Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine recruit papers in professional scientific journal
"Regional economy» Volume 3 (105) for 2022
Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine recruit papers in professional scientific journal
"Socio-economic problems of the modern period of Ukraine» Volumes 4 (156) and 5 (157) for 2022
Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine recruits for 2022 until September 10, 2022 in graduate school until September 10, 2022 (under the terms of the contract) in doctoral studies

| 17.03.2023. VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Prospects for the Development of Entrepreneurship from a Global Perspective" On March 17, 2023, the VII International Scientific Conference "Prospects for the Development of Entrepreneurship from a Global Perspective" was held online on the Teams platform, organized by the University of Lodz (Poland) together with the Aegean University ( Turkey), Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

| 08.12.2022. Round table "Freight traffic flows across EU-Ukraine: current trends and future prospects" On December 8, 2022 an online round table «Freight traffic flows across EU-Ukraine: current trends and future prospects» was held within the scope of the project «Increasing the capacity of freight transportation infrastructure on EU-Ukraine borders» (No 22220189) funded by International Visegrad Fund (Visegrad Grant+ Programme). Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of National Academy of Science of Ukraine arranged the event. Congratulatory Speeches: - Vasyl Kravtsiv, Director of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Prof., Dr.;
- Ewelina Stacherzak, Project Manager, International Visegrad Fund;
- Іоan Horga, Prof., University of Oradea, Romania;
- Maksym Sahan, The Department of International Technical Assistance and International Cooperation of the Lviv Regional State Administration;
- Khrystyna Prytula, Coordinator of the Project, Head of the Cross-Border Cooperation Sector, IRD NANU, Dr.
At the round table, project partners from Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania have highlighted and discussed the study results concerning the existing capacity of road and railway border crossing points on the border Ukraine with EU member states, eliminated bottlenecks as well as ways to improve performance of BCPs. Researchers from the Institute have introduced such topics: - Head of the Cross-Border Cooperation Sector, Dr. Khrystyna Prytula «Institutional and economic factors of the development of freight transportation across the Ukraine-EU border: analysis of main trends and problems»;
- PhD Anna Maksymenko «The Underlying Trends in Road and Rail Freight Traffic Flows across Ukraine-Poland and Ukraine-Slovakia Border»
- PhD Yaroslava Kalat «The transport and logistics infrastructure of Ukraine on the border with Hungary and Romania: analysis of the current state and bottlenecks».
About 40 people participated in the round table: representatives of central and regional authorities, regional customs, border agencies as well as academic researchers from Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. The recommendations based on the results of the round table will be prepared for central and regional authorities. Photos from event: 

| 01.12.2022. Round Table “Freight traffic flows across EU-Ukraine: current trends and future prospects” is ongoing to held online on 8 December 2022 Round Table “Freight traffic flows across EU-Ukraine: current trends and future prospects” is ongoing to held online on 8 December 2022. Partners from Ukraine will present research concerning existing capacity of road and rail border crossing points at the land border with EU-Ukraine. Participants will discuss ways to increase freight capacity flows at EU-Ukraine land border through existing border crossing points, bottlenecks of transport infrastructure at the border regions of Ukraine. Partners from EU-countries will present topics about the existing transport network (road and rail), infrastructure development from their side of the border as well as regional, national, EU legal framework concerning prospect for increasing the capacity of existing border crossing point or opening new ones at Poland/Slovakia/Hungary/Romania land border with Ukraine. Representatives of regional and government authorities, policy makers from Custom Service, researchers and other stakeholders will be invited to the round table. An event program can be download here.

| 24-25.11.2022. International scientific conference "Transformation processes in Ukraine after the Russian-Ukrainian war: interdisciplinary assessments" On November 24-25, 2022, the International Scientific Conference "Transformation Processes in Ukraine after the Russian-Ukrainian War: Interdisciplinary Assessments" was held, organized by the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, the "Synthesis" Educational and Scientific Center of the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University and NGO "All-Ukrainian Association of International Economists". The conference was attended by employees of the Department of Regional Economic Policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics, Prof. Shults S. L., Doctor of economics, Prof. Mokiy A. I., Ph.D. of Economics, Senior Researcher Karpyak M. O., graduate students Voytenko O. A. and Yanovych A. V. The scientific discussion was focused on discussing the problems of Ukraine's foreign economic policy, the foreign experience of post-war recovery, the development of the real economy and the prospective economic model of Ukraine, and the role of cultural, spiritual and religious factors in the transformation process. We express our sincere thanks to the distinguished prof. Filipenko Anton Serhiyovych and the organizers of the conference for the invitation. The conference program is here. Photo from the event: 

| 25.11.2022. Round table "Economy of Ukraine in conditions of war: losses and directions of recovery" On November 25, 2022, within the framework of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Competitiveness and Innovation: Problems of Science and Practice", dedicated to the outstanding scientist-economist O. H. Lieberman, a round table "Economy of Ukraine in conditions of war: losses and directions of recovery" was held, organized by Kharkiv Semen Kuznets National University of Economics and the Scientific Research Center of Industrial Development Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. At this scientific event, the report of Doctor of Economics, Professor A. I. Mokiy "Methodological approach to modeling the productive capacity of the region in the conditions of war" was presented, which highlighted the peculiarities of the transformation of the methodological foundations of the study of the productive capacity of the regional economy in the conditions of the challenges of the global environment and substantiated the national macro model of limited economic growth in the conditions of the war with the Russian Federation. Photo from the event: 

