Head of the Department – Sadova Ulyana Yaroslavivna, Dr. Sci. in Economics, Professor.
Phone: (+38032)297-38-91; (+38032)270-64-45
E-mail : socdevel.ird@gmail.com, sad2004@rambler.ru
Year of establishment - 2009.
Based on the department operates Branch of the Department of organizations management of the Lviv Institute of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management.
Scope of scientific research
Major directions of scientific research in the department:
- Theoretical and methodological principles of development of the system of scientific knowledge about individuals and society in the context of the social economy and new paradigms in the region.
- Problems of reproduction of socio-demographic, labor, cultural and educational potential of the region in terms of the development of regional markets.
- Developing of methods and techniques of analysis and prognosis of phenomena and processes of social and humanitarian sphere in the region.
- Construction of models of regional social policy and mechanisms of its implementation.
- Medical demographic, social labor, historical ideological, ethnic cultural, migration aspects of social management in the region.
Scientific research themes of the department:
- Regional migration policy in terms of multi-ethnic environment
- Regional features of labor organization in terms of systemic crisis
Staff of the Department:
Head of the Department Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof. Sadova Ulyana Yaroslavivna
Senior Researcher Ph.D. (Econ.), Sen.Res. Bidak Volodymyr Yaroslavovych
Senior Researcher Ph.D. (Geog.), Sen.Res. Teslyuk Roman Tadeyovych
Senior Researcher Ph.D. (Econ.) Andrusyshyn Nataliya Ivanivna
Senior Researcher Ph.D. (St.Man.), Sen.Res. Bil Maryana Mykhaylivna
Researcher Ph.D. (Econ.) Levytska Olha Oleksandrivna
Junior Researcher Ph.D. (Econ.) Bachynska Mariya Volodymyrivna
Junior Researcher Ph.D. (Econ.) Mulska Olha Petrivna
Leading Engineer Kovalchuk Lyudmyla Vasylivna
Leading Engineer Makhonyuk Oleksandr Volodymyrovych
Leading Engineer Baranyak Ihor Yevhenovych
Doctoral Postgraduate, Senior Researcher Ph.D. (Econ.) Ryndzak Olha Tadeyivna
History of subdivision
Major publications: