of interregional integration of factor potential of production and scientific and technical sectors of Ukraine and regions; the development of the sphere of cultural services in the regions of Ukraine in the conditions of war and recommendations for its improvement; the experience of assessing the productivity of economic resources in EU and OECD member countries and ways of its adaptation in Ukraine; prospects for the development of transport infrastructure in the regions of Ukraine. The program of the event can be downloaded here. Photos from the event: 
| 17.03.2023. VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Prospects for the Development of Entrepreneurship from a Global Perspective" On March 17, 2023, the VII International Scientific Conference "Prospects for the Development of Entrepreneurship from a Global Perspective" was held online on the Teams platform, organized by the University of Lodz (Poland) together with the Aegean University ( Turkey), Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
| 08.12.2022. Round table "Freight traffic flows across EU-Ukraine: current trends and future prospects" On December 8, 2022 an online round table «Freight traffic flows across EU-Ukraine: current trends and future prospects» was held within the scope of the project «Increasing the capacity of freight transportation infrastructure on EU-Ukraine borders» (No 22220189) funded by International Visegrad Fund (Visegrad Grant+ Programme). Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of National Academy of Science of Ukraine arranged the event. Congratulatory Speeches: - Vasyl Kravtsiv, Director of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Prof., Dr.;
- Ewelina Stacherzak, Project Manager, International Visegrad Fund;
- Іоan Horga, Prof., University of Oradea, Romania;
- Maksym Sahan, The Department of International Technical Assistance and International Cooperation of the Lviv Regional State Administration;
- Khrystyna Prytula, Coordinator of the Project, Head of the Cross-Border Cooperation Sector, IRD NANU, Dr.
At the round table, project partners from Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania have highlighted and discussed the study results concerning the existing capacity of road and railway border crossing points on the border Ukraine with EU member states, eliminated bottlenecks as well as ways to improve performance of BCPs. Researchers from the Institute have introduced such topics: - Head of the Cross-Border Cooperation Sector, Dr. Khrystyna Prytula «Institutional and economic factors of the development of freight transportation across the Ukraine-EU border: analysis of main trends and problems»;
- PhD Anna Maksymenko «The Underlying Trends in Road and Rail Freight Traffic Flows across Ukraine-Poland and Ukraine-Slovakia Border»
- PhD Yaroslava Kalat «The transport and logistics infrastructure of Ukraine on the border with Hungary and Romania: analysis of the current state and bottlenecks».
About 40 people participated in the round table: representatives of central and regional authorities, regional customs, border agencies as well as academic researchers from Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. The recommendations based on the results of the round table will be prepared for central and regional authorities. Photos from event: 
| 26.09.2022. International Scientific Conference "Sustainable Development in Management and Finance: Science-Business-Self-Governance" On September 26, 2022, the cyclical 11th International Scientific Conference "Sustainable Development in Management and Finance: Science-Business-Self-Governance" was held online, organized by: the Faculty of Management of Czestochowa Polytechnic, the Faculty of Management of Warsaw Polytechnic, the Higher Banking School in Poznań (Chorzów Branch) and the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The event brought together scientists, economists and managers from different countries, who had the opportunity to exchange the results of scientific research and practical experience. More than 50 scientists from Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Romania, Lithuania, Turkey, Bahrain, Nigeria, Kenya took part in the conference. 3 sections were held within the conference: 1. Management and knowledge at the service of sustainable development; 2. Innovations for sustainable development; 3. Economic and environmental problems of sustainable development. The conference was attended by scientists from the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in particular: Doctor of Economics, Professor Iryna Storonyanska; Doctor of Economics, Professor Yuriy Stadnytskyi; Junior Researcher Ivanna Myshchyshyn. The result of the conference will be the publication of articles in publications of partner institutions. The conference program is here.