| 03.11.2022. The kick-off meeting with the members of the project “Increasing the Capacity of Freight Transportation Infrastructure on EU-Ukraine Borders” On November 3, 2022, the kick-off meeting with the members of the project “Increasing the Capacity of Freight Transportation Infrastructure on EU-Ukraine Borders” was organized. Within this project (funded by the Visegrad Fund) the contract has been signed by the representatives of the Institute and International Visegrad Fund. Coordinator of the project Assoc. Prof. Khrystyna Prytula from the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine has wished the team best of luck on our new project which has been officially started on the October 1 this year. During the kick-off meeting, issues concerning the roles and responsibilities, statistics and sources of data as well as the timetable of the project's events and deadlines have been discussed. The path has been defined to achieve the project's objectives. Moreover, the project coordinator has laid out a timeline with deliverables to be met and output that should be presented at the first online seminar. All partners are determined to succeed in the project’s implementation. Project Partners: 1. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine (Leader) 2. WSB University (Poland), https://wsb.edu.pl/en 3. Institute of Geography of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (Slovakia), http://www.geography.sav.sk/ 4. University of Debrecen (Hungary), https://unideb.hu/en 5. University of Oradea (Romania), https://www.uoradea.ro Photos from the event: 

| 06.10.2022. IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative Technologies in the Development of Modern Society" On October 6, 2022, the 4th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative Technologies in the Development of Modern Society" was held, in which the Head of the Department of Regional Economic Policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Doctor of Economics, Prof. Svitlana Shults. The organizers of the conference were the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Promising Technologies of the Lviv Polytechnic National University together with the Higher Technical School in Katowice, the University of Economics in Kraków, the State Higher Technical and Economic School named after Pr. Bronisław Markiewicz, Tadeusz Kosciuszko Polytechnic of Kraków, Higher School of Insurance and Finance, Higher School of International Business ISM in Slovakia, Higher School of Security and Economics, Higher School of Security Management, Institute of Rural Development and Agriculture of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

| 06.10.2022. Online forum "Investment attractiveness of communities in conditions of war and post-war recovery" On September 27-29, 2022, the head of the sector of cross-border cooperation of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine" Doctor of Economics Khrystyna Prytula took part in the International Scientific Conference "Territorial and Interorganizational Cooperation" (Brenna, Poland). Prytula Kh. spoke at the plenary session with the report "Building global security through increasing the EU-Ukraine logistics and infrastructure connectivity" and was the moderator of Thematic Session 2. During the conference, problems of territorial management, cross-border and inter-organizational cooperation, sustainable management, migration flows, state strategies, project management, renewable energy sources and sustainable development, etc. were discussed. The organizers of the conference were: Research Institute on Territorial and Inter-Organizational Cooperation, WSB University; The Association for Regional Development and Cooperation "Olza"; Regional Association of Territorial Cooperation of Těšín Silesia; Scientific Society for Organization and Management, Branch in Dabrowa Gornicza; The Association Europa Nostra. The conference was attended by more than 150 people from 28 countries, representing more than 60 research centers from around the world. Among the invited guests were world-renowned scientists and practitioners in the field of cross-border cooperation. The conference program is here. Photos from the event: 

| 26.09.2022. International Scientific Conference "Sustainable Development in Management and Finance: Science-Business-Self-Governance" On September 26, 2022, the cyclical 11th International Scientific Conference "Sustainable Development in Management and Finance: Science-Business-Self-Governance" was held online, organized by: the Faculty of Management of Czestochowa Polytechnic, the Faculty of Management of Warsaw Polytechnic, the Higher Banking School in Poznań (Chorzów Branch) and the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The event brought together scientists, economists and managers from different countries, who had the opportunity to exchange the results of scientific research and practical experience. More than 50 scientists from Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Romania, Lithuania, Turkey, Bahrain, Nigeria, Kenya took part in the conference. 3 sections were held within the conference: 1. Management and knowledge at the service of sustainable development; 2. Innovations for sustainable development; 3. Economic and environmental problems of sustainable development. The conference was attended by scientists from the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in particular: Doctor of Economics, Professor Iryna Storonyanska; Doctor of Economics, Professor Yuriy Stadnytskyi; Junior Researcher Ivanna Myshchyshyn. The result of the conference will be the publication of articles in publications of partner institutions. The conference program is here.

| 22.09.2022. International Scientific Conference "Economics, Finance and Management in Conditions of Uncertainty" (Lviv, online, Teams platform) On September 22, 2022, the XII International Scientific Conference "Economics, Finance and Management in Conditions of Uncertainty" was held online on the Teams platform, organized by the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research jointly with the Higher Banking School in Poznań (Republic of Poland). Co-organizers of the conference were: Częstochowa Polytechnic, Rzeszów University (Institute of Economics and Finance), Lublin Polytechnic. The plenary session opened with welcoming words from representatives of the Higher School of Banking in Poznań (branch in Chozów) by Dr. Hab., Prof. Lukasz Wawrowski and Dr. Hab., Prof. Wieslaw Kaputa, as well as professor of the Department of Finance, Banking and Accounting of the Czestochowa Polytechnic, Doctor of Hab., Prof. Izabella Krawczyk-Sokolovska and the head of the department of finance, banking and accounting of the Lublin Polytechnic, Dr. Hab., prof. Artur Pazhdziora. On behalf of the Institute of Regional Research, the conference participants were greeted by the Head of the Department of problems of the real sector of the regional economy, Dr.Sci. of Economics, professor Svitlana Ishchuk, who emphasized the special importance for Ukraine of helping and supporting Poland in the face of Russian military aggression. The conference program is here.