Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine recruit papers in professional scientific journal
"Regional economy» Volume 3 (105) for 2022
Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine recruit papers in professional scientific journal
"Socio-economic problems of the modern period of Ukraine» Volumes 4 (156) and 5 (157) for 2022
Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine recruits for 2022 until September 10, 2022 in graduate school until September 10, 2022 (under the terms of the contract) in doctoral studies
| 2018.05.17. Chernivtsi, Ukraine. Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, International Scientific Practical Conference "Modern Trends in Regional Cooperation: Ukrainian-Romanian-Moldovan Dimension" On May 17-18, 2018, IV International Scientific Practical Conference "Modern Trends in Regional Cooperation: Ukrainian-Romanian-Moldovan Dimension" was held at Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. From the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine in the conference took part employees of the Sector of Problems of Transborder Cooperation Ph.D. Olena Pasternak and Postgraduate Tetyana Bandura. The event's organizers were: the Institute for Democratization and Development, the Center for Romanian Studies at Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, and the NGO Eurocentric Association (Romania). More than 40 politicians, scientists and experts from Ukraine, Romania, Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Poland took part in the conference.
| 2018.04.17-20. Lviv, Institute of Entrepreneurship and Advanced Technologies of the Lviv Polytechnic National University. XIV Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems and Prospects for the Development of Economics and Entrepreneurship and Computer Technologies in Ukraine" On 2018, April 17-20 in Lviv the XIV Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems and Prospects for the Development of Economics and Entrepreneurship and Computer Technologies in Ukraine" was held at the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Advanced Technologies of the Lviv Polytechnic National University. The conference was attended by Ukrainian and Polish scientists. Polish colleagues represented the Higher Technical School in Katowice.
| 2018.04.24-27. Lodz-Lviv. III International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists "Prospects for the Development of Entrepreneurship in an International Context" On 2018, April 24-27 in the cities Lodz (in Polish Łódź) and Lviv, within the framework of the International Science Week, the III International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists "Prospects for the Development of Entrepreneurship in an International Context" was held. The main organizers of the conference were: the Faculty of Management of Lodz University, Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Faculty of International Relations of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. The holding of this joint event was made possible by the signing of a Framework Agreement on Cooperation between the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the NAS of Ukraine and the University of Lodia in January of this year, which provides new opportunities for the development of international scientific cooperation.
| 2018.04.18-19. Rzeszow, Subcarpathian voivodeship, Poland. International scientific conference "Transborder Statistics and Spatial Cohesion - Problems and Perspectives" On April 18-19, 2018 International scientific conference "Transborder Statistics and Spatial Cohesion - Problems and Perspectives" that organized by the Central Statistical Office of Poland, Statistical Office in Rzeszow and the Faculty of Economics, Rzeszow University, took place in Rzeszow, Poland. The conference was attended by representatives of science and state statistics from different regions of Poland, as well as Austria, Greece, the People's Republic of China, Ukraine, Slovakia, Romania, France, Switzerland, Germany, Turkey, the Netherlands - only more than 100 participants. From the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine ", Christine Prytula, Head of the Sector of Problems of Transborder Cooperation, and Volodymyr Demchenko, Scientific Secretary of the Institute, took part in the conference. In particular, Doctor of Economics, Senior Researcher Christine Prytula made a presentation with the topic "Features of Social and Economic Development of the Border Regions in the EU-Ukraine Cross Border Area".
| 2017.11.24. Lviv. II International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference of Young Scientists, Postgraduates and Students "Transformation Processes in the Ukrainian Economy: Global and Regional Aspects" On 2017, November 24 in Lviv The Second International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference of Young Scientists, Postgraduates and Students "Transformation Processes in the Ukrainian Economy: Global and Regional Aspects" was held, organized by the Council of Young Scientists of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Scientific Society of students, postgraduates, doctoral students and young scientists of the Institute of Economics and Management of the Lviv Polytechnic National University. Co-organizers of the conference were the Scientific-Educational Complex "Economosvita", Councils of Young Scientists and Scientific Societies of students, PhD students, doctoral students and young scientists of its establishments, Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw, Poland), National Institute for Economic Research (Republic of Moldova).