| 22.09.2022. International Scientific Conference "Economics, Finance and Management in Conditions of Uncertainty" (Lviv, online, Teams platform) On September 22, 2022, the XII International Scientific Conference "Economics, Finance and Management in Conditions of Uncertainty" was held online on the Teams platform, organized by the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research jointly with the Higher Banking School in Poznań (Republic of Poland). Co-organizers of the conference were: Częstochowa Polytechnic, Rzeszów University (Institute of Economics and Finance), Lublin Polytechnic. The plenary session opened with welcoming words from representatives of the Higher School of Banking in Poznań (branch in Chozów) by Dr. Hab., Prof. Lukasz Wawrowski and Dr. Hab., Prof. Wieslaw Kaputa, as well as professor of the Department of Finance, Banking and Accounting of the Czestochowa Polytechnic, Doctor of Hab., Prof. Izabella Krawczyk-Sokolovska and the head of the department of finance, banking and accounting of the Lublin Polytechnic, Dr. Hab., prof. Artur Pazhdziora. On behalf of the Institute of Regional Research, the conference participants were greeted by the Head of the Department of problems of the real sector of the regional economy, Dr.Sci. of Economics, professor Svitlana Ishchuk, who emphasized the special importance for Ukraine of helping and supporting Poland in the face of Russian military aggression. The conference program is here.
| 09.06.2022. Discussion platform on "Imperatives and security priorities for maintaining and developing the productive capacity of the regions of Ukraine during the war." On June 9, 2022, in the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine the Department of Regional Economic Policy in Zoom format held a discussion platform on “Imperatives and Security Priorities for Preservation and Development of Productive Capacity of Regions of Ukraine in the Conditions of War”. The thematic areas of the scientific-communication event were identified as follows: transformation of theoretical and methodological bases for the study of the productive capacity of the economy under the influence of external challenges; risks and threats to the preservation and realization of the productive capacity of the economy of the regions in martial law; building the institutional infrastructure to attract technology and investment to restore Ukraine's economy. The introductory speech was opened by the Director of the Institute, Doctor of Economics, Prof. Kravtsiv V.S. Representatives of scientific schools from different regions of Ukraine and Europe (Kyiv, Lviv, Kryvyi Rih, Zaporizhia, Ternopil and Rzeszow (Poland)) and a wide range of economic areas and specialties joined the discussion platform. Proceedings of the discussion platform can be viewed in Ukrainian here.
| 26-27.01.2022. International scientific-practical seminar "Cross-border cooperation – the challenge of crises: the search for greater efficiency and effectiveness" On January 26-27, 2022, the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (hereinafter the Institute) together with the Research Institute of European Integration and Regional Studies of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University held an international scientific-practical seminar "Cross-border cooperation – the challenge of crises: the search for greater efficiency and effectiveness” organized by the Jean Monnet project “ Stimulating Local Economic Growth in Border Regions in the EU Integration Process: Best Practices in the Eastern Partnership Countries” (No 599948-EPP-1-2018-1-EN- EPPJMO-SUPPA), coordinated by the Institute. The event was also co-organized by the University of Oradea (Romania), the Institute for Euroregional Studies (ISER) (Romania), the University of Debrecen (Hungary), the Center of Excellence at SGH Warsaw School of Economics (CEWSE) (Poland), The Academy of Public Administration (Republic of Moldova).
| 06.12.2021. VI International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists "Prospects for entrepreneurship development in the global perspective" (online on the Microsoft Teams platform) On December 6, 2021, the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists "Prospects for Entrepreneurship Development in the Global Perspective" was held online on the Microsoft Teams platform. The main organizers of the conference were: the Department of Entrepreneurship and Industrial Policy WZ UL, Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SKN Globalni, Council of Young Scientists of theDolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, NGO "Institute of Regional Studies", Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. The purpose of the conference was to discuss current issues of entrepreneurship and innovation through the exchange of views and experiences of young scientists, as well as integration and cooperation in international teams in the field of entrepreneurship and its forms development, support for enterprises in period of global problems and also issues related to entrepreneurial behavior and business environment.