| 2017.12.16-19. Vienna, Austria. 5th International Scientific Seminar "Formation of the Knowledge Economy as a Basis for the Information Society" On 2017, December 16-19 in Vienna (Austria) the 5th International Scientific Seminar "Formation of the Knowledge Economy as a Basis for the Information Society" was held. The seminar was organized by the International Academy of Computer Science at the University of Vienna, one of the oldest and largest universities in Europe. The event was attended by leading domestic and foreign scientists, educators, managers who were able to discuss the actual problems of the development of scientific and technical, socio-economic, socio-political and human potential in the context of the formation of a "knowledge economy". The active participation in the seminar was taken by the employees of the Вepartment of social and humanitarian development of the region of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine Doctor in Economics, Professor U. Ya. Sadova, Ph.D. in State Mamagement, Doctoral Postgraduate M. M. Bil, Ph.D. in Economics, Researcher O. O. Levytska and Ph.D. in Economics, Junior Researcher M. V. Bachynska.
| 2017.11.23-25. Lviv, Lviv Polytechnic National University. VII International Youth Science Festival "Litteris et Artibus" On 2017, November 23-25 at the Lviv Polytechnic National University the 7th International Youth Science Festival "Litteris et Artibus" was held. Nine international conferences were held in the framework of the 7th International Youth Science Festival "Litteris et Artibus". From the Dolyshniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the work of the International Conference of Young Scientists " Economics and Management 2017" was attended by Researcher of the Sector of the Problems of Cross-Border Cooperation, Ph.D. Olena Pasternak and Senior Researcher of the Department of Regional Economic Policy, Ph.D. Nazariy Popadynets. The researchers made a joint report "Marketing tools of Ivano-Frankivsk oblast promotion in terms of cross-border cooperation".
| 2017.11.17. Lviv, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. International scientific and practical conference "Actual Socio-Economic Problems of Ukrainian-Polish Cross-Border Cooperation" On 2017, November 17 in the Assembly Hall of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Socio-Economic Problems of Ukrainian-Polish Cross-Border Cooperation" was held that was organized by the Program of Cross-Border Cooperation "Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020" in cooperation with the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and Rzeszow University. The conference was attended by members of the sector of problems of cross-border cooperation Head of the Sector, Doctor of Economics, Senior Researcher Khrystyna Prytula, Researcher, Ph.D. Olena Pasternak and Leading Engineer Oksana Cysinska. Oksana Cysinskaya made a presentation on the theme "Current State and the Ways of Improving Activity in the Sphere of Ukrainian-Polish Cross-Border Cooperation".
| 2017.10.23-25. Rzeszow, Subcarpathian voivodeship, Poland. Annual Conference of the Poland-Belarus-Ukraine Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014-2020 On 2017, October 23-25 in Rzeszow of Poland Annual Conference of the Poland-Belarus-Ukraine Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014-2020 entitled "Cross Border Neighborhood" was held that was devoted to the best practices in the development and implementation of cross-border projects and the synthesis of the results of the first competition for the Heritage thematic objective. Approximately 250 participants from Poland, Belarus and Ukraine joined to the event. From the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research NAS of Ukraine as a participant of the Program for the thematic purpose "Heritage" the conference was attended by members of the sector of problems of cross-border cooperation Head of the sector, Doctor of Economics, Senior Researcher Khrystyna Prytula, Junior Researcher Yaroslava Kalat and Leading Engineer Oksana Tsysinska.
| 2017.10.19. Lviv, Ukraine. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Reseach of NAS of Ukraine, Ukrainian-Polish Round Table "Competitiveness of Territories: Local and Global Challenges" On 2017, October 19 in Lviv in Dolishniy Institute of Regional Reseach of NAS of Ukraine Ukrainian-Polish Round Table "Competitiveness of Territories: Local and Global Challenges" was held, the main organizer of which was the Sector of Spatial Development of the Institute. In particular, from the Polish side, the event was attended by representatives of the Institute of Environmental Management and Territorial Policy and the Institute for the Organization of the Environment and Spatial Policy of the University of Lodz, the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Office of Spatial Planning of the Lodz Voivodship, the Strategic Bureau of the Administration of Lodz, the Consulate General Republic of Poland in Lviv. From the Ukrainian side, the participants of the round table were representatives of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Reseach of NAS of Ukraine, the Lviv Polytechnic National University, the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Scientific-educational complex "Economist", Public organization "Institute of Regionalistics", Association of Ukrainian Cities, local governments.